career advice blogs website went live a couple days ago - suggestions?
-- Eric
Added by Eric Shannon on June 11, 2008 at 8:26pm —
Think back to the last time you shopped for a car or house.
Did you go into the process intent on selecting the lowest priced?
Of course not.
So why enlist a service provider solely because they were the lowest priced?
Tempting as it is to take a bargain, base your decision on a more enduring factor: performance.
Ask yourself, what is performance worth?
The decision to use a service provider goes way beyond saving money; it is to make money.
Make sure your…
Added by James Carchidi on June 11, 2008 at 3:48pm —
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2008 - the year of change! For many reasons I will not go into on this blog, but here is one that I will talk about.
I am psyched that after months of work by our development team, we have launched the new
ERE.net site! This is a good change.
You may have already seen the changes, but if not you should head over to http://www.ere.net and see for yourself. While the first thing you will notice is a new look, there are a whole bunch of new…
Added by Scott Baxt on June 11, 2008 at 3:30pm —
Ever wonder whether you'd be better off working some place else?
A new Web site called Glassdoor.com is trying to make it easier to find out by compiling free snapshots of the current salaries paid by hundreds of major employers, along with reviews anonymously written by current and past workers.
Read the whole article…
Added by Maureen Sharib on June 11, 2008 at 3:15pm —
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"If you argue for your limitations..... you get to keep them!" - (From
Jonathan Livingston Seagull)
A few years ago a short book came out that swept the corporate world as a whole. In fact, my corporate office sent me a box of them for my staff and even some to distribute to my clients (which was a nice thought, but ultimately most of them already had it from THEIR corporate office). The book was called “
Who Moved My Cheese?” by
Spencer Johnson, and…
Added by Art Pitcher on June 11, 2008 at 1:30pm —
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I originally posted this on
Fact: In Europe and UK gas is avging about $8.50 a gal. and the US is at $4.00 as per AAA survey last weekend.
Last weekend I played paintball with a bunch of my friends and the group next to us was talking about high gas prices…
Added by Jeff Weidner on June 11, 2008 at 1:18pm —
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"The 12 Rules of ART" are a series of action guidelines I have adopted over the last 15 years in this business, which together form a functional roadmap of my core business philosophies, strategies and practices. Some of them I coined and some of them I stole, but all of them are good.
I have decided to share them with all of you here at recruitingblogs as a way to thank and repay you for all the great motivation and techniques I find here every day. I hope you find some value in…
Added by Art Pitcher on June 11, 2008 at 12:52pm —
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Always a fan of search engine technology and advancements, as well as being extremely visual, I enjoy playing with new toys. One that's been re-released in beta is Quintura - the visual search engine.
Taking clouds to a new…
Added by RecruiterGuy on June 11, 2008 at 12:00pm —
TalentDrive's next webinar will be June 12th from 12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT
Call or email me, Alex Cantu, to get the login information
Added by Talent Drive on June 11, 2008 at 11:12am —
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My scheduled guest cancelled on me again -- this is getting sickening -- so I corralled a real scientist,
Cliffy Mintz, to be the guest. He was a recruiter for five years and now he advises scientists (who appear to be total losers) in their careers. If you want to call in or simply listen you will find the info at.
Added by Recruiting Animal on June 11, 2008 at 10:15am —
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Jacob Fleming Apex has designed and organised a top of the line 'HR Technology Summit’ in response to the latest developments in technology being used in HR management. JF Apex has personally invited HR Decision Makers to join the Summit which will provide a programme dedicated to learning about these processes from a selection of Senior HR industry speakers.
Taking place on the 3rd, 4th and 5th November 2008 at the five star A.B. Skipper Hotel in Barcelona the event is also open to…
Added by Jacob Fleming on June 11, 2008 at 9:08am —
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Claudia’s Wednesday Wisdom
Claudia Faust advises on tricky situations, answers members' questions...
Claudia helps recruiter "Stuck in the Middle" draw the line between a fistful of dollars and the good, the bad and the ugly:
I have been told by several candidates recently that hell will freeze over before they'll consider working for one of my clients. Since this seems to be a growing trend of feedback, what is my responsibility as a recruiter? Should I just…
Added by Amitai Givertz on June 11, 2008 at 7:13am —
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Looking through Glassdoor Darkly
Businessweek looks at a new startup, Glassdoor.com, here. The company has an impressive pedigree and a nice looking site, but we think these types of “review your teacher/company/cafe” products provide anecdotal but not really actionable data. Fine for selecting a muffin but less useful for negotiating a salary.
The use of self-reported survey data is an established protocol for putting together…
Added by william fischer on June 11, 2008 at 7:03am —
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The £20 billion Opportunity in UK Recruitment Advertising
At workhound.co.uk, we like data -- and the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) provides great data for determining emerging opportunities in the online advertising space. The IAB/PWC 2007 data for the UK is fascinating. Some highlights:
* 38% Year on Year Growth in UK online advertising spend
* £2.8 billion spent online - now larger than press classifieds and regional…
Added by william fischer on June 11, 2008 at 4:06am —
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Dear Claudia,
I have been told by several candidates recently that hell will freeze over before they'll consider working for one of my clients. Since this seems to be a growing trend of feedback, what is my responsibility as a recruiter? Should I just sell the company to candidates in spite of its reputation? Or do I tell the company what I’m hearing on the street? I’d like to keep them as a client if possible.
Stuck in the middle
Hi Stuck,
Added by Claudia Faust on June 11, 2008 at 1:00am —
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Let’s face it, Web 2.0 is quickly becoming the hottest way to market and evangelize your business. No only is it the most effective way to build a professional network, it’s the fastest. Social networking tools can help build strong relationships, but it’s still an artistry that takes effort to make them effective and fruitful.
Yes, when it comes to professional networking, you may call me promiscuous. In the past, I’ve been known to network with anyone…. that is, until…
Added by Heather Gardner on June 10, 2008 at 5:54pm —
I am currently searching for a Mechanical Engineer with a BSME and needs to be very strong on Solidworks. They need experience designing automation and machines and machine componets. The work id in the Clarkston, MI. area and is a contract to hire with no travel. If this person id out there please send resume to swallace@atnservices.com.
Thank You.
Added by Stanley A. Wallace, Jr. on June 10, 2008 at 5:22pm —
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I am looking for good recommendations for a CRM/ATS (Applicant Tracking Software) that is offered as a Web Based Application. I am starting a new business where I will be consulting clients on the entire HR Talent Acquisition process and really offering an RPO (recruitment process outsourcing) solution to them. Does anyone have a recommendation? I am looking at Taleo, RecruitNext, Jobscience, perhaps Sendouts. Bullhorn was mentioned a lot but they only provide an Agency side…
Added by Lorena Stanley on June 10, 2008 at 5:14pm —
Hello everybody,
I am looking for C#/C++/Java Developer, min years experience - 3-5 years. If anybody knows someone who might qualify, please let me know. mila@hroneconsulting.ca
Added by Mila on June 10, 2008 at 4:14pm —
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tomorrow? This is
insane. Seattle is having another
rainy and cold summer and I just may
loose "it." I went on a min-vacation to…
Added by Naarah N Hastings on June 10, 2008 at 3:06pm —