Today's guest is a very good writer. He's a professional journalist but he is moving his career towards being a Content Manager on websites.
What's a Content Manager? He manages all aspects of a commercial website and…
Added by Recruiting Animal on December 5, 2012 at 1:30pm —
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Much has been said (and to my chagrin), about recruiters who are money hungry, blood sucking, pieces of …well you get the point. I would like to believe that recruiters love what they do and genuinely look out for the best interest of their candidates. After all, we’re all in this business to better the careers and quality of lives of people, right? A little money earned by recruiters doesn’t hurt…
Added by Mike Chuidian on December 5, 2012 at 11:30am —
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This post is a summary of GooodJob’s recent white paper, “Embrace a New Approach to Employee Referral Programs by Rewarding Efforts.”.
It’s OK to say it – your employee referral program needs help. You know that referrals are a major source of best-in-class talent, yet you are having trouble scrounging up…
Added by Assaf Eisenstein on December 5, 2012 at 9:30am —
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Since I started writing this "How to Choose a Headhunter" series in 2008, the world of recruitment/headhunting has turned upside down. Back then, my first post was the top questions I'd advise anybody considering engaging a headhunter for the first time, but time has moved on and the questions have changed - although not all of them!…
Added by Martin Ellis on December 5, 2012 at 9:00am —
Scott provides four questions to review the current year and set the stage for next year.

Added by Scott Wintrip on December 5, 2012 at 7:41am —
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So you have been successful in securing an interview, you have passed the…
Added by AdMore Recruitment on December 5, 2012 at 7:00am —
There are a lot of books out about success. I read Stephen Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective people" when I was in High School. I read "Rich Dad Poor Dad", "The Richest Man in Babylon", and other like books including "The Millionaire Next Door". I love these kind of books that tell important real life lessons of work ethic, thinking long term and building wealth for future security. There are books like "Outliers" also that talk about the differences of what makes someone like Bill…
Added by Joshua Lee on December 5, 2012 at 1:30am —
No one but Larry and Sergey know the secret sauce in Google’s algorithm, but there are 5 principles to help you “think like Google” that will help your SEO (search engine optimization) for your job descriptions.
1) The URL Should Be In Plain English
Let’s start at the top: the URL.…
Added by Jason Webster on December 4, 2012 at 11:30pm —
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f you’ve started your job search or looked at career resources, you’re probably hearing this word a lot—Networking. You may be thinking you don’t know any professionals in the career that interests you, or find the task daunting. In reality, each of us already has networks that can help us in our career path and job search.
The first step to networking is to think…
Added by Gavin Redelman on December 4, 2012 at 6:50pm —
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Online labor demand in the United States began its descent toward the end of the year. Employers posted 2.4% fewer job openings in November than in October. Employers struggled to maintain a decent level of labor demand this year. Cracks began to show in June when the market lost 3.0% of its volume. From there it was a slow slide towards election day. During the four weeks before the election posting volume increased indicating more optimism on the employer side (see weekly chart below).…
Added by Henning Seip on December 4, 2012 at 2:06pm —
Before an applicant even walks through the doors of your business, they should have a clear idea of your company culture. And, part of recruiting qualified employees should be your company culture. If you effectively market your company’s culture, you can grab the attention and recruit the best…
Added by Erica Bell on December 4, 2012 at 12:33pm —
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This isn’t complete by any means, but thanks to John Sumser, Eric Shannon, Wikipedia, Chris Russell, and others, it covers the basics (I hope!). Amazing how far we’ve come in 22 years!…

Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on December 4, 2012 at 9:52am —
Video Series: The Simple Truth – The Compelling Case

Click to play.
Scott’s new video book,…
Added by Scott Wintrip on December 4, 2012 at 8:51am —
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In the last 11 months, the social media landscape has continued to evolve at a rapid pace. There have been tons of updates to social networks such as Global brand pages on Facebook, new LinkedIn company pages, Twitter cover photos and more. Several of these updates made social media even more attractive for recruiters.
If you have not yet jumped into social media recruiting, now is as good a time as ever to …
Added by Prafull Sharma on December 4, 2012 at 2:00am —
Better late than never, Bullhorn recently announced an integration feature with Workopolis, Canada's largest on-line career portal. Just two weeks later, forward thinking Bullhorn CEO Art Papas announced his company's acquisitions of Canadian competitor MaxHire and St. Louis-based Sendouts.
Added by Steve Jones on December 3, 2012 at 10:29pm —
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Added by Meghan Doherty on December 3, 2012 at 4:00pm —
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Here are some of the Social Media tools I use and why?
There is no value in data, the value comes from the interpretation of data, and Visibli is an online tool that will help with this. It’s used for real-time data analytics, allowing you to see how many clicks your links have received, who clicked them and how engaged they were, plus it’s fully customisable to agencies, businesses and individuals.
Added by Amanda Ashworth on December 3, 2012 at 3:38pm —
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State of the Economy
The economy is a dichotomy that as soon as you think you have it figured out, the projections you felt were safe get thrown upside down. I've been in the staffing industry for 14 years and recently decided to add up how many of those years have been recessionary and I came up with nine to ten. The trends seem to indicate that the economy is improving at a tangible pace. For instance, Dice just released a statistic last week of…
Added by Mike Barefoot on December 3, 2012 at 2:38pm —
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I live on your basic Main Street America (seriously, I live on Main Street). One lane is for cars going north and the other going south. Which brings me to a question – why when something is not going the way we want – we say “it’s going south?” What is wrong with going south and why are we so down it?
I digress. When I go for a walk, I always walk on “my” side of the street (the side on which my home is located). Today I decided I needed fresh air and new perspective and…
Added by Bonnie Brooks on December 3, 2012 at 10:55am —
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Recently, IBM polled 1,700 CEOs from 64 countries around the world about their thoughts on social media. The study garnered many viewpoints from CEOs across various industries, with topics ranging from customer engagement to brand monitoring, and using social media outlets as a knowledge platform. Here are some of their thoughts: …
Added by Meghan Doherty on December 3, 2012 at 10:00am —
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