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5 Best Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 10.20.12 to 10.26.12

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. In this article, we’ll be talking about candidate courtesy, Halloween, Goldman Sachs, recruiting experience and active candidates.


Here are the articles that interested us this week (in no particular order), enjoy!:



Added by Chris Brablc on October 26, 2012 at 3:10pm — No Comments

Email Marketing MIGHT Work…

…If you respond to your prospect.

Last week I received a LinkedIn message from a niche job board salesperson. I got it several times actually – he sent it to everyone on our recruiting team and they all forwarded it to me. This particular job board focuses on marketing, and the timing couldn’t have been better – our marketing and ecommerce teams are exploding.  

The message referenced a specific job posting (even though I already had a finalist and was ready to…


Added by Amy Ala Miller on October 26, 2012 at 11:25am — 4 Comments

What a wonderful life

I must admit - I lose perspective at times.  I have a home office, loyal team members working in their own offices and plenty of opportunity to pursue my destiny each day on my own terms.

This morning I stopped into the gas station for a fill up.  I just happened to notice the last guy stopped at $5.  How can that even get you down the street?  It was an odd thing - for me to consider really.  Maybe he was just filling up a gas tank for the lawn mower?  That could be.  But I don't…


Added by Jerry Albright on October 26, 2012 at 8:30am — 7 Comments

Avoid Artwork Affliction

Video Series: The Simple Truth – Avoid Artwork Affliction

Click here to…

Added by Scott Wintrip on October 26, 2012 at 8:11am — No Comments

There's not a lack of talent, there's a lack of creativity and forethought!

The following is an elongated version of a comment I made recently about an article which posed the question "Does talent grow on trees" and debated whether there is a talent shortage in the current marketplace.

As someone who has worked in recruitment marketing for over 20 years, I would say there has been a definite dumbing down in the messages that some people, recruiters and employers alike, put out there these days under the guise of being a…


Added by Alasdair Murray on October 26, 2012 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

What HR really thinks about your Office Halloween Costume

I loved working with this guy, what an Office Halloween Costume!


Office Halloween Costumes are one my guilty HR pleasures.  Up there with interviewing a young co-ed, delivering a pink slip to the office bully, and my personal favorite: reporting a 20% less yearly…


Added by HRNasty on October 25, 2012 at 11:00pm — No Comments

The New Employee: A New HR Dynamic

In several blog posts over the last year or so I have referred to “The New Employee Economy.” So what is it? In a nutshell – it is the future.

Anybody over the age of 35 has grown up in a world where they mostly understand work as a commitment to some organization or company that lasts for 8 to 10 years (maybe more) and you move on one or two more times before you retire. The company takes care of your insurance (increasingly less so) provides you with a career path, some on-the-job…


Added by Jerry D. Thurber on October 25, 2012 at 5:14pm — No Comments

How Smartphones Enhance Job Searches

Smartphones have become an increasingly popular tool to facilitate searches for employment and related tasks. Job seekers without smartphones place themselves at a severe disadvantage. Here are seven ways how smartphones provide an “edge” to professionals seeking new job opportunities:
1. Browse Jobs and News via Social Media Mobile Facebook and…

Added by Lauren McGrath on October 25, 2012 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

HCAHPS Scores is a Game Changer

The intent of the HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) initiative is to provide a standardized survey instrument and data collection methodology for measuring patients' perspectives on hospital care. This initiative in healthcare recruiting has become an essential part of our hiring practice. If ever there was a time to hardwire a culture of…


Added by Keri Brzozowski on October 25, 2012 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Hire Salespeople Who Like Shiny Things (The Wall of Ideas)

StaffingU and the Wintrip Consulting Group recently sponsored the Wall of Ideas, an idea exchange done graffiti-style, at the most recent Staffing World. Over the coming weeks, I’ll share some of these ideas and provide commentary on how to employ these in your firm.

Hire Salespeople Who Like Shiny Things

Healthy greed by itself does not a good…


Added by Scott Wintrip on October 25, 2012 at 10:12am — No Comments

Why High Tech Companies are Behind in Mobile Recruiting!

