Recruiting Blogs (24,315)

Lost -N- Found

Most of the times we focused on the negative side of things. If we hear something "bad' happenned to someone (an individual we don't even know most of the time) somewhere in the world, we make sure we pass the information to more people. And now a days, with all the Social Media around us, these "sad stories" travel around fast and they spread like a disease.…


Added by Lorena Perry on January 31, 2012 at 1:06pm — 2 Comments

LinkedIn Tips For Power Users

Are you a LinkedIn power user? If you are, you still may be surprised to learn about LinkedIn Labs. LinkedIn Labs is a small set of projects and experimental features built by the employees of LinkedIn. In this episode I focus on two of my favorites: Resume Builder and Hero Connect. I think that both of those apps are incredibly useful to recruiters and job seekers. Click here to download the show…


Added by Jim Stroud on January 31, 2012 at 1:06pm — No Comments

The Cost of Making Derogatory Statements about your Employer in your (Personal) Social Media Profile…

Everyone wants to be part of Social Media. Linked In, Facebook, Twitter, Marketmesuite, Foursquare, Beknown, Branchout….etc,etc….there are many programs out there. It is fair however, to assume that even the information you place on these sources will be seen by persons other than those to which it was intended.

(please note that everything below this point->.<- is not intended to injure, insult, maim or otherwise impair someone's judgment of right or wrong in the world of…


Added by Daniel J Smith on January 31, 2012 at 10:00am — No Comments

How safe is your cloud?

Cloud Computing: How safe is your cloud

This post originally appeared on the SkillStorm blog:

Update: this morning it was anounced that the data will remain on Megaupload's site for two weeks, but access is still denied to users

US prosecutors of file sharing host Megaupload have announced that files may be deleted as…


Added by SkillStorm on January 31, 2012 at 9:30am — No Comments

US Online Job Market grows 1.0% in January 2012

Entering a new cycle, labor demand in January improved slightly (up 1.0%) compared to December. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics employers added 853,000 jobs to their payrolls in the second half of 2011. During this time online labor demand declined steadily suggesting that open positions were being closed due to the hires but not replaced with additional needs. With January showing already some improvement we expect labor demand to grow over the next months and hopefully exceed…


Added by Henning Seip on January 31, 2012 at 9:20am — 4 Comments

Issues to Watch for Exempt Computer Professionals

One of the most popular industries for contract staffing is Information Technology. It is also one of the trickiest to navigate in terms of overtime requirements.

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)requires that most employees have to be paid at a rate of 1.5 times their regular pay rate for any hours worked over 40 in a work week. However, the FLSA allows for certain job classifications to be exempt from these overtime regulations. In most cases, in…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on January 31, 2012 at 8:34am — No Comments

Temping vs benefits: Is it such a tough choice?

I’ve recently moved into the exciting world of providing Temps after a few years’ break & wow – has it changed. Not only because the Agency Workers Regulations that were introduced in October 2011 gives agency workers (temps) entitlement to the same basic employment & working conditions as if they’d been recruited directly. It’s also because I’ve noted that this ‘recession’ is scaring good, strong candidates away from leaving their ‘benefits’ to sign off & work. It was always…


Added by Roseanne Stockton on January 31, 2012 at 8:23am — No Comments

What do you get from a job besides a paycheck?

When you are evaluating a new position, one of the first thing you should ask yourself is:  What will I get from this job besides a paycheck?  There are several things you want to look at as you evaluate new positions.

  • Does this role provide the opportunity to develop my career?
    •  Is the job content in line with what I want to be doing
    • Make sure you understand what you will be working on, and…

Added by Paul Crowley on January 30, 2012 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

Recruiting Out of State Talent Successfully

It is interesting to listen when companies complain they have difficulty attracting candidates from out of state.  With a little research, a consultant may easily determine why they are experiencing those problems.


Relocation of candidates requires an understanding of psychology, an understanding that recruitment is a sales process, and a recruitment process that does not interfere with those understandings.


One of my clients decided to transition an important…


Added by Bill Humbert on January 30, 2012 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

Cultivating Connectedness

This day is one in which you have the opportunity to till the garden of connections in your work and your life. Today you’ll have the opportunity to nurture existing relationships, and like plants, these need to be fed, nourished, and tended to with care to promote their long-term growth.

