Does it take a village? Or is it more of a fellowship of sorts?
I tried to get a team together for the DARPA Balloon Challenge. I posted everywhere, there were a few patient onlookers who mostly were curious how we would collaborate on googlewave to accomplish this crazy task. Find 10 red balloons hidden on street corners throughout the US in 1 day.
2 people were able to do so much. I have never been more proud to have a sourcer like Lisa Offutt working with me & for…
Added by Julia Stone on December 8, 2009 at 3:22pm —
Job Qualifications are changing as rapidly as the markets themselves. A year ago everyone was desperate to hire the most technically savvy candidate they could find. If you made less than six figures you were quickly dismissed because it was assumed that you didn’t have the skills to fit these high tech roles. In the last year, like many markets, that paradigm has changed. Budgets are cut, firms are folding and suddenly the most sought after candidates of yester year are plentiful. Every day I…
Added by Andrea Persico on December 8, 2009 at 3:22pm —
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Great news- things are starting to turnaround! Before you receive the almighty “go ahead” to post opening, how are you going to prepare yourself for the applicant response rate?
To prevent an applicant pile up; organize and process your applicant data with an
applicant tracking system. Most applicant tracking systems provide:
* Interface to manage and post active job openings
* Tools to qualify applicants based on…
Added by Julia on December 8, 2009 at 1:38pm —
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Is blogging a help or a hindrance in your career?
If you listen to some commentators, having a large online footprint will be THE only way you'll be found in the future. Job boards will die, and all Recruiters will be all over Social Media tools writing Boolean strings, mining LinkedIn, Facebook, reading blogs (etc) and just finding you when they need you.
So therefore, you need to have a Facebook account a LinkedIn profile, a Twitter presence and be furiously writing…
Added by Dan Nuroo on December 8, 2009 at 8:05am —
1 Comment
Arrived Delhi 9pm last night. Refresehed.
I checked in to Newark and my boarding pass read "Seat 20A Window". At least it was in an exit row. Walked up to the friendliest flight attendant just before boarding and, with all the smile I could muster (as if that would make a difference), said, "Just checking to see if miracles really happen". She looked up, smiled and said "if your name is...(then looked quickly down at a ticket) Gerald Thomas Crispin they do".
Yes!!! Scored…
Added by Gerry Crispin on December 7, 2009 at 9:09pm —
Friday I attended the MN Recruiters Unconference at Best Buy HQ I arrived late due to previous engagements and only got to see the last 2 presenters. What a contrast! A great job by MN Recruiters bringing in differing opinions on Social media Use by Corporate America. Teresa Thompson from Fredrikson and Byron took a very legal point of view and showed us scary pics of workplace incidents like employees bathing in the dish sinks at fast food places and posting them online... I agree these need…
Added by Patti Yaritz on December 7, 2009 at 6:09pm —
K.A. Recruiting, Inc. is looking for an experienced recruiter to help with our increasing client needs. We’re a boutique sized, healthcare recruiting firm based in Boston’s financial district. We cover the entire US working predominately with hospitals and reference labs. To better meet our existing clients overall hiring demands we’re seeking a recruiter to expand our business into other verticals within the healthcare space. This is a unique opportunity to join a growing recruiting firm that…
Added by Alisha Taylor on December 7, 2009 at 10:56am —
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Don’t Do This At The Office Holiday Party
Holiday Party Poopers
Lisa Collins, JD SPHR
#1 Don't Get Drunk: Unless you work for Jim Beam then getting sauced at your company party is one of the worst things you can do to ruin your image. Companies are starting to limit drink tickets to two per person. There is a good reason why. If an employee gets intoxicated and drives home and causes some…
Added by Lisa Collins on December 6, 2009 at 8:49pm —
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I’m hearing from more and more from people I meet with and interview how difficult it is out there. Particularly during the holidays when you are reminded about a holiday bonus, giving gifts and sharing good times with friends and family. You may not be in much of a mood to celebrate, but you have to show up, put a smile on your face, and pretend anyway. It’s not that you can’t be a good actor but why do you have to try so hard? It’s times like these where you have to hold onto the vision and…
Added by Lisa Kaye on December 6, 2009 at 7:37pm —
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2 hours to takeoff. Leaving 8:45pm from Newark tonight and landing 9:30PM in New Delhi….Monday (would be 9PM but they are 10 and a half hours ahead. 14 hours in the air.
Safely ensconsed at the moment in Continental’s Int’l Club.
Passport and visa. Check
Money. Check
Intinerary and Emergency #s. Check
Extra reading material for when I get bored studying India and tune in to the latest Patterson thriller. Check.
