Recruiting Blogs (24,314)

Human Capital Strategies- Lead Development

From time to time I have had the opportunity to teach my client the power of ‘fishing’ vs. the one time benefit of handing them ‘fish.’ The power and extensibility of creating a repeatable process has many benefits which include having ownership of a passive pool of candidates, creating a branding strategy to build credibility in high potential candidate eyes and the maximum benefit of identifying true ‘A’ players. Contrasted with hiring one talented employee per requisition, and the benefits… Continue

Added by Ron Mason on July 25, 2008 at 10:12am — No Comments

Croner Reward’s Online Job Evaluation Tool - Review

Croner Reward has launched an online job evaluation tool to help employers and HR professionals check gradings for job types and benchmark salaries against market rates. The system is modelled on the company’s Job Evaluation System: a 10 factor, points based analytical system used by UK businesses.

We were quite impressed with the online tool…


Added by Julian Stopps on July 25, 2008 at 6:00am — No Comments

Merry Christmas, Bob (It's Motivation Time, RBC-World!)

A buddy of mine writes articles for a site called (the 'T' stands for testosterone, so they're shooting for a target market somewhat adjacent to RBC :P ) Anyway, he wrote an article titled, "Merry Christmas, Bob" a few years ago . . . an article that I go back to when I need a swift kick in the butt. It kinda reminds me of what being a true-to-form headhunter feels like - it sure aint for the faint of heart. Here she is:

"So, what are you doing for a living these days?"… Continue

Added by Joshua Letourneau on July 24, 2008 at 8:59pm — No Comments

Need Recruiting Training? Learn to Bring the Traffic to You..... Through this Free Training Video

If You Have Not Heard of Mike Dillard, I'm Hoping you will allow this to be the Day You Will. He and his team have a reputation for traffic generation that is simply unmatched. (Of course this is my opinion) Feel Free to Check out the free video training for his new Black Belt Series!

Added by A C Williams on July 24, 2008 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Web 2.0 Summit Now Courting Clean Tech Start-Ups

July 7, 2008 8:14 AM PDT

Web 2.0 Summit now courting clean-tech start-ups

Posted by Martin LaMonica 4 comments

The Web 2.0 Summit--a conference of the Silicon Valley digiterati--seems to have changed its theme from "monetize the Web" to "save the world."

Tim O'Reilly, one of the Web 2.0 Summit organizers, on Monday posted a blog with details on the fifth edition of the conference coming up in November and its Launchpad event for start-ups.

The concept… Continue

Added by Lisa Zee on July 24, 2008 at 7:15pm — No Comments

publicly traded job board companies

are there any other publicly traded job board companies that I can add to this list?

* - nyse: DHX
* - nasdaq: YHOO
* - nasdaq: JUPM
* - nasdaq: MNST

Added by Eric Shannon on July 24, 2008 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Podcast: Random Podcasts from the SHRM 2008 Show

In addition to the subject matter content expert podcast interviews from this year’s SHRM Conference, we also conducted “man [or woman] on the street” interviews with some of the attendees that stopped by the employeescreenIQ booth. Today, we are excited to post the first few attendee interviews. Among the topics discussed were their thoughts and attitudes and employment screening and background checks. Our favorite responses came when we asked about the biggest resume lies they had seen over… Continue

Added by Jason Morris on July 24, 2008 at 11:52am — No Comments

New Corporate Recruiting Blog - Success Starts Here

Today, a vision has been realized.

A few years back, I attended my first ERE Expo in San Diego. It was there that I was first truly exposed to blogs, and their possibilities in the world of recruiting. I came home from that event in a frenzy, with a dozen to-do items that I felt we could address, including creating a corporate recruiting blog for my employer at the time (Gary Cluff can attest to this). I saw what Heather,… Continue

Added by Ben Gotkin on July 24, 2008 at 11:49am — 3 Comments

Get Connected

Yesterday I read a an amazing post from Doug Firebaugh who is a leading generic sales and marketing trainer in the Direct Selling industry. Forget mindset and begin to consider your connection. Here is an excerpt:

Many people have said that this business is about mindset.

I disagree.

It is about Heart Set. We say that you must have the right "Heart Condition."

Is your Heart REALLY… Continue

Added by Ron Mason on July 24, 2008 at 10:00am — No Comments

Recruiting blog to post job ads?

