Recruiting Blogs (24,312)

9 tips for successful networking

It’s no surprise that when you read articles like Nine Tips for Networking for Business Success they apply nicely to the job search—as in nine tips for networking for job search success. This is because the job search is like running a business…namely yours. That’s right, you have a marketing campaign which heavily relies on your ability to network your way to…


Added by Bob McIntosh on March 24, 2012 at 9:30pm — 3 Comments

28,000 Green Jobs Indexed since January 1, 2012

Today's blog sounds like a broken record... we've been saying the same thing for many weeks... we've broken our record!  We indexed 2,844 new green jobs this week.

2012 will be a record year for green jobs. And it's an easy prediction... we've already indexed 28,000 since the beginning of the year, compared to 63,000 for the whole of last year. So in less than…


Added by Bernard Ferret on March 24, 2012 at 1:57pm — No Comments

February Another Record Month for Green Jobs

Green Jobs February was another record month for green jobs with over 11,500 green jobs indexed, following our previous record in January with almost 11,000.

The number of current green jobs again reached a record today with over 10,800 green jobs that are less than 60 days old.…


Added by Bernard Ferret on March 24, 2012 at 1:54pm — No Comments

Are Video Resumes a Good Idea?

It seems that just about everything is moving to an online medium, and this is no different in the field of recruiting. LinkedIn is a great electronic resume, and other social networks can really add a new dimension to the hiring process. What could be better? As it turns out, video can be better.

More and more companies are asking for video resumes from candidates if…


Added by Amanda DiSilvestro on March 23, 2012 at 5:37pm — 21 Comments

Thinking TOO Much... breaking the requistion / application connection

Today is Friday and often my thoughts turn to the what if!  This week, I have been thinking about how it would be to break the requisition to application connection. Let me tell you why.

One of my biggest fears is that a uniquely qualified candidate comes to our website and searches for jobs and doesn't see one that fits them and then clicks away and I never know they were even there.  We can solve for some of it with "mock" postings but what if...

An candidate could come to…


Added by Molly on March 23, 2012 at 4:53pm — No Comments

Successful Resume Format for IT Candidates

There are many ways to write a resume, some that work and some that don't. My guidelines for building a winning resume focus on relevancy and content placement.

Resume Design

A. Summary

Focus on drafting your resume around your Target Job. Start off with a summary that is no more than 3 sentences. Be sure to clearly define what you are looking for. For instance, if you are looking for a position as a helpdesk analyst, your summary should read something…


Added by Ryan McCormick on March 23, 2012 at 1:56pm — No Comments

5 Effective Job Search Strategies You Might Have Overlooked

In the words of American singer-songwriter Randy Newman, “It's a jungle out there.” A stagnant economy, an unemployment rate exceeding nine percent and fourteen million unemployed Americans looking for work, presents one of the most challenging environments for job seekers in decades. The uncertain economy has made hiring managers jittery and cautious. Competing candidates are just as qualified as you are, or more so. And more than ever before, companies are now dispassionately evaluating…


Added by Patrick Richard on March 23, 2012 at 12:47pm — No Comments

5 Best Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 3.17.12 to 3.23.12

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. In this article, we’ll be talking about lessons from Jay-Z, employment branding, recruiting collaboration, job advertisements and sharing Facebook passwords.


Here are the articles our that interested us this week (in no particular order),…


Added by Chris Brablc on March 23, 2012 at 11:13am — No Comments

Do recruiters need to become more Pinteresting?

I am a Social Media and Marketing Exec and I work for a recruitment company called Lipton Fleming (LF). Here at LF we try to change with the ever adapting media landscape, not only by being a recruitment consultancy that “Places people first” (our slogan and for all intents and purposes our mission statement but) by moving with the times.