Tech Equip. Check.
Headphones w whitenoise.…
Added by Gerry Crispin on December 6, 2009 at 7:20pm —
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I have been busy, busy, busy this week! Now I’m back working 5 days a week it’s a real change of pace. It’s actually a bit alarming how quickly you get used to enjoying a 4 day weekend… [Note to self: Challenge for the new year is to get Mr J into a top notch job so that I can laze around more and he can keep me in the manner to which I’ve always wanted to become accustomed!] So anyway, my social media play time has fallen by the wayside somewhat and I’ve really missed it. But actually not…
Added by Wendy Jacob on December 6, 2009 at 5:16pm —
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Ok, call me “snarky,” but I don’t believe in making predictions. Why? Because A) I’m not Kreskin B) I’m not an HR Wizard C) Most predictions don’t come true. Before you call me the “bah hum bug” of HR, think again. How many times have you read year-end predictions, or recaps and thought, “Yeah, so what?”
While I love reading year-end recaps, and predictions for the coming year, I rarely take stock in them. With that said, a few of my colleagues have stepped up to the plate and…
Added by Margo Rose on December 6, 2009 at 2:02pm —
I heard a news report this morning when the unemployment numbers came out. The report basically said that unemployment is slowing, but the problem is that while the numbers show that companies are not laying off as many workers they aren’t hiring new workers fast enough either. So what do the numbers mean to us? I believe this is just the next step in the process, but an indication that we are getting there. I’ve mentioned before that I don’t like to get lost in the big picture and in big…
Added by Todd Kmiec on December 4, 2009 at 10:08pm —
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The unemployment rate dropped from 10.2% to 10% for November. Economist thought that the rate would maintain 10.2% for November so the news I’m reading is overly positive about the .2% drop. Most of these same economist however thought the unemployment rate would peak at 10.2% in February of 2010 but we saw that number 4 months earlier in October of this year. So forgive me if I am cautiously optimistic.
According to the New York Times, Allen L. Sinai, the founder of the research…
Added by Darin Manis on December 4, 2009 at 3:19pm —
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Competition Principle is a formal title I gave to what I believe to be a fundamental truth. The Competition Principle simply states,
“There are others more qualified or talented than you who want what you want.” To make this principle specific to jobseekers I have defined the tenet as the Jobseeker Competition Principle. The
Jobseeker Competition Principle states:
“There are others more qualified or talented than you who want the same job you… Continue
Added by Darin Manis on December 4, 2009 at 3:17pm —
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Okay, I admit I took a little time off during Thanksgiving, which is why I didn’t post last week. But mostly because I didn’t think I’d be alone in that and that gave me the idea for this posting.
As we move into the holiday season, or I suppose we’ve already done that with Thanksgiving – the recruitment process for both the recruiter and candidate can become increasingly frustrating. Let’s be honest, recruiters are people and they can become increasingly busy this time of year with…
Added by James Seetoo on December 4, 2009 at 1:16pm —
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Not too long ago cell phones were seen as an accessory. Most people carried them around for security or status. Kids of all ages longed for a cell phone to play games or download ring tones on, or to text friends. Over the past few years, the need for cell phones arose due to technological advances, as well as the social media phenomena of today.
When social media began its takeover on our world, many companies began to panic for they saw the potential repercussions on their…
Added by Heather Schuyler on December 4, 2009 at 8:59am —
1 Comment
For the last two years I have written two christmas posts that have been very popular with all of you. The posts were of a similar title; The Top 10 Christmas Gifts for a Recruiter. (Check out…
Added by Andy Headworth on December 4, 2009 at 8:51am —
It's that time of the year again where recruiters try to come up with the most creative, witty and funny job advert titles. This week, the award goes to
The Warehouse in New Zealand with "Dear Santa. All I want for Christmas are some Team Leaders, please."
Runners up...
* Sales and Support Specialist Get your new job wrapped up for Christmas!
* Christmas Is Coming...Get Temping Now!!
Added by Thomas Shaw on December 3, 2009 at 6:54pm —
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Recently I read Crush it and was so inspired.
During times of transition and change, one has the opportunity to think about their personal and professional path.
I’ve made an executive decision. If I’m not on fire about what I’m doing-I’m not doing it-period.
Life is too short to dabble in things that bring on despair. I say, bring on the joy, hop into happiness, pursue your passion, and never-ever-ever-sell out.
Tonight, I’ll be listening to HR Happy Hour…
Added by Margo Rose on December 3, 2009 at 6:09pm —
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