Goodafternoon! On behalf of a gruoup of resorts based in Zanzibar - Tanzania, I am searching a Regional Finance Controller with previous experience in Hospitality Business and was wondering if posting a blog for this recruitment need was advisable as I understand your blog is mainly visited by finance experts and professionals.
Thanks and regards

Added by Claudia on July 24, 2008 at 9:24am — No Comments


(Audio version here)

Are recruiters salesmen? There are two schools of thought here. One says yes but there's a whole bunch of other guys who go around bragging that they're not into sales. I came across one of them last week on Fistful of His name is Jason Pankow and I want to take a look at how this little punk, a corporate recruiter, builds his case… Continue

Added by Recruiting Animal on July 24, 2008 at 8:30am — 4 Comments

Behavioral Interviewing For Engineers

Previously posted on

In my conversations with recruiters specializing in placing Engineers they are adamant about the point that Engineers get hired for their credentials and not their behaviors. Interestingly enough their corporate counterparts disagree.

Given 50% of all Engineers will retire in the next 10-15 years, there is a mass concern among companies that operate with these people at their helm...They are… Continue

Added by Margaret Graziano on July 24, 2008 at 8:28am — No Comments

Have a Problem? Ask Everyone (And Pay Someone)

John Davis, a chemist in Bloomington, Ill., knows about concrete. For example, he knows that if you keep concrete vibrating it won’t set up before you can use it. It will still pour like a liquid.

Now he has applied that knowledge to a seemingly unrelated problem thousands of miles away. He figured out that devices that keep concrete vibrating can be adapted to keep oil… Continue

Added by Maureen Sharib on July 24, 2008 at 7:24am — No Comments

"Secret Salaries"

Do you know the salary of every employee at your company? I think you should.

I mean, who is being protected by secret salaries? Certainly not the employee—the more transparent salaries are, the more accurately an employee can assess his or her value to a company.

Fortunately a bunch of companies have arrived with tricked-out tools for figuring out what you… Continue

Added by Maureen Sharib on July 24, 2008 at 6:44am — 1 Comment

Zimbra Desktop puts all your e-mail in order

Yahoo is expanding its popular e-mail service to the desktop in a bid to help consumers manage their e-mail accounts when they aren't online. At a conference for developers in Portland, Ore., Zimbra, a Yahoo (YHOO) company, is set to release a beta version of Yahoo Zimbra Desktop, an e-mail program that organizes Yahoo Mail, AOL, Google's Gmail and work and business e-mail accounts… Continue

Added by Maureen Sharib on July 24, 2008 at 6:43am — No Comments

Saongroup Acquires LocalJobsGroup

Newspapers and online sites are reporting today that the Ireland-based Saongroup has acquired, for an undisclosed sum.
Saongroup operates a number of online recruitment businesses globally [more...]

Added by Julian Stopps on July 24, 2008 at 4:51am — No Comments

Reaching Your Apex & Finding Your Niche: The True Source of Recruiting Success

The other day I gazed down from the top of the Heavenly Resort Lookout in Lake Tahoe, to a beautiful panorama that made me step back and think about my life and the direction of my career. A bright blue lake gazed up at me, and I was for a moment lost in my thoughts. I had enjoyed a week of utter incredible beauty visiting Lake Tahoe's Emerald Bay, Watching Fireworks with my Family, going on drives and seeing a scenic rustic ideal landscape,… Continue

Added by Mike Rasmussen on July 24, 2008 at 3:00am — 3 Comments

Seamless voice recognition; recruiters get ready

I was recently speaking with my friend Ami Givertz and he asked me about technology that excites me. With this question, I realized that technology does not excite me; its the changes and possibilities that technology brings that excites me. In addition, I’m less excited the day I release a new product, than the day it was conceived. The discovery, the chase, the debate; this is bliss. By the time it is realized, I’m already building something… Continue

Added by Donato Diorio on July 24, 2008 at 12:19am — 2 Comments

Are you greatful for the CHUM.....or are you worthy of the CENTER CUT

As I coach recruiters each week on their sales strategies, I often hear the same story..............fighting their way to the top of the many pile; and desperately attempting to look, sound or feel different. The reality is once you engage in the commodities game.............ITS OVER.

You do not need me to tell you, or harp on you about the world we live all read the paper, watch the news, or have an 'in tune' friend who keeps you up to date on the happenings.… Continue

Added by Margaret Graziano on July 23, 2008 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Interesting Post: "10 Reasons Why I hate Recruitment Agents"

Here is the link.

Nick is an interesting fella'.


Added by Joshua Letourneau on July 23, 2008 at 6:09pm — 1 Comment

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