This does not mean jumping on the bandwagon and following the latest…


Added by Lipton Fleming on March 23, 2012 at 7:04am — 7 Comments

Bracing for Another Tight Labour Market

Western Canada is about to brace itself for another labour market crunch.  Search assignments are up but candidates are not available to fill.  After a two-year run in an employee market, employees are back on top as the industry once again struggles to find the right people from a finite group.  The effects to hiring practise start to change again, taking new dynamics requiring that we clarify for our clients and potential clients the following changes to their recruiting…


Added by Darryl Moore on March 23, 2012 at 5:00am — No Comments

Five Tips to Increase Job Prospects for Your Clients

The economic climate and unemployment rate remains stubbornly sour. There are six candidates for every one job. But, guess what? Despite the challenging economy, cautious recruiters and skittish hiring managers, the business world is humming along like it always has. Money is being made, products are being sold, business deals are being made and innovative disruptive startups are the talk of Silicon Valley. There are job prospects and job opportunities galore out there for the determined…


Added by Patrick Richard on March 22, 2012 at 5:09pm — No Comments

Testing Twitter Embed Feature


Added by Recruiting Animal on March 22, 2012 at 4:43pm — 1 Comment

Share-Worthy Recruitment articles

Hi everyone!

I just want to introduce myself, and say that I'm happy to be a new member of this community.  Guess I'll start off by helping everyone a little with my name pronunciation: ro-kee-ta.  There! Now you have learned something about me :).

I'm a marketing coordinator for…


Added by Roquita Johnson on March 22, 2012 at 2:46pm — 2 Comments

The Secret to Successfully Hiring for Attitude

Do your clients know how to hire for attitude?

According to Mark Murphy, author of Hiring for Attitude, employers' inability to successfully assess candidates' attitudes during the hiring process is the reason why so many fail so quickly.  In a recent Forbes interview, he said that of the 200,000…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on March 22, 2012 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

3 Things that can mess up the quality of your Recruitment Metrics & Data

Recruiting organizations are faced with more sourcing choices today than ever before.  And they are constantly looking for ways and insight to make sense of them.


It’s no secret that having the right data is extremely important to this process.  If used properly, metrics enable companies to make crucial recruitment campaign decisions that successfully drive sourcing results.


However, it’s not just about capturing the “right” data but just as…


Added by Chris Brablc on March 22, 2012 at 11:00am — No Comments

Most Job Posts Suck

That was the basic premise of a talk I recently gave at the Minnesota Recruiters' Conference earlier this month.  The presentation was titled, "Winning The Talent War With Effective Job Posts."

I thought I would share the main point of the talk...

Typical job posts do not affect a potential candidate's desire to apply.

Our job posts are all about our companies and what we want - they are totally focused on us.  We need…


Added by Eric Putkonen on March 22, 2012 at 10:51am — 4 Comments

Facebook Access Scandal - Shally University - Search Engine Review


Added by Recruiting Animal on March 22, 2012 at 8:30am — No Comments

Two's company, three's a crowd.

“Two’s company, three’s a crowd”….….

I was reminded of this saying last week when I found myself playing middle man between a client and candidate who were negotiating a package.

We have all been there. Your client phones you to make your candidate an offer. It might be a bit lower than what your candidate asked for, but your client wants to see if it will…


Added by Luke Collard on March 22, 2012 at 2:00am — 6 Comments

Who Do You Trust?

There has been a lot written (some by me!) on whether recruiters should trust candidates; and on how much job seekers tell the truth vs lie, etc.

This makes me recall a couple of early TV game shows.  “Who Do You Trust?”, originally hosted by Johnny Carson, was about whether husbands trusted themselves or their wives better to answer the quiz question posted…


Added by Mark Bregman on March 21, 2012 at 2:06pm — 2 Comments

Personal & Professional Social Media Presence

It is inevitable that in today’s society you will encounter some sort of interaction with social media. Whether you are an active user or a passive user, you will eventually have some sort of online presence. Maybe you are tagged in a YouTube video or a Facebook photo. Your name is almost guaranteed to be populated somewhere on the World Wide Web.

A lot of controversy has risen regarding employers who follow up on potential…


Added by Stephen Paredes on March 21, 2012 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

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