Featured Recruiting Blogs (6,122)

Making Interviews Great ~ 5 Tips

The competition for jobs is fierce right now. Companies and law firms everywhere have been downsizing resulting in good people looking to find a new job. Reports abound of companies being overwhelmed with hundreds of resumes instantly after positing one available position. Making it through the resume screening process is the first daunting step, followed by the all anxiety-producing interview.

Whether or not the interview is the most appropriate way to assess a candidate’s ability to… Continue

Added by Alisa Tazioli on February 11, 2010 at 3:06pm — 8 Comments

Integrity. It’s a bit like virginity. Either you have it…or you don’t!

For all my blog posts please visit 'The Savage Truth'

I have been in business a long time. And all of that time has been in the rough and tumble world of recruitment and staffing. Having worked as a recruiter, manager, and owner of recruitment businesses all over the world, I have seen my share of dubious business practices. Indeed I have, sadly, been witness to many instances of outrageously deceitful and unethical behavior.… Continue

Added by Greg Savage on February 10, 2010 at 3:00am — 7 Comments

Psychology of a Counter Offer – The Trust Issue

We have looked at two different angles of how accepting a counter offer can change or limit your relationship with your current employer. I am now going to try and explain the employer perspective.

So after you bring your new offer to your current employers and they frantically piece together a counter offer, here is how the next few weeks play out in their head.

Stage 1 – Relief

They are happy and relieved that they have averted losing one of their top people. Whoa,… Continue

Added by Corey Harlock on February 10, 2010 at 11:00am — 13 Comments

Get Primal With Your Recruiting Instinct

How to Successfully Use That Instinct

Have you ever interviewed a candidate and in the back of your mind…


Added by Jenn Francine on February 10, 2010 at 2:43pm — No Comments

The Ugly Truth Why Recruiters Are Horrible At Finding Work.

You know what? Recruiters suck at finding themselves work. We give out great job hunting advice to complete strangers but the ugly truth is that we struggle finding a job too.

Every time I tell somebody I’m a Recruiter, they want help finding a job. And there I am with arms crossed listening attentively while they prattle about job prospecting hardships.

Yet, the sick sad reality if I lost my job, I’d do the same thing every unemployed Tom, Dick and…


Added by Michael Glenn on February 10, 2010 at 3:00pm — 4 Comments

Mobile Job Seekers

mobilejobseekers So let's talk mobile applications for employment. Why? Well quite simply because I'm tired of hearing people say that job seekers aren't ready to apply for jobs via their mobile. And I think I'm to the point where I just have to call it out and say, "that's crap." If done right, I can't think of a single reason a job seeker wouldn't want to submit interest for a job via… Continue

Added by RecruiterGuy on February 9, 2010 at 9:30am — No Comments

A Recruitment technology Puddle

Next week I will be at TruLondon and have the pleasure of leading two tracks, The Talent Puddle and Technology Shopping List.


Added by Shane McCusker on February 9, 2010 at 7:00am — 3 Comments

Every Hire Is A Miracle

Your Resume Has To Get Through Here As you can see, it has been a month since our last blog post. Let this be a sign for those of you on the job market that better days are coming. We have been working on some hard to fill positions that did not allow me to complete some of the blog posts that I have started. This post was one of them. The inspiration for the title came from the fact that behind the scenes of every job posting, there exists a complete network that is constantly expanding and contracting, bringing in… Continue

Added by Pedro S. Silva II on February 9, 2010 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

DIY Market Research Part One: Field Observation

Field observation is an essential component of any serious market research project, particularly in emerging markets, but it’s usually overlooked by agencies. Now, you may not have a budget for field work but if you can squeak in a trip to an emerging market I want to give you a DIY tool set you can use to get some basic understandings of the market you're interested in.

Why do market research at all? Because you don’t…


Added by David Kippen on February 8, 2010 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

ABC's of Market Research: Tools of the Trade

On this trip, Cate and I will be visiting a variety of cities--from Beijing to Bangkok, Cairo to Dubai, London to Mumbai--to do market research for a top global brand.

