When trying to help candidates get the best job most recruiters are prepared to delve into their career hopes and dream and help them divine a path for them to accomplish those goals. However, during just such a conversation the other day it came to me that not only this particular candidate, but most candidates, lack the fundamental knowledge to start the conversation. In fact, most don’t spend any time at all thinking about their careers.
I'm hosting the second installment of my Social Media Headhunter series on the use of MySpace for Recruiting. Our last webinar brought in over 250 people who learned hands on techniques to using Facebook to recruit, and we're now turning to the world's largest social network, MySpace. With over 100 million members, and an open network that lets you contact the member profiles, MySpace represents an untapped potential for recruiters to reach… Continue
Added by Jim Durbin on July 15, 2008 at 2:22pm —
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I am working on two full time administrative positions that I need candidates for. One is located in San Francisco's financial district and the other is in the south bay (San Mateo). Both positions are in small offices and are looking for candidates that have a 4 year degree and some work experience. Must be able to work independently. Both positions are with private investment firms and offer full benefits, salary and year end bonus.
Years ago before debit card usage became the norm, writing checks for goods and services was commonplace. A friend of mine went to her neighborhood grocery store, bought the items she needed, and patiently stood in the checkout line. When the clerk told her how much money she owed, she pulled out her checkbook and fished around in her pocket for a writing implement. Hand clasped upon a cylindrical object, she drew it out of her pocket and went to fill out her check… until she realized the… Continue
We at Recruiter Life are privy to some of the most forward-thinking executive recruiters. These are not the obligatory “Knights of the Round Table” type that continuously write the same bland material... while they stroke each others’ egos.... No, these [recruiters in my video] are key players who are making lasting…
I wanted to inform you that my company, TalentDrive will be present at SMA’s Summer Netowrking Conference on July 17. Katy Katz, TalentDrive’s Director of Client Services will be at the conference to answer any questions you might have about TalentDrive or our two sourcing technologies TalentFilter and TalentSource. For more information about… Continue
Added by Talent Drive on July 15, 2008 at 10:30am —
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Leptin is a hormone tied to your body's use of fat.
When you lose 10% of your weight, leptin falls fast. So, your stupid body thinks you're facing starvation and it tries to protect you by burning 20% less calories -- and even if you're on a diet that can make you fat.
Also, once you start losing weight the parts of your brain running your love of food have more blood in them while the part that limits eating has… Continue
I submit to you this video of an interview... gone terribly wrong.
No one was hurt as a result.. I think.
How many of us have taken part in an interview where either the company or the candidate just wasn't a fit? I know that I've conducted one or two interviews with job seekers where we were both wondering 10 minutes into the interview just what the heck each of us was doing there. And yes, I've been on the other side…
Take a bite out of this scenario and chew on it for a minute:
The time has come for the recruiting awards presentation and the recruiting clan is rushing from the tradeshow floor to see who won what and the coinciding presentation on best practices. As the zombie-like audience pours in, several fall over the piles of worthless marketing brochures collected over the last 48-hours. Then, several recruiting organizations are enshrined… Continue
Hey all, been lurking and reading a bunch of RecruitingBlogs blog from all you great people and felt like it was time to sign up and do a shout out. I'm a Web 2.0 tech guy (read: Facebook, LinkedIn, Myspace, etc) who's trying to build a useful website for you recruiters for your sourcing needs. Would be interested in networking with you all, especially anyone in my sunny (not) hometown here in Seattle.
Looking forward to connecting. Leave me a comment if you're interested in… Continue
Added by Bma on July 14, 2008 at 9:32pm —
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Recently, I had a candidate who was going to get an offer–it was all over but the references. And that’s where it all went wrong. We began calling to check (yes, we really do that) and two days later, only one was done. It wasn’t even a matter of them trashing my candidate…they just wouldn’t return our calls.
If your references don’t even think enough of you to call back, it doesn’t reflect well on you. It cost my candidate a job.
I used to think that Steve Rubel was a pretty smart guy but now it seems he's just another dude taking an easy ride on the Gen Y bandwagon.
Steve says "the Attention Crash is entirely generational".
The Gen Yer's, it seems, do a far better job of coping with massive amounts of information. It's not uncommon for a lot of folks to be running Meebo with a dozen IM windows going at once, Facebooking,…
If any of you have candidates who need to brush up their resumes and cover letters, or need some customized coaching on how to approach their search and interviews, you might be interested in two products that I have just for job seekers.
Resume and Cover Letter Review—$50
Evaluation and feedback of one cover letter and resume via email. Includes editing, proofing, layout suggestions, and general feedback.
employeescreenIQ’s Nick Fishman sat down with Barry Nixon, Executive Director for the Pre-Employment Directory and the National Institute for Prevention of Workplace Violence for an insightful conversation about trends in workplace violence and how background checks have played a significant role in the decline of workplace violence incidents. Mr. Nixon explains that while the number of workplace violence incidents have declined significantly over the past decade that year over year numbers… Continue
Added by Jason Morris on July 14, 2008 at 3:29pm —
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In a previous blog I discussed the importance of social networking. Utilizing web 2.0 services gives recruiters the tools to source deeper than ever before, and the ability to find specialized passive candidates. This is only 50% of the equation. To fully implement the effectiveness of Facebook and Myspace it is essential to set up a "Careers Page". Creating the Careers Page offers you as a Recruiter the ability to maintain your own company job site; one that is easily adaptable and very… Continue
An interesting article came out in April about the direct relationship to high levels of testosterone and making money in the day trader profession. The day traders daily world revolves around uncertainty, high-risk, overwhelming information, reliance on instinct, and the having full knowledge that a decision can lead to euphoric wins or catastrophic losses… kinda like a recruiter.
Last week a handful of Fortune 500 companies launched a little program called AllianceQ - with the hopes that it would revolutionize the recruitment industry by establishing a free and generous supply of job candidates to its members. Formed and implemented by QuietAgent this massive push…