A few months back we published the Corporate Mobile Readiness Report, an assessment of the Fortune 500′s presence on the mobile web. We evaluated the companies on six criteria ranging from native apps, to mobile optimization of the corporate site, the career site, as well as the continuity between them.  It was not surprising to find out that most companies are not ready.  Less than 30% have mobile corporate websites, and only 13% have a…


Added by Sylvester Simon Pascal on October 25, 2012 at 10:00am — No Comments

Resume Tips for Jobseekers

Resume Secrets for Job Seekers 

by Mike Barefoot

Senior Account Executive at Red Zone Resources Staffing & Recruitment


People ask regularly why they should keep their resume up to date.  Given the economy, you can never…


Added by Mike Barefoot on October 25, 2012 at 9:59am — No Comments

My take on #TruLondon

So I survived my first #TruLondon and can’t wait for the next one, having spent 2 days with an amazing mix of people. They were all full of knowledge along with new ideas and aren't afraid to push boundaries.
The legend that…

Added by Amanda Ashworth on October 25, 2012 at 7:00am — No Comments

Job hunting? The 10 things you should know to find and get the role you want.

Looking for a new job? Relatively happy where you are but could be tempted? Well however actively looking you are, here’s how to find the hidden jobs you might never hear about and then create an application so good they’ve just got to interview you.

Tip 1: Write your own CV/resume

Don't go and pay $50 to have someone write one for you. It's a waste of…


Added by Nick Leigh-Morgan on October 25, 2012 at 6:00am — 3 Comments

Eye of the Tiger- 10 Traits of Fearless Leaders

The definition of fearless according to Merriam-Webster is quite simply "free from fear; brave". Some synonyms of fearless are bold, courageous, gallant, gutsy, heroic, stout, undaunted, and valiant. Any successful business professional has some or all of these traits. 

In recent history, with the emergence of technology, I can think of many examples…


Added by Will Thomson on October 25, 2012 at 12:30am — 3 Comments

What do candidates really want from staffing process??

What do candidates really want from staffing process??

What do candidates really want from staffing process? How do they really feel they should be treated? What is good candidate service and satisfaction? These are the questions that staffing professionals have wondered for years. The…


Added by Dean Da Costa on October 24, 2012 at 10:43pm — 2 Comments

We All Sell, We Are All In Sales

By Carmen Lapham, Director of Recruiting and Operations, Q4B

If anyone asks you “What do you do for a living?” how do you respond? Most people answer with their job title and their company, as in “I am the owner of VF Transport” or “I am the head of production with MQ Manufacturing” or in my case, see my info above. Nothing wrong with this type of…


Added by Carmen Lapham on October 24, 2012 at 5:32pm — 8 Comments

Don’t forget about the Silver Medalists…

A few weeks ago at HR Technology Conference there was a great session called “What’s Next?  What Talent Acquisition Challenges are Seeking Technology Solutions?” with a tremendous panel of talent acquisition practitioners (for a more detailed look at insights from this panel, find them here.)

One idea that was brought up during…


Added by Chris Brablc on October 24, 2012 at 12:33pm — No Comments

The Biggest Referral Mistakes - The 5 most common things NOT to do!

We all want to grow our businesses. We all want to bring on and work with new clients. And, we don’t want just any clients, we want the right kind of clients. Ones who fit our businesses, who share our values, ones who value our service, ones who pay our bills!

Many of us spend large amounts of our time networking. We meet new people, we look for the potential to…


Added by james nathan on October 24, 2012 at 11:40am — No Comments

My Biggest Recruiting Challenges

My biggest recruiting challenges are:

• The biggest challenge is finding the needle in the haystack. Are we really equipped enough to find out whether the candidates can do the job, will they do the job, and how do they fit into the organization?

• Another challenge is convincing the hiring managers that a candidate is well qualified for the job. There are going to be people coming up on a year's out of work, and there are fresh people getting let go or looking for a new… Continue

Added by Rajnish Sinha on October 24, 2012 at 2:47am — No Comments

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