Recruiting Blogs (24,316)

The Job Description / Job Search Mismatch

A recruiter posts a job and wonders, "Are these all the qualified candidates?" On the other side, a job seeker runs a job search and thinks, "Are these all the available jobs?" How does anyone know?

Analyzing Job Postings Against Relevant Searches

One way to see how well recruiters and job seekers find each other is to compare a set of job postings against relevant searches that should return those job postings. I'll evaluate Indeed because they are the…


Added by John P Carty on March 18, 2015 at 2:17pm — 1 Comment

International Women’s Day: Could driving more women into the IT workforce provide a solution for the widening skills gap?

On the 8th March, International Women’s Day celebrated the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. Even though only 30% of women make up the IT workforce (as highlighted in a recent report from the House of Lords), there are many achievements that women are making within the industry. International Women’s Day gives us…


Added by Austin Fraser Ltd on March 18, 2015 at 11:06am — No Comments

Today's Workforce Cares About Social Causes

“If we’re destroying our trees and destroying our environment and hurting animals and hurting one another and all that stuff, there’s got to be a very powerful energy to fight that. I think we need more love in the world. We need more kindness, more compassion, more joy, more laughter. I definitely want to contribute to that.” – …


Added by Julie Salerno on March 18, 2015 at 10:40am — No Comments

Job boards are the email of the recruiting world

New is always better than old. Don't believe me? Take an inventory of articles published in the last 12 months that focus on something new that will 'revolutionize' recruiting and leave all…


Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on March 18, 2015 at 8:00am — 6 Comments

CV checking, how recruiters do they controls the information provided?

You wish to apply for a senior management position in aeronautics or in the communication? No matter the industry, recruiters and recruitment agencies know how to verify the information in your CV. And the more you target a position of high responsibility; the likelihood is high that the recruiter conduct an audit of your resume before you hire … Our job blog tells you more.


One way everywhere: Internet

* If you have private profiles on Facebook, such as for…


Added by Priya N on March 18, 2015 at 7:22am — No Comments

What will the UK’s tech growth mean for recruitment processes?

A recent survey by Barclays has concluded that the UK’s technology sector is set to grow four times faster than Gross Domestic Product (GDP) this year. By surveying owners and chief executives across the country, the survey found that tech businesses will grow 11% in 2015. In contrast, the UK’s GDP is set to grow by 2.6% in the same time. Expansion is predicted to…


Added by Austin Fraser Ltd on March 18, 2015 at 6:08am — No Comments

How Many Jobs are Available for Pharmacists?

Unlike the massive staff shortages of doctors and nurses, the UK has a steady flow of candidates to fill pharmaceutical roles. But will this always be the case?

The number of qualified pharmacists entering the profession in the UK has increased due to higher student numbers and more pharmacists relocating to…


Added by Ron Stewart on March 18, 2015 at 5:53am — No Comments

Online Training for HR Specialist

Human resources training by its very nature must be in-depth and include the sort of information that is both practical in its approach and complete in terms of content structure. Human Resources cover a wide range of topics after all and much of the work is confidential, legal and has wide implications. Because HR specialists deal with people, their jobs are…


Added by Rosemary Brown on March 18, 2015 at 2:53am — No Comments

Features Of The Best Entry Level Road Bike

Being able to buy the one of the best entry level road bikes is essential if you want to have a high quality bike that islightweight and durable. To be able to find the best entry level road bike, you should be able to know what features you should look for. These features are essential to know about, so that you can know for sure that you’re going to buy one of the best bikes available for entry level riding:…

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Added by Geo Msn on March 18, 2015 at 1:30am — No Comments

How To Train A Hiring Manager

Let’s face it. As a recruiter, you’re out there on the front lines, rolling up your sleeves to source, screen and slate the top talent on the market. You’re able to do whatever it takes to find that always elusive purple squirrel, that needle in the proverbial passive haystack, and, against all odds, turn them into interested, engaged applicants.

