All Blog Posts Tagged 'jobs' (697)

Is My Job One of the UK’s Most Dangerous?

Most of us work in comfortable 9–5 office jobs where the biggest risk to our health is spilling hot coffee on our lap or getting a papercut. Although all jobs have their own sort of stress, there are some that can risk workers lives.

The International Labour Office (ILO) estimates that there are around 2.3 million workplace fatalities and 340 million injuries every year — that’s 6,300 deaths every day. Here, we take a look at the world’s most dangerous jobs in the UK.



Added by Caitlin Purvis on October 5, 2020 at 10:51am — No Comments

Using Social Media to Enhance Your Career Prospects

Social media has been a world-changing phenomenon. Before Facebook’s founding in 2004 there was the likes of Bebo, Faceparty, and MySpace. However, the last 10 years have seen a huge spike in both users of social media and reasons for using it. In 2019, there were 3.486 billion active users on social media, equating to nearly half of the entire population having a social media presence. This was up by nine per cent since January 2018. But, with a lot of the world currently on lockdown due to…


Added by Caitlin Purvis on October 5, 2020 at 7:00am — No Comments

Sustainable Jobs: What Opportunities Are There for Graduates?

As society places a greater emphasis on the social responsibility, we have to protect the environment and prevent climate change. As such, more and more of us are looking for careers in sustainable roles. Finding a job that is ideal for you after walking out of university is no easy task, let alone one that is eco-friendly. For the generations before us, signing the first job contract they see regardless of their ethical stance and personal opinions was a regular…


Added by Caitlin Purvis on September 29, 2020 at 11:02am — No Comments

4 Jobs That Can Help You Pay Your Way Through College

When you are a student, coming up with extra funds is not always easy. One way to get around this problem is to look for work near the campus. You can save money by walking and having other students pick you up from work. Here are four excellent jobs for students to look for when…


Added by Anica Oaks on September 28, 2020 at 9:30am — No Comments

Simple Networking Ideas To Find A New Job

We’ve all heard that the best way to …


Added by Mandy Fard - CPRW, CMRW on September 4, 2020 at 2:49pm — No Comments

4 Signs a Job in Construction Could Be the Right Choice for You

While most people never adequately consider a job in the skilled trades, the benefits of these jobs are difficult to overstate. Jobs in the construction industry, in particular, pay well and offer excellent job security. Here are four telltale signs that a job in construction could be the right choice for your career path.

You Love Working With Your Hands



Added by Anica Oaks on April 28, 2020 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Top 5 freelance career opportunities

Starting a career, as a freelancer in Malaysia is a great option, as the country has a great economic value for such jobs.  To start freelancer jobs in Malaysia one should know how to make this an effective job opportunity. Working as a freelancer allows one to be his own boss helping them to work for themselves and earn a good amount which allows one to progress and develop without stress and burden in life

Malaysia is known for its developed culture which…


Added by arpana sharma on April 25, 2020 at 7:00pm — No Comments

5 Top Tips on how to stay productive if you are currently out of work

Hiring staff is uncertain now, but soon things will pick up – so what can you do to put you ahead of the competition when you are looking for a new role? We have put together 5 top tips that could help you:

Number 1 - Update your CV

Your CV is potentially the first point…


Added by Charlotte Barrington on April 22, 2020 at 11:00am — No Comments

Job Roles for MBA Finance to Grow into PE Professionals

MBA finance students are sought after by banks, corporations, and asset management companies each year. Careers at the start require post-graduates to assist in the financial improvement of the firm they have been hired into.

The five major areas in finance covered during the college years of the program…


Added by Lucia Adams on February 21, 2020 at 1:38am — No Comments

4 Exciting Career Paths That Will Allow You to Work Internationally

If you dream of working in an international location, you can pursue a career path that gives you the opportunity to move to another country. Many of these types of careers are known to pay excellent salaries and provide job stability. These four exciting career paths will allow you to work internationally.

