I'm in search of a website or training software that could possibly train people on how to become better recruiters. Things like how to screen through resumes to find the perfect candidates for job orders and how to interview a candidate the right way no matter what industry they are looking to apply to. Please feel free to send me a message or post something to my page so that I can read it. I'm trying to get this information for a friend that wants to go into business with me and she doesn't… Continue
Now that Motorola is handing out pink slips to many on the mobile side, does this mean they're also going to be ramping up lawsuits targeted at the mobile companies who hire these people?
BTW, mobile developers make great non-mobile application… Continue
Added by Steve Levy on January 15, 2009 at 8:21am —
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There are a number of articles about this subject floating in cyberspace across a variety of blogs and interview advice forums. I wait with anticipation the article that I will read that tells of the flip side of this practice. Unfortunately to date, there is little I read that offers much more than the approval of the practice interview. The practice interview is defined as an interview in which someone applies for a role in which they are not interested, however qualified, in an attempt to… Continue
Claudia's Wednesday Wisdom
Never one to shy away from tackling the more delicate issues that trouble recruiters from time-to-time, this week Claudia helps "Migraine in Maine" deal with a stinky co-worker...
"I’ve been told by people responsible for cadaver removal that Vicks VapoRub, when it strategically fills the entire nose cavity, prevents even the worst smells from making you sick."
We are looking for Sales and BD Consultant (US Market). IT Staffing in Noida. If you are interested or have any references, Please feel free to contact me on anupam.banerji@prosoftcyberworld.com or call me on 9910223463.
I hope you will take a few minutes to look at Fill-Staff 10 For Recruiters. www.fillstaff.com
You won't believe the power until you see for yourself. Wow.
CRM+ATS+ARP(Automated Resume Processing) = $$$
There are a few Excellent Demo downloads on the Products Preview page.
Watch how ResumeGrabberPro addon Finds and Processes 50 resumes in Less Than 3 Minutes.
Just got a new Job Order? Our Custom "RoboMatcher" will locate matching… Continue
Added by Bill on January 14, 2009 at 2:59pm —
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Did you know that people with more than twenty connections on LinkedIn are thirty-four times more likely to be approached with a job opportunity than people with less than five. That fact came from Guy Kawasaki's blog in January of 2007. And while his 10 Ways to Use LinkedIn are still a good primer, much has changed since then.
We are looking for someone with at last 7 years of Voice technologies to include Cisco Call Manager, Cisco Unity, Unified Communications as well as IPCC, CVP and IVR. CCIE Voice certification would be a BIG PLUS. IF you have this background and are interested in working in OHIO or currently live in OHIO, please send your most recent resume to Karen Francis (kfrancis@dreamjob.) or call me directly at 770-392-8720 ext 2203.
Added by KAREN H. FRANCIS on January 14, 2009 at 11:06am —
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New Year, New MBA Students and New Resumes!
MBA Focus would like to better help you identify and attract top MBA students by offering you access to more than 10,000 “first-year” candidates from the top 60+ global MBA programs via online resume books and job boards. These recruiting tools allow you to… Continue
Added by Ryan Pratt on January 14, 2009 at 11:05am —
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MultiPost Your MBA Internship Openings!
MultiPost is a new service that allows companies to quickly and easily post job opportunities to the top graduate business school and alumni job boards. Use MultiPost to post open internships at your company’s office to MBA interns from more than 60 of the world’s top business schools.
Post your open internships to these schools and many more:… Continue
Added by Ryan Pratt on January 14, 2009 at 11:03am —
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The recession is overwhelming us with bad news, particularly in the world of HR. Our goal with this survey is to look at 2009 and beyond from a different angle; focusing less on hiring freezes, layoffs and other negative realities… Continue
Added by Ben Yoskovitz on January 14, 2009 at 10:07am —
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I am a smart recruiter, because I do not lie to myself. Whenever I hear the hesitation in a candidate's voice that tells me something is wrong, or that there is something they are NOT saying, I choose to immediately address my concern.
This may sound elementary and foundational to some, but I believe that there are many recruiters out there who will try to act as though that little nuance in the conversation wasn't there, when in fact it is a huge red flag waving in the wind. All the… Continue
Added by Melissa Pierce on January 14, 2009 at 10:00am —
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Don't watch this if you've had too much coffee. Could be dangerous to the heart. Check this out (be sure to watch full screen for full experience). Let me know (by commenting to this blog post, if this inspires you in any way.. and how. ENJOY!! ... absolutely amazing!
I feel silly writing about this, but it’s come to the point that if I don’t get some advice soon, I’m gonna kill someone and plant sweet smelling flowers on his grave. Our company recently downsized and moved into a smaller office space; I now sit in a cubicle next to one of the engineers. Nice guy, very friendly (and curious about my job, which is annoying), but the real problem is that he has the worst body odor imaginable. No matter what I try, I can’t get away…Continue
Added by Claudia Faust on January 14, 2009 at 7:32am —
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Late last year I spoke at a luncheon on the pool deck of the Hilton Hotel in Brisbane. During my brief address, I commented that technology, which was designed to assist our poductivity, is actually hindering our effectiveness to do smart business.
I explained that while clients attempting to arrange a meeting with me will be tapping away for minutes on their Raspberries searching for the calendar functions; the yearly planner of my Filofax is open at the ready,… Continue
Added by Ric Willmot on January 14, 2009 at 5:00am —
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I was reading through a number of blogs and one of the more interesting things that was discussed was language, not the inappropriate kind, but of the cliches and annoying phrases that people use in common chit chatter that all too often make their way into the interview world. What if, by some chance, we could eliminate those during the interview? Would that help or assist us? More importantly, would people even notice?
First and foremost, alot of people do not notice the small… Continue
Added by Jason Monastra on January 13, 2009 at 11:32pm —
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I knew a recruiter who accidentally left a paycheck stub on the copier. It didn’t take long and the whole office resented him. He was overpaid and everyone hated him. Everything he said or did seemed offensive. It didn’t help morale that he was inept too.
The one thing you rarely hear someone talk about is how much money they make. Since the creation of man, money has been a touchy subject. The only people who should know how much cash you bring home are your spouse, boss, the IRS… Continue
The other day I was perusing the web and came across a nice little quote that touched on the topic of perception...
"Little pot, do not call the kettle black until you have been in the fire as long as he has!"
Now this was of course altered from the well-known idiom "Pot calling the Kettle black". For those who are not familiar with the original idiom it was used to accuse another speaker of hyprocrisy. It was quite easy, even as a child first hearing it, to understand the… Continue
Added by Aasia on January 13, 2009 at 4:24pm —
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