Recruiting Blogs (24,316)

What Companies Are Getting Wrong About Social Recruiting

What should you write here? Here’s a hint: think what you can do for your audience, not what your audience can do for you. Credit: Twitter

Today, I spent time looking for companies that have social recruiting – i.e. recruiting via social media – right. I looked…


Added by Paul Petrone on March 2, 2015 at 9:30am — No Comments

Some Elegant Outdoor Fountain Types And Designs

The water fountains look ethereal when installed in the outdoor spaces. No matter it is a residential or commercial outdoor space, the water fountains can provide a stunning view. The trend of installing wall fountains in the home outdoor spaces have been increasing because it add to the worth and appeal. Now there are many different types of water fountains that can be installed in the outdoor spaces.

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Water Wall Fountains

The water wall fountains are…


Added by Geo Msn on March 2, 2015 at 8:30am — No Comments

A Useful Supplement To Losing Excess Weight

Weight loss supplements have been popping like mushrooms as the demand arises. The need continues to grow as looking and feeling good are not only the results of weight loss. Losing weight is synonymous with staying fit and healthy. It has become a lifestyle.

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Weight loss has become a must since it can greatly affect a person’s health. One popular weight loss supplement is Chromium Picolinate. It gained popularity decades ago since it is used by people who want to…


Added by Geo Msn on March 2, 2015 at 8:00am — No Comments

Top Tips For Hiring Temporary Staff

There are real advantages to hiring smart temporary workers. This probably explains why there’s a boom in temporary employees and freelance workers. Sometimes you need to hire some extra hands to help out. Perhaps some periods are busier than others, or maybe your regular employees are taking leave to be with their families or because of a health condition. Either way, small and large businesses…


Added by Geo Msn on March 2, 2015 at 5:30am — No Comments

Ways to Build an Online Presence

You’ve heard this once, you’ve heard this a thousand times but are you wondering why, well that’s not the first, I’ve heard of. Most individuals share this same thought, isn’t that a relief. You’re not the only one. Besides you can never have enough of information that will come handy.

In an age when internet is used in almost every aspect of life, it’s only natural that recruiting too will be done via social networking sites. If you are of the opinion that you have a better chance of…


Added by Jasmine Joseph on March 2, 2015 at 1:58am — No Comments

Retired and Enjoying Life (except on LinkedIn)

As part of my never-ending battle with fake LinkedIn profiles, I noticed that during the overnight, "Eng.Yusif Ibrahim" reached out to connect. Fabulous.

According to his profile, Mr. Ibrahim is "Retired" and in Libya, having worked in "Government Administration."

Since this profile smelled like a pile of rotting fish, I image searched this fellow; nothing of note came up on the first page,…


Added by Steve Levy on March 1, 2015 at 12:30pm — No Comments

5 Things You Should Consider Before You Buy Outdoor Water Fountains For Your Property

Life is so monotonous nowadays. No one has time to live the beauty of the natural ambience and neither have they time to visit various natural beautiful places spread across the world. So they try get mini versions of those near to them. Some of them are Aquariums, Bonsai, Outdoor Water fountains and mini waterfalls. The flowing water’s soothing sound makes the place very relaxing. They also attract birds and butterflies making the ambience more pleasant. There are a lot of options available…


Added by Geo Msn on March 1, 2015 at 5:00am — No Comments

The Hunt For An Affordable And Efficient Courier Delivery Company

We all have relatives, friends, and loved ones who reside in various different parts of the world. Occasions and festivals come and go and we miss their presence around us but by exchanging gifts and word of affection we somehow try to fill in the gap. Have you ever confronted hassles when trying to send gifts and goods to your loved ones abroad? If you have then you must know how crucial it is to have a professional, affordable, and efficient courier delivery company at your side that can…


Added by Geo Msn on March 1, 2015 at 4:30am — No Comments

The Best Fitness Trackers Ever

There are so many different types of fitness trackers available in the market. Each fulfills a different purpose such as the number of hours that you spend on the treadmill, running, biking and swimming and even the miles that you cover every day. Other than this, a fitness tracker can track sleep, workout routines and the food that you devour. Some are technologically advance whilst some come with additional features.

If you are about to purchase a fitness tracker for yourself, you…


Added by Geo Msn on March 1, 2015 at 3:30am — No Comments

The Best Fitness Trackers Ever

There are so many different types of fitness trackers available in the market. Each fulfills a different purpose such as the number of hours that you spend on the treadmill, running, biking and swimming and even the miles that you cover every day. Other than this, a fitness tracker can track sleep, workout routines and the food that you devour. Some are technologically advance whilst some come with additional features.