Flight Attendant

Becoming a…


Added by Anica Oaks on November 27, 2019 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Building and Maintaining a (Professional) Relationship With Your Recruiter

No longer fulfilled in your current role? Longing for a new challenge? Dread going back to work every Monday morning? – all signs you probably should look for a new job! The problem is, where do you start with it all!? With so much to do day to day – such as holding down a job, maintaining a relationship or dating, maybe it includes raising children,…


Added by Charlotte Barrington on October 22, 2019 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Analyst Jobs: Immense Scope And Bright Career Future

In this technology-driven era, it has become a humongous task to manage simultaneously the need of both the companies and consumers simultaneously. In such a scenario, the services rendered by data analysts are of the utmost importance. A data analyst comes into the big picture for the reason that there is a strong need for someone who can analyse huge chunks of data and perform statistical analysis on such data sets. Even though there is not a substantial difference between the duties of a…


Added by arpana sharma on October 16, 2019 at 5:18am — No Comments

How to be successful in a career path?

Possessing a successful career offers plenty of benefits and genuine gainful platforms. However, we live in that specific planet which is ruled by social standing and money, although when you work on proper guidance so, that you will get a good and quality of life as well as reach the path of success. There are several reasons for which a person wants success.

There are some important practices and great activities that successful people from the entire universe perform. The great way…


Added by Lucia Adams on August 5, 2019 at 1:05am — No Comments

Top 4 Sectors for Providing Jobs in Rishikesh for the Local Youths

Rishikesh, the holy city of India, is in the state of Uttarakhand. It is a beautiful city with the Himalayas surrounding it on three sides. A city of religious importance with river Ganga flowing and it is the gateway to the Char Dham yatra. But, if you think that Rishikesh is all about Hindu religion, Ganga, Ashram and meditation, you are highly mistaken. The city is a growing economy with a number of economy activities, and thus provides…


Added by arpana sharma on July 30, 2019 at 1:28am — No Comments

Pain Releaf: What You Should Know When Starting a Dispensary

For those interested in starting a marijuana dispensary, be wary about all of the state and local regulations that exist around the business. Though it can be a very rewarding business, there are many obstacles you'll have to overcome to have the dispensary of your dreams. Many people find their dream job…

Added by Emma Sturgis on June 28, 2019 at 4:32pm — No Comments

4 Trade Schools Teens Are Choosing Over College

Many teens feel pressure to go to college right out of high school. It’s “expected”. Going to college isn’t the right thing for everyone, especially a teenager just entering the adult world. For those teens who don’t want to go to college, trade schools are a viable alternative that places the student into a well-paying job within a short time. Many…


Added by Emma Sturgis on June 21, 2019 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Popular Part Time Jobs in the Philippines for Young Filipino Job Seekers and Expats

There has been a good performance in economic development over the years in the Philippines. The country is gradually shifting from an agriculture-based economy to a service and manufacturing based economy in recent time. There is no doubt that a good number of job opportunities has been created for Filipino job seekers in various industrial sectors at different positions, roles, and levels. But in spite of that, finding out the right job that exactly matches your skill and qualification is…


Added by arpana sharma on March 27, 2019 at 8:54am — No Comments

Why to Become an AI Professional?

A new revolution is on its way to disrupt the tech world. Any guesses what I am talking about?

Artificial Intelligence is our future and its high time we accept and widen our knowledge on what all is possible through this ingenious invention. If managed wisely, it can inexplicable positive changes to civilization and enable it to flourish like never before.

Artificial Intelligence is around us in disparate forms but many of us really notice that? Did you know that SIRI which is…


Added by Lucia Adams on March 18, 2019 at 12:21am — No Comments

What to do with a lower second class degree?

Getting a first or 2:1 degree classification is often seen as the “golden ticket” to the best graduate programmes and jobs. Last year the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), reported that 70% of graduates obtained either a first or 2:1 degree, putting…


Added by Richard England on February 12, 2019 at 9:08am — No Comments

The Top 8 Do's and Don'ts of Effective Job Descriptions

Infographic:  HRSG, creators of the leading job description software offers our top 8 tips to building effective job descriptions. What do you think? Leave your comments below the infographic to tell us if this aligns with your experience in building job descriptions!…


Added by Jonathan Spratt on February 1, 2019 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

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