Added by Avika Shah on June 15, 2015 at 6:44am — No Comments
Getting a job these days is more pressing now more than ever. Even though the experts are saying that the recession is calming down, Goldman Sach’s soaring profits as an example, the visible effects are still absent among the common worker. If there is something that is constantly present anywhere…
ContinueAdded by Ellen Summerhills on June 14, 2015 at 10:22pm — No Comments
The WhatsApp Group Chat that was held this week was quite informative as we received interesting insights that we as Recruiters and Sourcers haven’t thought of before while hiring. Having said that, you’re probably wondering what I’m talking about therefore I’ll come right to the point. The discussion was about what are the best websites to find Technical IT people…
Added by Sourcing Adda on June 12, 2015 at 1:30am — No Comments
How to source on the lesser known sites!! Zoominfo
Zoominfo is a vertical search engine focused on people, companies, and the relationships among
them. Zoominfo is well known In the community and some have tried to source in it. Well to do
this without worry you need go no…
ContinueAdded by Dean Da Costa on June 11, 2015 at 6:44pm — No Comments
An organizational succession plan should always have a plan B. It is one of the biggest problems for any business and a core issue for leadership. Succession planning is like an insurance plan for the survival of your business. So it stands to reason then, that if you don’t have a succession plan, you can’t ensure that your business will survive after your resignation.…
Added by Sean Pomeroy on June 11, 2015 at 9:30am — 1 Comment
Online courses are becoming increasingly popular as people need to work to earn a living, and they need money in order to study. So as more courses are becoming available, people are finding it easier and easier to learn through online courses. The thing is, because we live in an ever-changing world, even the professionals in their fields are finding themselves with…
ContinueAdded by Rosemary Brown on June 11, 2015 at 2:04am — No Comments
If you have a chance to talk to employees or their managers, you will often hear that the wages are the most important factor of motivation. Very often people say that they will take job positions for which they are not qualified if the salary is adequate and on time. Unfortunately, this attitude is the result of the current time and environment in which we live in – people want to fulfill their basic needs as well as their need for security and then focus on the needs of a higher order.…
ContinueAdded by Albert Denim on June 10, 2015 at 3:00pm — No Comments
I remember it like it was yesterday. The whole process lasted about three months, which included several different interviews, tests and onsite visits when I finally received the call I had anxiously been waiting for. I had just accepted my offer at as a customer loyalty representative. had been listed as the #6 company on the…
Added by Christina M. Bates on June 10, 2015 at 11:30am — No Comments
Developing a positive employer brand should be the main focus for every company that wants to significantly improve application rates and have a wide pool of talent to choose from. A clear and defined employer brand will make you stand out in the currently tight recruitment market and will encourage candidates to talk about your organisation in a positive…
Added by Investigo Ltd on June 10, 2015 at 10:30am — No Comments
“Minimum 5 years’ experience working in the industry…"
You see this in nearly every job posting. It’s understandable; unless you’re desperate for talent and need a position filled right now, you have enough wiggle room to make sure your new hire has at least some experience working in your field. So to keep the neophytes away, you write the “Minimum years’ experience”…
ContinueAdded by Ron Stewart on June 10, 2015 at 7:51am — No Comments
Changing careers can be an exciting but scary prospect.
If you have been feeling burned out at your current occupation, it may be time for a change to give you that excitement for your career. However, you may not want to start all over back at entry-level in your new career either for pay or for responsibility.
The key is to consider industries that hire…
ContinueAdded by Dave on June 9, 2015 at 3:30pm — No Comments
Living in Silicon Valley and working in the world of recruitment, conversations naturally turn how competitive the tech talent market is whenever I chat with my neighbors in the Bay Area. Julie Cooper writing for BizJournals the other day had a…
Added by Daniel Fogel on June 9, 2015 at 12:30pm — No Comments
The host was Sharath Kumar, Partner at SourcePRO, who began the session with fun activities too. The ones who gave the best answers were rewarded with SourcePRO mugs and badges. Here are the activities were conducted by Sharath Kumar…
The session began with an opening statement combined with Recruiting Humour…
ContinueAdded by Sourcing Adda on June 9, 2015 at 1:51am — No Comments
There are still many resumes on the Internet. Google is still by far the best search engine. However, Googling the world wide web for online resumes has stopped being productive for the majority of locations and industries, with few exceptions.
I'll share some thoughts, as to why Googling for Resumes is Obsolete, shortly. Let us first look at a typical Google "Boolean String" in the style still taught in some Sourcing classes or auto-created by a "Boolean…
ContinueAdded by Irina Shamaeva on June 9, 2015 at 1:30am — No Comments
I remember when I wasn’t allowed to use Wikipedia as a source for papers or research in school. Whether that was because teachers thought it wasn’t accurate or they wanted us to walk to the library to get a real book, it was extremely annoying. Well teachers, the times have changed―Wikipedia is nearly always the top source listed in Google for nearly everything, and it’s updated in a nanosecond. If Wikipedia doesn’t have an entry for a topic, I feel like it doesn’t exist.
So needless…
ContinueAdded by Elyse Schmidt on June 8, 2015 at 9:53am — 1 Comment
We live in an on-demand world. Every day, we access more and more products and services at the click of a mouse, touch of a button, or by dialing our phones. Many companies have installed apps, websites, and other devices allowing their employees to order food, report updates, and procure supplies the moment they are needed. This same convenient access must be applied to acquiring talent.
“Downloading” the next hire should not be a reactive process where people access resumes to begin…
ContinueAdded by Scott Wintrip on June 8, 2015 at 9:04am — No Comments
Fewer Recruiters Care About Cover Letters
As recruiters get busier, and applicant tracking systems do the heavy lifting of resume screening, it appears that fewer HR Departments than ever care about cover letters. A recent SHRM survey of HR professionals found that only 22% of respondents considered it a mistake for applicants to omit cover letters:…
ContinueAdded by Donna Svei on June 8, 2015 at 5:30am — No Comments
Longboards are the type of skateboards which has a longer and wider shape. The popularity of the longboards has been continuously increasing because of its exciting styles and riding techniques. These boards are actually used in the different types of competitive ridings and the transportation. The longboard consists of deck, wheels, bearing and trucks that vary in sizes. Moreover different types of materials are used in the manufacturing of longboards like wood, fiberglass, carbon fiber and…
ContinueAdded by Geo Msn on June 7, 2015 at 5:00am — No Comments
A terrific job interview is about the employer and their problems - not about what you want or need. The employer has a problem and is looking for you to solve it. They need someone for a variety of reasons but whatever their reasons - they are looking for someone to solve a problem, and you have to show how are the optimal person to do that for the company, given this specific situation.
Finding out first what problems the company has is the best strategy. Start by thinking how you…
ContinueAdded by Donald Sonn on June 5, 2015 at 2:44pm — No Comments
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