Some of your connections may have withered away. Those that cannot be restored have served their purpose and should be set aside, creating space for you to plant the seeds of new relationships.…


Added by Scott Wintrip on January 30, 2012 at 12:10pm — No Comments

Networking Tips

Network can be a strong tool when it comes to filling and keeping your pipeline full. Here are couple of tips to capitalize on networking opportunities.

First Impressions

The first impression you make is very important in networking. When you see the opportunity to meet someone new walk up to them with confidence. One of the most important pieces to a good first impression is eye contact, look them in the eye as you approach and speak with them.  Put out your hand and…


Added by Kara Stringer on January 30, 2012 at 10:09am — No Comments

Recruiting Stars - What's the Reality?

Have you ever been in desperate need of money quickly?  I recall a situation in college when I needed cash fast.  In some of my dad’s parting words as he and…


Added by Tina Guth on January 30, 2012 at 9:30am — 5 Comments

Give the #customer what he wants

A Man From Cambridge

A man from Cambridge walked into a clothing store. He told the salesclerk "I am looking for a pair of polka dot pants in a size 34". The salesclerk looked at the man oddly and said "I have just the right thing!" and went into the backroom. He came out a few minutes later with a nice pair of khaki pants in a size 34. "Here you are sir, our best pants in a size 34!" The man replied, "indeed, those appear to be nice pants, however, I really need…


Added by Paul Crowley on January 29, 2012 at 8:41pm — 5 Comments

The Offer Acceptance to Job Start Transition

Most recruiters, corporate and third party alike have discovered that a candidate’s acceptance does not automatically translate to their start.  Many events may occur to prevent the candidate’s transition to employee, particularly if they need to relocate.


Therefore it is important to keep in contact through the period between their acceptance and their start.  It is also good for the hiring manager to communicate their excitement that the candidate is joining their team. …


Added by Bill Humbert on January 28, 2012 at 9:00am — No Comments

When There Are Too Many Candidates

Whether you are working in internal our outside recruiting, when there are too many candidates something is wrong.  The problem is that the job specs are off.  They are either interpreted and written incorrectly or given incorrectly.

Too many candidates is an enormous time waster and has a numbing effect.  Great candidates can be lost in the process.  Many times great candidates are left without being reviewed if there are too many.  Filling a job is not necessarily…


Added by Todd Kmiec on January 28, 2012 at 7:15am — 2 Comments

Go; No Go

Go, No Go

this is the basic quality check process. you run the finished or intermediate product through a series of filters or checks. If the product goes through, it is passed; if not, it is a reject.

The recruiting approach commonly being adopted by organisations across the globe are uncannily similar. The filters & tests change depending on what the company does and what they are hiring for, but the concept is same.  If the candidates pass through all the checks, they…


Added by Subramani B on January 28, 2012 at 4:25am — 4 Comments

5 Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 1.21.12 to 1.27.12

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. In this article, we’ll be talking about candidate experience, why passion matters, employer branding and social recruiting.


Here are the articles our that interested us this week (in no particular order), enjoy!:



Added by Chris Brablc on January 27, 2012 at 12:10pm — No Comments

Nazi Zombies from Outer Space

There are no Nazis in this blog, nor does outer space enter into the diatribe. However, zombies are briefly touched upon. Had I titled this blog "Candidate Types and Methodologies of Communication" or something Recruity (that's a word), I would have been bored before I even started writing. So, now that I have your attention, let us begin.


After you’ve been a Recruiter for fourscore and seven years, you’ve probably spoken to tens of thousands of candidates.  And each one…


Added by Phil McCraken on January 27, 2012 at 11:22am — 4 Comments

Building an Effective Job Description

Hiring managers in many companies do not understand the value of an effective job description.  One client said, “Just find me C++ programmers.”  When I asked if he was mostly interested in application programmers or software engineers, he simply looked at me.  If we found the right people, we would not waste his time reviewing resumes.  After taking the time up front, he was happy with our results.


The job description is the foundation of an effective recruitment process. …


Added by Bill Humbert on January 26, 2012 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments

4 Recruiting Trends to Watch in 2012

It's a new year, and the usual predictions abound about what will be hot in 2012.  Based on what we've been reading and hearing, here are the recruiting trends we think recruiters should keep an eye on:

1. Social Media Recruiting Wars - The race is on to see which social network, if any, will unseat LinkedIn as the recruiter's social network of choice.  When it was released last year, a lot of people had their money on Google+ due to it's ability to…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on January 26, 2012 at 11:13am — 2 Comments

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