Examine an application – Just see what is required to click that submit button. I understand universities need the information to make distinctions and decisions. However, the complexity of the application is often difficult if not impossible for students to complete.
Realize that well meaning school counselors are often spread too thin and universities recommending the students’ independence want them to do it alone. Some colleges do suggest support and guidance but from whom and…
Added by Candice Arnold on September 6, 2008 at 6:00pm —
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Bachelor of Science degree (major in Chemistry, Biology, Molecular, etc.) is not necessary, but it is helpful in medical sales, clinical diagnostics sales, laboratory sales, DNA products sales, sales of medical or surgical supplies, medical device sales, pharmaceutical sales, or any healthcare sales. So don't bury it at the bottom of your resume where I have to search for it. Candidates who don't have a BS try to hide that fact in various ways, but if you have yours, display it proudly. (But…
Added by Candice Arnold on September 6, 2008 at 5:58pm —
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When the purpose of corporate training is to help employees reach a particular level of skill competence, online training is often a much better choice than traditional methods of training. Online training is an excellent means of providing convenient, assessment-driven training that enables workers to move at their own pace toward accomplishing stated training goals.
Employees often have very different entry-level skills. When faced with learning a new skill that needs to be applied…
Added by Candice Arnold on September 6, 2008 at 5:50pm —
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Gone are the days when the primary role of HRM Professionals is to 'hire and fire.' Today, the corporate world and the work environments take a new shape and sound. Cultures and norms meet and mix in the shop floor, so much so that human resource, where it used to be viewed as a capital expense, is now considered as the a capital investment. Hence, HRM professionals have now a different set of roles.
The book entitled, "Personnel Management of the 21st Century" highlights some of the…
Added by Candice Arnold on September 6, 2008 at 5:43pm —
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You've heard the phrase "you never get a second chance to make a first impression" many times during your life. While this concept rings true in every aspect of life, perhaps the most important time to stop and consider what this means is when preparing for a job interview.
The overall impression that you make begins, and in some cases ends, with your appearance. The moment you are introduced to a job interviewer, he or she forms an initial impression based on your appearance. When…
Added by Candice Arnold on September 6, 2008 at 5:36pm —
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The increasingly popular MagicMethod Midnight Moves Sourcing Class here on RecruitingBlogs continues - in it we talk about things you can do with the telephone in the middle of the night!
The MidnightMagic ensorcellings tonight (Saturday, Sept 6) will continue last week's discussion on how to "do" telephone banks. Don't miss it! Come to the main page Chat Room at…
Added by Maureen Sharib on September 6, 2008 at 8:20am —
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I received this in my email last night - good luck to your future successes, Itzbig team!
It is with great regret that I am writing to inform you that itzbig will be discontinuing operations.
On behalf of all of the itzbig employees who have worked so long and so hard, I'd like to thank you for your support.
We set out to build a next-generation service that instantly matched, scored and ranked jobs against candidates and candidates against jobs, without all… Continue
Added by Maureen Sharib on September 6, 2008 at 8:00am —
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Video Resumes,
Video Cover Letters or
Video Interviews - The benefits of video services like Vipe, as shown by
Plugged-in Pete.
I think that these video resumes, or as I call them, “video cover letters” can be a very good initial representation of a candidate. This is the candidate’s opportunity to get their best foot forward when presenting themselves. Or I guess in this case it’s their best face forward!
Sure, they can be done over and over…
Added by Mark Tortorici on September 5, 2008 at 7:30pm —
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Hi All,
We are looking for a ASP.NET, C# and AJAX programmer for our direct client in Andover, MA. Let me know if you know any one looking for the opportunity. The details of the requirement is as follows,
Location: Andover, MA
Length: 90 Day's contract to Permanent.
A developer (U.S. Citizen) who has extensive hands-on experience on building web user interfaces in all three technologies: ASP.NET, C# and AJAX. They need to have a strong background and…
Added by Ronald Ramana on September 5, 2008 at 5:12pm —
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Have you heard that one before from a car salesman? Everyone has. What does this have to do with recruiting? It goes to the heart of my philosophy on recruiting.
