Recruiting Blogs (24,312)

Standing Ovation – A New Monthly Feature

I’m proud to acknowledge the efforts and results of my clients in this new feature I’m affectionately calling a Standing Ovation.

This month’s Standing Ovation Goes to Amy in Minnesota. Amy is a senior leader in a manufacturing services firm servicing the Twin Cities. As a result of her commitment to Radical Accountability, which has been a focus in our work together, Amy has successfully doubled the size of the sales team in a market where finding…


Added by Scott Wintrip on May 15, 2013 at 8:42am — No Comments

I'm sorry are you the organ grinder or the monkey?

Picture of a monkey sitting in front of an old style organ quickly Photo-shopped by Stephen Hart of Edenchanges!

Lessons from the Wolf Pack #9

I'm sorry are you the organ grinder or the monkey?

Have you had the experience of reception putting you through to someone and when the other person answers they don’t say who they…


Added by Stephen Hart on May 15, 2013 at 8:00am — No Comments

Resumes with assessment reports increase recruiter revenue by 16%

As a recruiter, you have to take care of many things – vetting resumes, finding and calling candidates, shortlisting, negotiating and then ensuring that you get paid for your effort. All of these take time. So how would you increase productivity of your team without investing in expensive new tools and more recruiters?

More effective recruitment practices and better understanding of an employer’s requirement will obviously help, but our research suggest that you can easily increase…


Added by rashmi on May 15, 2013 at 1:30am — 1 Comment

Suck it up princess. This is as good as it gets

I rarely ‘go to lunch’. Business lunches, anyway.

But recently I did, with a group of industry veterans including Geoff Morgan, the Founder of Morgan and Banks, and Talent2. In an industry short of true leaders and innovators, Geoff stands out as a remarkably resilient business builder, and creator of careers, as well as shareholder…


Added by Greg Savage on May 14, 2013 at 8:49pm — 21 Comments

Boolean Operators and More Updated!!

Boolean Operators and More Updated!!


So this is an update to my all inclusive list of operators. The update is as of 5/14/13, of course I will have other updates as I find new operators. Why you ask, well as I said below there are always new ones being discovered.


So, as most of you know…


Added by Dean Da Costa on May 14, 2013 at 3:54pm — No Comments

Do People Use LinkedIn to Creep on Attractive Women?

LinkedIn "People Also Viewed"

Most of us use LinkedIn to network professionally, but a colleague recently told me people were using it to check women out.  Try looking at my LinkedIn profile,  Look on the right side under “People Also Viewed” and you’ll see a diverse…


Added by Bert Shimabukuro on May 14, 2013 at 3:26pm — No Comments

Day in the Life of a Corporate Recruiter

Recruiting is a lot of things. It is a whirlwind, it is exciting, it can be demanding and simultaneously rewarding. You may
feel you have a massive effect on your organization, or you might feel you're a cog in a machine.


Let's take a quick look at a day in the life of the corporate recruiter.…


Added by Angela Yu on May 14, 2013 at 3:24pm — No Comments

DOL Cracking Down on Misclassification of Independent Contractors

There's a new sheriff in town when it comes to worker misclassification.

Many employers use 1099 independent contractors (ICs) to reduce the costs associated with workers.  By utilizing ICs, employers avoid paying the employer share of payroll taxes, the expenses associated with Workers' Compensation and unemployment, employee benefits costs, and the time and money associated with administering various employment tasks.  However, employers can't just call a worker an…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on May 14, 2013 at 10:30am — No Comments

Do you know what your ROI of your decisions are?

Turn to almost any organization in the country and a familiar thread is going to be heard - What is the ROI (Return on Investment) for this project? Human Resources is no different. Through the works of Bersin & Associates, who in their 2011 report "The Best Practices for the High Impact HR Organization" determined that the top challenge for HR Management was…


Added by Daniel T. Bloom on May 13, 2013 at 2:13pm — 1 Comment

What Pumpcast News Can Teach Us About Leadership

In just four days, over five million people have viewed the YouTube video of the musical couple featured on Pumpcast News. This hilarious feature shows what happens when a television monitor, normally displaying broadcast news and advertisements over a gas pump, is converted into an interactive video conference for the benefit of The Tonight Show audience. So enthralled were the producers of…


Added by Scott Wintrip on May 13, 2013 at 12:10pm — No Comments

Radical Accountability Heroes and Zeroes of the Week

Each week, I feature companies, organizations, industries, and even individuals who exemplify the power of Radical Accountability (the Heroes who have committed to an unwavering responsibility for getting done what really matters most) and the need for it (the Zeroes).