Too bad you can’t get…


Added by Katrina Kibben on March 17, 2015 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

Wake Up and Find Out How to Truly Motivate in the Workplace

What makes a happy employee? Perhaps free lunches, a new puppy… maybe even ongoing employee education will do the trick. Maintaining a motivated office is far more important than many believe. So much so, the cost of unhappy, unengaged employees in the workforce is up to $300 billion in the U.S. annually. This is not a…


Added by Sean Pomeroy on March 17, 2015 at 10:26am — 1 Comment

What To Consider Before Buying Cheap Monitors

When the name cheap is mentioned so many ideas come in the mind of different people. We all have different ideas of what cheap is . For some it simply means low price for others it means anything substandard. When looking for any item to buy many people are looking for products with an affordable price tag, simply cheap price. In this case cheap means low price and not substandard or low quality.  There are many multiple monitors out there. Some are…


Added by Geo Msn on March 17, 2015 at 5:00am — No Comments

More Followers, More Work - Twitter Tactics for Recruiters

I’ll never forget how I was picked to be the social media expert at my first company. It was 2008 and I was working at a startup called I was hired as part of the sales team then moved to marketing when we realized we did in fact need a marketing team. Oh, startups.

Anyway, I was sitting at my desk when our lead investor and co-founder popped his head…


Added by Katrina Kibben on March 16, 2015 at 2:30pm — 3 Comments

Achieving More by Doing Less – The Lean Approach to Success

While less is more is a popular statement, many people find that saying it is much easier than living and working in this manner. Achieving better sales, recruiting better talent, and being more effective as a leader requires doing less while focusing on always taking action on the next right thing.

Here are the three steps to create the space and focus needed to become a leaner and more proficient leader, salesperson, or recruiter:

  1. Identify which aspects of your job you…

Added by Scott Wintrip on March 16, 2015 at 1:59pm — No Comments

Trees, Culture, and Recruiting

Sounds as if another ubiquitous #CultureChat has taken place at SXSW replete with recycled lines about what culture is to the experts. Could they all be wrong?

While it's…


Added by Steve Levy on March 16, 2015 at 11:20am — 3 Comments

5 Marketing Tactics for Recruiters

Automation. Branding. Target. Messaging. Nurturing. Social.

Do all these words sound familiar? If you’re a recruiter they probably do, but until pretty recently, these words were more familiar to the folks over in your marketing department. In fact, over the last few years, recruiters have increasingly been encouraged to take up the…


Added by Maren Hogan on March 16, 2015 at 10:33am — No Comments

Succeeding In a Job Interview: Learn a Few Rules of the Game

How many times have you left the office after an interview feeling that you haven’t done your best? Roughly a half of all job-seekers get too nervous about the entire procedure and fail to impress. Here are a few rules one should stick to when preparing and going to a job interview.


1. Do your homework. The rule seems obvious, but in fact…


Added by Ann Aldrich on March 16, 2015 at 8:30am — No Comments

How Swift Money Alternative Is Better Than Wonga Loans?

Wonga loans are quite popular especially in the UK area. Whenever the people of UK needs payday loans, they fall for Wonga loans which offer amazing benefits to the borrowers. Although payday loans and Wonga loans are just the same with a slight difference of lenders, but the concept is the same for both the terms.

Wonga loans are the payday loans offered specifically from…


Added by Geo Msn on March 16, 2015 at 6:30am — No Comments

Diversity fail: Why you should never trust CVs and Job Interviews

Companies with a diverse workforce perform better. A 2009 study by McKinsey shows a connection between gender diversity and financial performance of a company: a company in which the management is gender diverse (more than 30% women in top management of the company), for example, had a 53 % better EBIT margin. So far so good.

So how do you get a more diverse workforce? Well, you probably already know it: it all depends on fair personnel selection. Fairness…


Added by Corinna Litera on March 16, 2015 at 5:55am — No Comments

Spamming The LinkedIn Way

Since there are so many ways that as recruiters we're not getting an appropriate bang-for-the-buck from our LinkedIn investments (and more importantly, in any way aligned to the heights of their marketing bluster), I'm going to focus this week on the many ways that we are spammed via the LinkedIn messaging systems.

So to my frenemies in Trust & Safety, this blog's…


Added by Steve Levy on March 15, 2015 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

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