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If you are about to purchase a fitness tracker…


Added by Geo Msn on March 1, 2015 at 3:30am — No Comments

A Great Career as a Chief Risk Officer in a Debt Relief Company

Debt relief companies come to the aid of people who are experiencing financial crisis. They assist individuals in getting rid of the burdensome debts. They act as credit advocates who work in the interest of the debtors and try to improve their financial status. Their chief task is to conduct financial consultations primarily to educate the consumer and recommend suitable remedies. Debt relief companies help to renegotiate or settle or alter the terms of an individual’s debt to a debt…


Added by Jenny Richards on February 28, 2015 at 7:14am — No Comments

Career Counseling – Do you know what you are in for?

Counseling can play a crucial role in the career choices of a student. It is a process that helps a student determine the right career option through evaluation of the student’s aptitude, general interest and other relevant qualities. Hence, it is advisable to have regular counseling sessions, which will help identify the right career choice for an individual student.
Identifying the right …

Added by Avika Shah on February 28, 2015 at 12:47am — No Comments

Don’t Let The LSAT Become A Worry With Test Prep Experts

If you’ve made it through college or university on your way to becoming a lawyer, you know that entering your chosen profession means a lot of hard work and dedication. You know that success won’t happen overnight, and that the best law schools in North America can be extremely competitive institutions that receive far more applicants than they can possibly accept. To achieve your goals as an…


Added by John Coder on February 27, 2015 at 6:00pm — No Comments

How To Search Outside of a Geo-Area on LinkedIn


I'd like to share a tip on how to search LinkedIn for the members outside of a certain geographical area.

There are at least two good reasons to search outside of an area:

1. If you search by keywords, with no location specified, you are likely to see the top results from your own area - LinkedIn thinks that finding people who live nearby is a high priority.

To illustrate, here's an example search from an account, whose owner resides in the San…


Added by Irina Shamaeva on February 27, 2015 at 12:17pm — No Comments

Interviewing is a Two Way Street

Recruitment like the housing market has changed over the years. It’s no longer a sellers’ market, or in this case, an employers’ market and sometimes our best selling point is the perception others have of us. It comes as no surprise that there is a talent shortage and I bet that if you ask any recruiter, what keeps them up at night, they’ll tell you it’s trying to…


Added by Tara de Jonge on February 27, 2015 at 10:35am — No Comments

Three Reasons Why Your Company Should Consider Free Staff Lunches

A lot of research is going into understanding ways to motivate staff to boost productivity more so in academia and business. And as good economic news continue to come out of the blocks and companies under increasing pressure to raise pay packs for their staff, is not a good time to consider free lunch arrangements for your staff? This can be one sure way to boost staff morale and hence productivity.…


Added by Joas on February 27, 2015 at 8:28am — No Comments

What Are The Bad Credit Loans?

Most customers’ first choice while in need of desperate cash is to approach the traditional banks for personal loans. However not many are aware of the procedure the bank follows once they receive a loan application, in the name of background check. It is not just a check of the authenticity of the documents provided and the income proofs. But it includes a simple Credit history check.

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Credit History:

Most borrowers are unaware of the term Credit…


Added by Geo Msn on February 27, 2015 at 3:30am — No Comments

The Power of Semantics in Recruitment

Recruiters who scan each and every resume that reaches their inbox may find it hard to work efficiently. Firstly, resumes are received freely by their mailboxes, and they are arranged simply according to the date and time when they were received. Next, there are hundreds – if not thousands – of resume formats out there, varying from one industry to the…


Added by Rchilli Parser on February 27, 2015 at 12:46am — No Comments

5 Factors Behind A Good And Effective Website Design

Websites are the latest and most preferable platforms for interacting with customers, selling merchandise, and promoting services and products. An effective website design is vital to keep the visitors stay at the page and indulge in purchasing and sharing the info with other users. There are a number of factors that create a great impact on the usability of site and designers and developers across Australia make use of various form and function techniques to create user-friendly…


Added by Geo Msn on February 27, 2015 at 12:30am — No Comments

Employment Brand: Must Be Educated For A Job On Our Ignorant Team

For as long as I can remember (probably as long as they've been in existence) one way I've kept tabs on the job market and trends in general is through active job alerts from various job boards.

I know, #NerdAlert right? 

Whether I'm looking or not, I periodically look at posted jobs that come through to see what's up, who's hiring, and of course wonder about the companies posting the same opening every few weeks or month after month. 

I clicked on a…


Added by Kelly Blokdijk on February 26, 2015 at 11:17pm — 2 Comments

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