Twitter is growing exponentially. Employer’s are using Twitter and other
social sites to research job applicants. But still, few job seekers have no idea how to use Twitter for a job search.
One of the primary drivers of twitter growth has been the ability to share and find…
Added by Jonathan Duarte on September 23, 2009 at 2:49pm —
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Sung to the tune of "My Papa Was A Rolling Stone"
It was the 23rd day of September.
A day you will always remember, yes you will.
'Cause that was the day of Recruitfest 09.
You will get a chance to see them
Always heard nothing but great things about them.
RBlogs, we are depending on you to help us through.
And JD just smiles and says,
"Hey, You have to be here or there.
Everything is happening around you.
(And When you are here) All…
Added by Craig Silverman on September 23, 2009 at 12:27pm —
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One of the most interesting aspects of recruiting is the human interaction and the incredibly wide variety of personalities that we encounter. We all have our lists of applicant horror tales and candidate side-splitters when we gather around the Recruiters’ Happy Hour story swap. Eclectic and unique don’t even come close to describing it (I see your nodding smile). But this week I had a somewhat unfamiliar and unexpected interaction with a candidate, and after picking myself up off the floor, I…
Added by Michael Brandt on September 23, 2009 at 12:12pm —
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Jenifer Lambert - a Pinnacle Society recognized, top rated executive recruiter - recently interviewed me for her Recruiter Earth radio show. It was unscripted and live, and she asked some tough, frank questions about the keys to partnering with corporate HR.
I joked that I know that, for many third party recruiters, HR stands for "human roadblock". But I also shared some insights into what the best, most effective third party recruiter partners…
Added by John Vlastelica on September 23, 2009 at 11:30am —
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We have recently added a Recruiter Library to the Next Level Exchange website which includes a plethora of scripts, voicemails, videos, recorded calls, articles and more that are applicable to your practice. Access to the Recruiter Library is INCLUDED in your NLE subscription service!
Visit the link below to learn more about the Recruiter Library on NLE
For more information on how to register, please…
Added by Jeff Kaye on September 23, 2009 at 11:24am —
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Hi friends,
We have openings in San Jose for 3m+ duration, rate is open but need to be competitive.
We can have the person start very soon, do send the suitable profiles as soon as possible.
If possible send the profiles on
I am looking for a SAP BI resource. Below are the details. The most important stuff is Rev Rec, SD, Software industry experience. BI Functional, Team Lead.
The job is to build BI…
Added by Manish Tiwari on September 23, 2009 at 4:35am —
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While providing consulting services to the governments of the Middle East on how to build cities that are powerhouses of talent we at HireLabs realized the true meaning of the saying ‘birds of a feather flock together’. The same logic holds true for talent. True talent usually has a hunger to learn and innovate, and when you create an environment where talent lives and works in close proximity to each other, you are on your way to building a knowledge economy.
Before we started our…
Added by Saleem Qureshi on September 23, 2009 at 2:31am —

It's no secret that I love my iPhone. It's certainly no secret that I'm an avid believer in mobile marketing for recruitment. So I'm sure it was no surprise when early this year I came to the leadership at
AT&T and explained to them how strongly I felt that we should create the first employment driven application on an iPhone. And while I was probably guilty of using phrases like, "it's our responsibility" or "it…
Added by RecruiterGuy on September 22, 2009 at 11:30pm —
1 Comment
Have you ever been to a job site where you looked at the hit counter and just scratched your head?
All websites want to publically say how good they are "we have X number of users on our database", "today we had X number of applications" "X number of candidate searches on our database" etc.
That's great! But who cares?
While statistics play an important part of "selling" your website. It is important to step back and think what kind of statistics are necessary…
Added by Thomas Shaw on September 22, 2009 at 9:19pm —
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I recently got the chance to present this at a small gathering of business leaders in Santa Cruz, California. The crux of the gathering was to have these business leaders listen to real people. I consider myself quite fortunate to be considered a "real person" I think that's one big piece of being successful in this industry we all love so much and I believe this to be very relevant to the work we do. I do want you to bear in mind however that I am not speaking from a position of expertise on…
Added by Randy Levinson on September 22, 2009 at 5:23pm —
1 Comment
Take a Break from work, this webinar is all about having some FUN!

