Do you play Candy Crush? If not, you should start playing it immediately. Go on, download the app right now on your mobile phone or tablet. Your HR strategies will benefit from your gameplay.
This year I’ve taken myself out of my HR/recruitment comfort zone and immersed myself in the games industry. I’ve tried to think less like an HR person and more like a gamer…
ContinueAdded by Paul Jacobs on December 12, 2013 at 10:30pm — 3 Comments
Check out iCIMS' latest blog post from iCIMS blogger Eileen Kern.
Every December, I like to set aside some time to think about my personal and professional goals for the coming year. While this might sound like a traditional New Year’s resolution,…
ContinueAdded by Elise Jennings on December 12, 2013 at 4:30pm — No Comments
You might not have heard of fastest growing online US job destination, but as Eric Owski, VP of Corporate Strategy at Bright freely admits that even with 7.5 million unique visitors a month,…
Added by Matt Charney on December 12, 2013 at 11:57am — No Comments
Talk may be cheap, but salespeople often spare no expense when it comes to spending lots of time saying lots of words. That is why I created the Sales Mantra:
Say little, ask a lot.
I’ve been told by many of the sales leaders and salespeople I’ve had the honor of working with over the years that this one concept alone has impacted both the quantity and quality of their business.
Since words alone are not enough, there is a second part of…
ContinueAdded by Scott Wintrip on December 12, 2013 at 8:00am — No Comments
"The moral of the story is: I chose a half measure, when I should have gone all the way. I'll never make that mistake again. No more half measures, Walter." — Mike Ehrmantraut
A bit behind the zeitgeist here, but I couldn’t get through 2013 without at least one post inspired by the late, great Breaking Bad. In the third season of the series, likeable bad guy Mike Ehrmantraut gives the above…
ContinueAdded by Jed Hamilton on December 11, 2013 at 3:01pm — 1 Comment
Google-Plus Profiles - X-Rays G+; offers three refinements, to push forward (show in previews) locations; employers; and schools
LinkedIn – Countries - X-Rays LinkedIn profiles, offers a dozen refinements by country
Emails in Resumes - I am proud of this one! It not only looks for resumes, but also…
ContinueAdded by Irina Shamaeva on December 11, 2013 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments
Job Interviewing is all about preparing properly, confidence and creating a good rapport. The hiring manager needs to know that you are capable of performing the tasks of the job and also that you will fit the culture of the team. The interview is your time to shine. By having an understanding of the potential job interview questions you may be asked you will be able to give…
Added by Gavin Redelman on December 11, 2013 at 12:00pm — No Comments
If you're not already a fanatic about headlights, you will be after this bright, fun and information infographic from Fircroft Recruitment. Showing us that no matter how niche your industry is you can still make it shine!!
For more information on Fircroft visit their…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Diamond on December 11, 2013 at 11:12am — No Comments
I don’t know about you, but small talk often drives me crazy. It goes something like:
“Hey, how are you?”
“Great, how are you?”
“Fine, you?”
“The same. What’s new?”
“Oh, you know, working hard, not playing enough. You?”
“Things are great. Just got a new Lexus.”
“Really, that’s great.”
“Well, great to see you.”
“Yeah, great to see you and catch up.”
I’ve often said that I’d rather endure a mild form of torture than be…
ContinueAdded by Scott Wintrip on December 11, 2013 at 9:30am — 1 Comment
Recruiting can be an ugly process. It can be rife with dishonesty, passive/aggressive behavior, and self-absorbed attitudes from all parties. Not that it’s always this way, but I think most IT professionals and technical recruiters have plenty of stories they can and do tell about individuals acting in unprofessional ways. Sometimes candidates attempt to mislead recruiters…
Added by Chuck Hudgins on December 11, 2013 at 9:30am — No Comments
As I recently reported, the results from the 2012 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), released last Tuesday, showed that U.S. teenagers lost ground in math, science and reading to the rest of the world! This included falling from 25th to 31st in math since 2009; from 20th to 24th in science; and from 11th to 21st in reading, according to the National Center for Education Statistics…
ContinueAdded by Scott Sargis on December 10, 2013 at 10:00am — No Comments
One region that is making a significant mark in the recruitment industry is the Middle East. Recruiters are witnessing a huge increase in the number of British migrant workers looking to ply their trade in the region and for good reason: these developing markets are a fantastic place to live and work.
If you're thinking of becoming one of the many workers who want to improve their career prospects, check out this quick five minute guide on recruitment and living in the Middle…
ContinueAdded by James Lee on December 10, 2013 at 9:46am — No Comments
Candidate experience is another one of those terms recruiters just can’t seem to shut up about. But unlike the blizzard of buzzwords mostly designed to sell consulting services and content marketing, it’s one that, if anything, we should all be talking about more. The reason is, unlike, say, employer branding, candidate experience is actually a concept that has real impact…
Added by Matt Charney on December 10, 2013 at 8:47am — 1 Comment
Certs, Certs and more Certs!!
Way back in the day there was no certification for staffing, recruiting and sourcing.…
ContinueAdded by Dean Da Costa on December 9, 2013 at 8:00pm — 3 Comments
2013 has been an amazing year for recruiting, and more significantly, recruiting technology. Not only has there been a real shift in embracing new technology as it applies to outdated hiring practices, but these trends show no signs of slowing down even as this year comes to an end.
Dr. John Sullivan, an…
ContinueAdded by Britni Salazar on December 9, 2013 at 12:25pm — No Comments
To find the best talent, you have to be available to the best talent. These days, many of the candidates you seek are connecting to jobs via mobile platforms – and if you aren’t there, you’ll miss them!
The shift toward mobile recruitment makes sense. After all, nearly every person looking for a job has a mobile device, and more than two-thirds of them search for and apply to jobs using those devices. The job search has evolved from a stand-alone task to one of a dozen that…
ContinueAdded by Shannon Trenton on December 9, 2013 at 10:58am — No Comments
It’s the holidays, which means it’s that special time when B2B marketers start pushing lazy, self-congratulatory content (“our favorite posts of the year!”) and, even more noxious, the prediction post. You know, the kind where bloggers talk about what’s going to happen next year. Which is weird, because you'd think if bloggers could predict the future, they’d have avoided…
Added by Matt Charney on December 9, 2013 at 10:26am — No Comments
It’s the height of hockey season and the winning teams and great players all have one thing in common—they skate to where the puck will be versus where it already is at any given moment. The great one, Wayne Gretzky, was known for this trait, with many players that have come after him emulating this best practice.
In hockey you score by advancing the puck into the goal; in recruiting you score by having and advancing the right person into the need of the customer. Therein lies the…
ContinueAdded by Scott Wintrip on December 9, 2013 at 8:30am — No Comments
IT recruitment is a big business and G2V are looking to find the next big recruitment star. They are looking for enthusiastic, ambitious and creative individuals to train up and grow within one of their two very own recruitment companies.
To introduce the graduates to the industry and inform them of what's in store they've released a really great infographic!! To share the infographic, visit …
Added by Sarah Diamond on December 9, 2013 at 6:54am — No Comments
I was fortunate enough to attend @BillBoorman 's #TruAustralia event in Sydney last week, and one of the tracks centered around the qualities we believe make a great recruiter.
The usual superlatives came up but a common theme was tenacity and or resilience. In the end we agreed that these were two separate qualities; both important to the core elements we saw in other successful recruiters.
It got me thinking, what would I request next time I order a perfect…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Calverley on December 9, 2013 at 6:04am — 4 Comments
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