It has been a long time since I’ve had a new post. The truth is that I’ve been swamped. I’m experiencing a massive influx in ATS activities. One of the biggest questions I’ve been asked in the last few weeks revolves around the number of companies using applicant tracking systems. While I have a solid understanding about market segments in the US, I would like to gain further insight of applicant tracking systems used on a global scale. From this information, I would like to do some “fun stats”… Continue
Added by Jake Stupak on June 15, 2009 at 9:35pm —
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I must be losing my mind. I’ve recently read a comment by a job seeker who is considering botox injections in an attempt to gain a leg up during an interview. I think we can all agree that there are probably companies and work environments that still practice sexism, racism and age discrimination. If you are actively looking for a job, the question you need to ask yourself is, “Do I want to be a part of this type of environment?”
There is a growing market for personal branding and… Continue
I was reading a reply to a question I posed on the Australian Corporate Recruiters site (blatant plug)around why people do Recruitment. A response I received by David Talamelli got me thinking. He responded with "I am still amazed when I see people calling themselves Senior Recruiters with 3-4 yrs exp."
I believe this is due to the fact that people drop out of the… Continue
am told corporates ...have policies ...frameWorks address issuee's as envisagable in the above context ??
given the context that man is a social animal ...usually is part of a society and social circle,
given the context ...of how and where do the employee's ....collegue's fall in the above context
...understanding and interpretations of TEAMWORK ... work for the betterment of the team, group, employee's ?? companies ?? society ?? social class or strata ??… Continue
Added by Ravi on June 15, 2009 at 5:55pm —
1 Comment
I just got back from Las Vegas for the annual Fordyce confernce filled with big billers. This is not a general recruiting event instead it was a gathering of agency folks (no corporate recruiters to be found) and most those who have experience and generate a good amount of revenue.
I was there to present a workshop on Sales Skills for Recruiters. I was fortunate enough to be able to site in on a few other presentations that I want to share here...…
Ever wonder why certain people get whatever they want? Or how some people always have money and seem to travel and say “What recession!” Does it bother you to think some people might be smarter, quicker, more successful while you continue to struggle, fail and struggle again only to find yourself in the same place? Well, you know what they say, you get what you deserve.
If you are thinking well does that mean if I’m not successful I somehow deserve it? Well, I guess the correct… Continue
Added by Lisa Kaye on June 15, 2009 at 3:14pm —
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I holds two years of experience in international recruiting. Right now I am in need of job, so please revert me if you hold any information that could help me.
Added by veeraboina Kiran on June 15, 2009 at 2:13pm —
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When the economy tanks in one sector, the advice you hear from ABC, CNN, Employment Blogs, HR professionals, and even your second-cousin is that you need to target sectors that are growing. That sounds like really smart advice, but like most mainstream pithy wisdom it has it's flaws doesn't it? And I feel like it is our job as talent identification professionals to knock some sense into the growing ranks of "cross-over applicants".
If you have been asked to a lunch or dinner meeting by your boss or client, or potential boss or client, here are some rules to insure your dining experience is as polished as your business skills. To begin, arrive early. If not traveling together arrive 10 minutes early in order to check your appearance, remove your coat, use the restroom and prepare to greet your host with a smile and a firm handshake.
After being seated it is polite for the… Continue
i have observed that there a lot of companies ...including placement agencies that are thriving by rasing funds from money-markets/potentially-from candidates ....with not much of a clientle or true product portfolio.
given the context to evaluate a potential company ...its scope in a market driven economy!!
given the context of group-insurace is all about ...subscription or more the number of subscriber's
more the funds .... i have seen ...less of sales… Continue
given that people and entities ...coin or use different ...terms or notations ,
what are the dictionary meaning ...any slang involved should or in what way are the term's used,
are there any comprehension or interpretational ...capabilities or ability to read inbetween the lines to
comprehend a job posting or a requirement posted by a company!!.
given that most recruiter's ...prepare or detail-out or offer the services of doctoring or polishing… Continue
Added by Ravi on June 13, 2009 at 3:00pm —
1 Comment
We are witnessing the end of an era. Since the end of the World War 2, large companies have controlled the ebb and flow of the US economy: from the reign of the Detroit automakers to the rise of west coast tech moguls like Microsoft and Google. Small businesses have been the tiny vessels tossed in the wake of gargantuan tankers, forcing their products on consumers through sheer bulk.
The tides are changing though- the failing American economy has exposed the incapability of big… Continue
How to survive in the times of recession? The answer is Self Branding.
In big companies there are thousands of people working at any given point in time. Everyone finishes their work on time, works hard, meets the deadlines and strives to get ahead. But, these things will never make you different from others as everyone does the same more so in the recession. Everyone is focused on work and their career. So what is it that can differentiate you from the crowd – The answer is self… Continue
Added by Sophia Simon on June 12, 2009 at 1:03pm —
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Okay here it goes.....I have spent the last few weeks researching Staffing Software for the company I work for. We plan on implementing this change sometime in January 2010. I have seen a couple of demos, one of which I was pretty impressed with. I have even posted a Blog and a Discussion here on this site, in hopes of getting some feedback on what seems to be the most widely used or most popular, yet satisfying software out on the market today. I don't know if I'm not being clear on the info I… Continue
This recruitng career has taken me from ZERO experience with a degree and a friend from High School referral (If it was not for LISA W., I likely I would not be in this industry), to owning, and operating my own boutique staffing firm. (BLISS!)
I have made over 225+ hires, and been through ALOT of scenarios that have worked out well for me and a "few" not so well. (EX. You hire someone at your client, they don't show up the first… Continue
Have you downloaded a pile of online dissertations from dissertation archives in hope to tinker them and submit it as your own? Chances are…you will be caught for plagiarism!
Catching plagiarized dissertations is not difficult now because of the availability of sophisticated plagiarism detection tools. Even if you copy a few parts from someone’s dissertation, you will still end up getting caught.
I used to be one of avon products Inc. largest recruiters on the east coast now I work for Lazboy as a sales rep. Just loved the recruiting biz and would like to stay in the loop so I can use it to recruit customers and also to help other people learn things I learned, etc..
Ruthie Appleby
If you visit my site please share this site there :)
Added by Ruthie Appleby on June 12, 2009 at 1:31am —
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