We’ll be talking to people with a variety of different jobs to understand what they think about work and working, what’s differentiating about what our client offers, and how this varies from place to place and job to…

Added by David Kippen on February 9, 2010 at 5:13am — No Comments

Are you ready for the new normal that is social recruiting?

The missing piece

Over the course of the next week, I am meeting with many different companies - all with the same question wanting to be answered - does my business need to be using social media to recruit - social recruiting?

One of the first questions I shall be asking is whether their company is ready… Continue

Added by Andy Headworth on February 8, 2010 at 1:39pm — 5 Comments

I am not a brand. I am me...

I read a blog post last week via twitter on the growing subject of the 'personal brand', discussing yet another recent 'survey' that puts at 70% the number of employers using social media profiles to check up on, or screen out, candidates in the recruitment process. …


Added by Gareth Jones on February 8, 2010 at 7:30am — 19 Comments

To Process or Produce, That is the Question

I have tried to start this post no less than seven times already so instead of trying to come up with some round about catchy way of presenting my thoughts I am just going to lay it out there and see if it sticks.…


Added by Randy Levinson on February 8, 2010 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

Overseas Recruiter V's Home Based Recruiter


recently interviewed a Consultant for a position based in our Singapore

office, and that interview provided inspiration for this blog.

Recruitment is recruitment right? On the face of it, it’s as simple as finding…

Added by Dee Allan on February 5, 2010 at 9:58pm — No Comments

Is Talent Overrated?

It's a fact of life that when you live in Southern California there's less opportunity to read than there is when you live in New York City or any other place where you have to rely on mass transportation. After all, when you're crammed into a sardine can with your fellow human beings pressed all around you a good book or a cheap newspaper can be the life-preserver that saves you from drowning in too much contact with your fellow human being.

Granted, there's always the sport of… Continue

Added by James Seetoo on February 5, 2010 at 1:56pm — 2 Comments

Beijing to Bangkok

What's that line about the best laid plans?

I knew China might block Gmail, but who knew it would block RecruitingBlogs?

Guess Jason's a more dangerous guy than we thought--or maybe it's Animal they're worried about. Whatever the case, I'm in Bangkok now so I'll be putting up posts from the last few days over the next few days.

Thanks for your patience. They'll be worth the wait.

Added by David Kippen on February 6, 2010 at 10:39am — 2 Comments

Recruiting Green Eggs and Ham

Don't you hate it when your bluff gets called. I get a lot of inspiration for blog posts from my day to day life, especially with my kids. You'll notice my posts are not the high brow statistical masterpieces, or comprehensive analysis of some new Recruitment tool. They are just my views. A while ago, I went through a series of posts, getting analogies from books I was reading with my children, posts like…


Added by Dan Nuroo on February 5, 2010 at 7:06am — 3 Comments

BREEDING ARSONISTS...the exciting conclusion!

When last we left our recruiting hero, they had successfully completed their search assignment, cashed a fat check, and were on to the next search.

The question remains. Is it a good thing to be a firefighter for your clients? That's the crux.

Initially, it seems like something you want your customers to do-think of YOU first.

Since you're in the service industry it's logical and profitable to be perceived as responsive and customer focused.

Don't… Continue

Added by Brian Keith on February 4, 2010 at 11:54am — No Comments

The Best Format for Your Resume (Hint: It's Not .PDF)

So you want your resume to look pretty. Naturally. But is your pretty format preventing your resume from functioning as well as it should?

Did you know that many corporate and staffing agency ATS's (Applicant Tracking Systems) strip your resume of formatting when the information is imported into your profile? Or that when you forward your resume to a recruiter, they often have to copy and paste it into a new…


Added by Craig Fisher on February 2, 2010 at 12:30pm — 22 Comments

All Tomorrow’s Parties – what TruLondon and Unconferences mean to me

The first time I read about unconferences three words sprang to mind – ‘All Tomorrow’s Parties’

Those three words mean two things to me (and no doubt a lot of other rock fans) – an iconic song from the Velvet Underground debut album and an alternative music festival, which runs every year as an antidote to more corporate music festivals.

Both encompass the spirit of everything that I believe unconferences should be, and none does it better than TruLondon.

I will… Continue

Added by Mervyn Dinnen on February 4, 2010 at 7:30am — No Comments

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