Grand Geneva Resort (Lake Geneva, WI)

For your outstanding service and commitment to excellence this week. The entire…


Added by Scott Wintrip on May 13, 2013 at 12:07pm — No Comments

Job Seekers - Don't take rejection personally

Rejection is part of the job hunting process.

Think about it: If I involve 60 candidates in a headhunt, eventually 59 are going to be rejected. It's a mathematical likelihood you will be in a position to be disappointed more…


Added by Martin Ellis on May 13, 2013 at 4:00am — No Comments

Can Positive Body Language Help My Job Interview

How much of a difference can my body language make during the job interview process?

Have you ever had really exciting news you wanted to share with a friend…maybe you were planning on asking the girl you love to marry you, or you just got a big promotion at work? Then when you tell your friend, they say congratulations and that they are incredibly happy for…


Added by Gavin Redelman on May 12, 2013 at 7:42pm — No Comments

Is Using An Online Resume Template A Good Idea?

When I google “Resume Templates” hundreds of searches appear. By using one of these templates will this help or actually reduce my chances of finding a job?

When I first realised I needed to make a resume as a college student, the task seemed a little…


Added by Gavin Redelman on May 12, 2013 at 7:37pm — No Comments

What Does Your Business Say About You?

One reason I find business so fascinating is the intrinsic ability to create something so unique and specific.

Enzo Ferrari created a company that sells and races absolutely mad expensive cars and carries enormous prestige. It didn't just "happen". He envisioned it, he planned it, he worked at it, and he enjoyed it. The same applies to every other great company. The inverse is true for the mentally handicapped companies.

Anyone who thinks great companies are a matter of "right…


Added by TJ on May 12, 2013 at 3:47am — No Comments

Be Careful When Checking Contractors' Credit

If your client requests a credit check on a candidate for a professional contract assignment, you should do it, right? Not necessarily. You could actually be breaking the law if you comply with this simple client request!

Nine states (California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, and Colorado) have laws restricting the use of credit information in employment decisions. Colorado is the latest to pass legislation, which goes into…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on May 10, 2013 at 12:29pm — No Comments

How To Get Your CV Noticed

Your CV is your one way ticket between you and that dream job. That’s why it is vital to ensure that you’re CV stands out amongst the crowd, and gets noticed by the employer.

Cater Your CV ToThe Job You Are Applying For

To make your CV really stand out, write a cover letter for each individual job that you apply for. At first it may seem time consuming,…


Added by Daniel Smith on May 10, 2013 at 1:27am — No Comments

Construction Recruitment Agencies – Help You Find Desired Job

Construction Recruitment Agencies are agencies that focus mainly on meeting the staffing needs of construction companies. Since the construction industry has been growing consistently and rapidly, and is further expected to grow in the coming years, plenty of job opportunities are being created. This has led to the emergence of agencies to bring together companies and individuals in this specific area.…


Added by Sharon Kaith on May 10, 2013 at 12:08am — 1 Comment

Are You Prepared to Turn in Your Two Week Notice?

Turning in your two weeks notice can be a stressful and stress relieving process for anyone involved in making a career transition. You may be wildly loyal to your current employer but presented with a career opportunity you know you can’t pass up. On the other hand, you may dread turning into the company parking lot every morning and can’t wait to sever ties with your responsibilities and move on to a new and exciting career opportunity. Regardless of your situation, it’s important to focus…


Added by Rob Havey on May 9, 2013 at 4:28pm — No Comments


Candidates often complain that they never hear back when they send their resume.  I have to admit I generally reply to everyone out of respect and understanding that during these difficult times, everyone deserves to be heard (or at least their resume responded to).  The reason I say generally is that I have continued to place ads where I not only ask for specific requirements, I also have been clear that people should NOT APPLY if they do not meet those requirements.  Since I read…


Added by Terra on May 9, 2013 at 1:12pm — No Comments

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