The Near (and Far) Future of RecruitmentI
Register here (FREE)
There is a storm brewing. Technology forces from outside recruitment will steer the future of the recruiting industry. Many top producers in the recruiting industry have avoided…
Added by Donato Diorio on September 22, 2009 at 3:35pm —
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The average job seeker takes about four months to land a job after searching for openings. During an economic downturn, finding a job becomes even more difficult and so discouragement is a common emotion. While the practical aspects of looking for a job present plenty of challenges, the emotional component cannot be ignored.
For some, the emotions of shock, grief, anger, anxiety, and depression that often accompany job loss can impair a solid action plan. Maybe you don’t even have a…
Added by Linda K. Rolie, MA on September 22, 2009 at 3:25pm —
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Hi All,
Our client an IT Consulting Company in Kanata is looking for Technical Recruiters for their Kanata office.
Two positions available. Please email if interested!
Added by Wandalin Jana on September 22, 2009 at 3:00pm —
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I'm talking about motivation. Do you know what motivates your employees to get out of bed in the morning? With Millennials in the workforce, employers are scrambling to "figure them out." What do they like and dislike? What are their goals? What motivates them? But when you attempt to answer these questions, generalization isn't effective. Each person is unique and it is the understanding of what makes them an individual will will make or break your…
Added by Vicki Z. Lauter on September 22, 2009 at 1:27pm —
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Last week we joined the Silicon Valley chapter of the NCHRA at Hakone Gardens in Saratoga, CA. The evening event billed as the Summer Social brought together members of the regional HR community including some interesting guest speakers and local vendors.

We want to quickly share some of our takeaways from the event.
Project Hired is a great organization and it’s time to get involved
For those of you…
Added by Joel Passen on September 22, 2009 at 11:55am —
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One of the systemic errors that I see corporations and Recruiting departments making is that they are treating hiring as a "zero sum game".

The name comes from the fact that there are some games where the sum of the player's payoffs at the end of the game sum to zero. Poker is a good example. Imagine you and I play head's up poker. If at the end of the night I'm up $20 then, by definition, you are down $20. Our payoffs, plus…
Added by Phil Haynes on September 22, 2009 at 11:17am —
Original Post..
We have all noticed HUGE changes in workforce dynamics over the years comparing generation to generation. Well here's a little story,
hiding a rather large rant, I thought I would share.
I was having dinner with a group of friends back in March and as the discussion turned away from the failing job market and toward the…
Added by Chad Sowash on September 22, 2009 at 10:00am —
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Taking Time
We spend so much time as recruiters and salespeople in developing relationships with candidates that sometimes we forget just how far we can actually take that relationship – for mutual benefit.
1. Take time to explain what your firm offers but also listen to what your candidate wants.
When we speak with candidates and sell them on how wonderful our firms are, on how outstanding our processes are, and on how great it is to work with us – we as…
Added by Jeffrey Burkhardt on September 22, 2009 at 6:43am —
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Do refer if you know anyone who can join immediately
Systel is an IT Solutions organization, which offers a variety of products and services to premium customers globally. With its relentless focus on customer satisfaction, acquisition of the best DNA and robust processes, the company has moved from strength to strength expanding its offerings and customer base. We offer full life cycle of solutions to our customers from conception to maintenance.
Systel today has…
Added by Sabareesh on September 22, 2009 at 5:35am —
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With a career span of 36 years in global IT industry gained from industry stalwarts like HCL India, HP, and Groupe Bull Middle East Vijay Kumar is a practising Consultant who helps his client companies expand their horizons, literally. Consult Genie gleans some first hand experiences from him to see what it is like to be a consultant:
Read full interview at
Added by Sia Collins on September 22, 2009 at 3:36am —
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