You see, I believe there are 2 types of recruiters in this industry and I've dubbed them the "Used Car Salesman" and the "Realtor". Both have their place and both can be very effective, in fact some of the most successful agency recruiters I have come in contact with have been Used Car Salesman. I just don't happen to…
Added by Brian Barbeau on September 5, 2008 at 3:37pm —
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Hi Recruiter Friends,
I'm on a mission to find 6 contractors for a 7+ month project, location Houston TX and New Orleans LA. Please contact me if you have any resources available that qualify.
Thanks, Cheryl, 713-974-9060 x 110
Requirements include:
Looking for SAP consultants to conduct training and field implementation activities in support of the deployment of 3 integrated applications: Well Integrity Management System (eWIMS), SAP QM, and Facility…
Added by Cheryl on September 5, 2008 at 1:36pm —
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Hello Recruiting Experts! I meant to post this here as opposed to open discussions.
I'm looking to post one of my jobs located in Wokingham over in the UK on one of the top job boards. It is a junior level operations (a little technical focused) job and would be great for anyone out of school. If any of you could recommend one they've used, please do let me know. Feel free to contact me directly - my email is yardley.greene@sourcefire.com
Added by Yardley on September 5, 2008 at 11:09am —
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How can sales professionals move prospects to a yes?
The key to success lies in their ability to influence. Think about it, if you’re a natural at influencing people then you are likely to blossom in the field of sales.
Influence is the process in which one changes another person’s behavior. When presenting a product or service we must first create an offer that will capture the prospect. When we pitch our case in an influential manner, we find ourselves…
Added by James Carchidi on September 5, 2008 at 10:21am —
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The latest
online recruitment podcast is out, in this week's show: Jobsite's 15 million TV ad campaign, acquisitions for SaonGroup and FutureResumes make interviews green.
All this news, and more, this week on
Added by Julian Stopps on September 5, 2008 at 6:00am —
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Added by Dennis Smith on September 4, 2008 at 11:27pm —
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Senior Business / Systems Analyst
6 mth. contract Location: Walnut, CA
Acts as project manager/team leader in support of large, complex, and multi functional computerized system(s); assists in preparation of the computer services budget; monitors assigned budget(s) for designated data processing/applications systems as assigned
- Organize and lead small groups to resolve complex business problems
- Work with business customers to understand requirements and…
Added by Trina on September 4, 2008 at 4:59pm —
The executive team meets – an agreement is reached. The job description is written, then passed on and edited, and revised, and reviewed, and edited to include the typical “works well with others” sections – and TADA. You have your typical job description.
I often liken job descriptions to personal ads just as I have likened recruiting to matchmaking. My consultants usually chuckle when I give them the following analogy:
“Job descriptions are like personal adds. If you’re…
Added by Kelly Moeller on September 4, 2008 at 3:00pm —
Sales Support Specialist
The Sales Support Specialist should possess the ability to work in a diverse team environment and communicate technical and non-technical information effectively with team members and others in the work group, as well as with employees in other units and vendors.
The Sales Support Specialist will have the following responsibilities, among others:
Manage the business development lead generation process, including compiling leads,…
Added by Austin Dillon on September 4, 2008 at 12:30pm —
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OK that’s not true. Actually it’s a complete lie, but I did attend a .Net developers user group meeting and received 90 minutes of free training, and while it wont’ help me it would have certainly be beneficial to many developers whose future career opportunities are defined by continued growth and knowledge in their field.
Unfortunately out of the hundreds of people that could have benefited a mere 35 people showed up. This is completely illogical as there is no membership fee, no…
Added by bill martineau on September 4, 2008 at 11:40am —
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BHendersonResume2008[1].docI am reaching out to my fellow recruiters and friends for assistance! I am in a contract position and was notified just yesterday that the contract will end on Friday, September 5. I am anxiously seeking any opportunity that may match my qualifications. I am interested in any contract or permanent position. I am grateful to anyone who can help me! I have attached my resume…
Added by Brian Henderson on September 4, 2008 at 11:20am —
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