Recruiting Blogs (24,312)

Remedy for Fear

Remedy for Fear

Fear of death makes one forget the joys of life.
Be cheerful you are the children of immortal bliss.
Death is only for the body it is not for you.

Man is mortal so long as he is conscious of the body.
Transcend the idea of body, becomes immortal he at once.


Added by Maheshg on June 12, 2008 at 12:33pm — No Comments

what is depression?

what is depression?

Depression is not a disease
But it only a fallen wave
In the ocean of conciousness
Only to rise again with great
Force to lift us up and up
Till we reach the shore safely.


Added by Maheshg on June 12, 2008 at 12:32pm — No Comments

Snacks for mind

Snacks for mind

It is better to sleep than to slip
For the one gives you rest, the other fall from the best.

Don’t be in a hurry, but postpone indefinitely
Your wrong motive, selfish desires and immoral activities
That is the only way to escape from the fury of worry.

Mahesh G

Added by Maheshg on June 12, 2008 at 12:32pm — No Comments

Who is great?

Who is great?

He is not great, who is proud of his wealth

But he is great who says it is God’s wealth.

He is not great who says “ I am the owner”

But he is great who says, “ I am a trustee”

He is not great who is proud of his knowledge

But he is great who feels that he is ignorant

He isnot great who is proud of his strength

But he is great who protects weak, innocent.

God is the doer and you are his…

Added by Maheshg on June 12, 2008 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Power Your Mind -

As your thoughts, so your mind.
So good thoughts, power your mind.

The depth of an ocean is measured by fathoms
The depth of the mind is measured by thoughts

Added by Maheshg on June 12, 2008 at 12:29pm — No Comments

Company job sites: Good, Bad or indifferent

Most HR pro’s will tell you that the best way for you to get into their company is to apply via the company website. While this is the best way to be entered into their bottom-less pit of a database it is not (contrary to popular belief) the best way to get a job with that company. Just ask this candidate.

Understand that I have nothing against HR/Recruiters, in fact, some companies have… Continue

Added by bill martineau on June 12, 2008 at 11:06am — 2 Comments

Advice from Harvey's Dad

Harvey Mackay's one of my favorite business speakers and authors. So I wanted to share this article I received today because I think it applies directly to recruiters and our work-life.

Advice from my Dad for Father's Day

Author: Harvey Mackay

There's an English proverb that goes: "One father is worth more than a hundred schoolmasters."

Fathers can teach their children many… Continue

Added by Dennis Smith on June 12, 2008 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

June 12, 2008

Bill Vick's

Featuring Dave Staats, Headhunter, Flamethrower, Judge and Jury...

Don't forget, Bill's best seller Big Biller loaded on an Apple iPod is yours if you are a member of the group and you are like members, Shree Ruland, Susan Hand and John Borrowman who, in Dave's judgement, answered the weekly question better than anyone else. So,… Continue

Added by Amitai Givertz on June 12, 2008 at 8:30am — No Comments

Workhound Named Top 10 Career Site

Workhound Named Top 10 Career Site by the Guardian

w00t! We noticed a spike in traffic to our SalaryTrack tool yesterday. When looking at the source of traffic, we noticed a decent chunk from the Guardian. This indicated a couple of things. One that Guardian readers David Letterman's Book of Top Ten Lists: and Zesty Lo-Cal Chicken… Continue

Added by william fischer on June 12, 2008 at 6:50am — No Comments

Help Wanted Hawaii TV preview

You can get a sneak peak of a sample segment of Help Wanted Hawaii TV premiering August 7th on OC16. at This clip was filmed by our creative director and producer Jeff DePonte and edited by the talented Andrew Magpoc. The TV show will have much more than this, and will be hosted by Kolby Akamu. We will have company profiles, human interest stories, reality pieces, career tips, employment trends, and more. For more information visit… Continue

Added by Mike Nale on June 12, 2008 at 1:12am — No Comments launch

our career advice blogs website went live a couple days ago - suggestions?

-- Eric

Added by Eric Shannon on June 11, 2008 at 8:26pm — 2 Comments

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Think back to the last time you shopped for a car or house.

Did you go into the process intent on selecting the lowest priced?

Of course not.

So why enlist a service provider solely because they were the lowest priced?

Tempting as it is to take a bargain, base your decision on a more enduring factor: performance.

Ask yourself, what is performance worth?

The decision to use a service provider goes way beyond saving money; it is to make money.

Make sure your… Continue

Added by James Carchidi on June 11, 2008 at 3:48pm — No Comments

New ERE Site!

2008 - the year of change! For many reasons I will not go into on this blog, but here is one that I will talk about.

I am psyched that after months of work by our development team, we have launched the new site! This is a good change.

You may have already seen the changes, but if not you should head over to and see for yourself. While the first thing you will notice is a new look, there are a whole bunch of new… Continue

Added by Scott Baxt on June 11, 2008 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Web site offers insiders' look at major employers

Ever wonder whether you'd be better off working some place else?

A new Web site called is trying to make it easier to find out by compiling free snapshots of the current salaries paid by hundreds of major employers, along with reviews anonymously written by current and past workers.

Read the whole article… Continue

Added by Maureen Sharib on June 11, 2008 at 3:15pm — No Comments

The 12 Rules of ART – Part 1 of 12

"If you argue for your limitations..... you get to keep them!" - (From Jonathan Livingston Seagull)

A few years ago a short book came out that swept the corporate world as a whole. In fact, my corporate office sent me a box of them for my staff and even some to distribute to my clients (which was a nice thought, but ultimately most of them already had it from THEIR corporate office). The book was called “Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson, and… Continue

Added by Art Pitcher on June 11, 2008 at 1:30pm — No Comments

When gas hits $5.50 a gallon will still be able to afford to drive to work?

I originally posted this on Linkedin

Fact: In Europe and UK gas is avging about $8.50 a gal. and the US is at $4.00 as per AAA survey last weekend.

Last weekend I played paintball with a bunch of my friends and the group next to us was talking about high gas prices… Continue

Added by Jeff Weidner on June 11, 2008 at 1:18pm — No Comments

About the 12 Rules of ART

"The 12 Rules of ART" are a series of action guidelines I have adopted over the last 15 years in this business, which together form a functional roadmap of my core business philosophies, strategies and practices. Some of them I coined and some of them I stole, but all of them are good.

I have decided to share them with all of you here at recruitingblogs as a way to thank and repay you for all the great motivation and techniques I find here every day. I hope you find some value in… Continue

Added by Art Pitcher on June 11, 2008 at 12:52pm — No Comments

See & Find... and profit?

Quintura - see & find Always a fan of search engine technology and advancements, as well as being extremely visual, I enjoy playing with new toys. One that's been re-released in beta is Quintura - the visual search engine.

Taking clouds to a new…


Added by RecruiterGuy on June 11, 2008 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments


TalentDrive's next webinar will be June 12th from 12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT

Call or email me, Alex Cantu, to get the login information


Added by Talent Drive on June 11, 2008 at 11:12am — No Comments

Animal Show NOON June 11 EDT

My scheduled guest cancelled on me again -- this is getting sickening -- so I corralled a real scientist, Cliffy Mintz, to be the guest. He was a recruiter for five years and now he advises scientists (who appear to be total losers) in their careers. If you want to call in or simply listen you will find the info

Added by Recruiting Animal on June 11, 2008 at 10:15am — No Comments

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