Someone I know; and is highly respected in the Talent Acquisition / Social Media space, mentioned the other day on Twitter that she had received a Valentines card through LinkedIn. She was rightly offended, as that's an inappropriate use of LinkedIn.
It got me thinking about how some people can be inappropriate in their use of Social…
ContinueAdded by Dale Taylor on March 4, 2015 at 4:16am — 3 Comments
You’re probably familiar with Instagram but the question here is how well do you know Instagram and its features? Is the knowledge you have enough to guarantee success? These are important questions that require answers. Especially since, the current trend that is followed is social network recruitment.
Instagram is the perfect app for those of you who have a flair for photography and images. You can use this app…
ContinueAdded by Sheetal Devarde on March 4, 2015 at 4:15am — No Comments
Fresh out of college and looking for a good job? Well, getting a job without prior work experience may be a challenge. Thank god for the BPOs; you needn't worry about not being experienced. What’s more some of the BPO jobs rival top multinational company jobs in terms of salaries, perks and other facilities therefore making the industry very lucrative for students just out of college.
Benefits of working in a BPO for college students
Easy to find…
Added by Anjali Dixit on March 4, 2015 at 2:37am — No Comments
What can you do to help the environment these days? Well, there are a lot and you’re not just limited to planting trees and walking to work or school every day. There is something called “Green Energy” which is a popular form of helping out the worldwide community on environmental problems.
What is Green Energy?
Well, examples of green energy are…
ContinueAdded by Geo Msn on March 4, 2015 at 2:00am — No Comments
Employer branding, employee engagement and social recruiting.
Three phrase in every talent acquisition professionals’ vocabulary. It’s also the three areas where most HR leaders are trying to build business cases for new initiatives that will keep their company on the edge of hiring innovation and increase their ability to attract and hire great talent.
But, if…
ContinueAdded by Katrina Kibben on March 3, 2015 at 3:56pm — 4 Comments
So may people think recruiting is sales. And to a point it is - selling the candidate on the company and the company on the candidate - however a recruiter should be a purchaser of long term relationships and company investments.
If you are looking to hire: hire an external recruiter on retainer or an internal recruiter on salary.
Recruiter goals should be focused on filling positions with the right candidates as well as long term retention.…
ContinueAdded by Wendy Matyjevich, SPHR on March 3, 2015 at 11:49am — 1 Comment
The hackneyed thing most old people thought about love in this modern time is that everything is so fast to an extent that each person involved in the process of falling in love gets to fall out of love long before they knew each other well.
This is expert opinion from those who had to wait weeks before getting a much-awaited reply from a scented letter, those who had to withstand the pain of watching the rusty mailbox from afar, those…
ContinueAdded by Emma Cox on March 3, 2015 at 11:00am — 2 Comments
Want More Productive Employees? Netflix Says Give Them More Vacation Time
The same company that led the way in how we watch movies is now paving new roads in vacation policies. In an effort to cultivate self-motivated and…
ContinueAdded by Maren Hogan on March 3, 2015 at 10:30am — 3 Comments
Recruiting and employee management don't end when an offer has been accepted. In fact, the new employee's first days and weeks on the job are critical to establishing a strong foundation, ensuring that the employee will thrive, and laying the groundwork for what you hope to be a long-term employee engagement. Today's…
If you would like to launch a new career in the green energy industry, or if the organization that you work for makes energy management seem overwhelming and complex, there are several training programs you can take in order to be better placed to make a difference.
Being more proactive about energy conservation instead of complaining about high costs of energy can be a starting point to launch a new career. For example, you could reduce…
ContinueAdded by Jenny Richards on March 3, 2015 at 8:02am — No Comments
It’s no secret that doctors are very much in demand all over the world, however that’s no excuse for a poorly written CV. Doctors must have a clear CV which indicates that they can meet the demands of their chosen specialism. There are four key elements which medical recruiters and potential employers will be looking for when examining a CV, so read…
ContinueAdded by Ron Stewart on March 3, 2015 at 6:43am — No Comments
Reading is one of the best and most effective ways to kill time – there is no doubt about that. While some people prefer to spend their free time in leisurely walks, a night out with friends, or going to a family outing, others simply choose to read in the comfort of their homes, or wherever they feel comfortable. Of course, there are a lot of reading materials to choose from – novels, craft books, and some even prefer encyclopedias and text books. But a decent portion of readers prefer to…
ContinueAdded by Geo Msn on March 3, 2015 at 6:30am — No Comments
Various types of drilling machines:
In most of the manufacturing processes, the drilling machines are considered as one of the most indispensable machining tools. The drilling machines are commonly known as the drill press and they are responsible for drilling different sizes of holes in any surface areas of the wall, wood or the metal. They are also used for précising the depths. Besides the fact that the drilling machines are primarily used in the drilling holes, there are a…
ContinueAdded by Geo Msn on March 3, 2015 at 2:00am — No Comments
The interest in renewable energy took a dramatic shift at the beginning of the 21st century when it became apparent that use of fossil fuels is expensive. At the same time, new ideas cropped up to help consumers save money on energy bills.
There have been deterrents to such ideas and some misguided complaints that have kept certain consumers from adopting good money saving…
ContinueAdded by Jenny Richards on March 3, 2015 at 1:48am — No Comments
Conducting job search is often an extremely time consuming and daunting task for most. However, if you understand the strategic approach to a smart job hunt, you can find the right company where your skills would be recognized and your struggles would come to an end.
Here are some steps that will help you to find the right job that suits your experience and skill sets:
Added by Ben Karter on March 3, 2015 at 1:30am — No Comments
It has been going around for a long time. And everyone would, of course, love to be able to have such a drug. Just try to imagine. Wouldn't it be amazing if you were simply able to take a particular drug be able to learn pretty much everything within just a few days or perhaps a few months?
Useful for everyone
Let's say for example that you are a college student. There is one thing that every student out there hates. Examination time. You have countless…
ContinueAdded by Geo Msn on March 3, 2015 at 12:30am — No Comments
It’s often said that salespeople should listen more than talk, however, those spouting this wisdom typically are the ones who continue to inundate those around them with voluminous amounts of words. In fact, most salespeople spew a stream of factoids, details, and feature-benefit chunks of information all over prospective clients.
No one likes to be thrown up on, and it’s certainly no way to start or grow an important relationship. Instead, our industry must adhere…
ContinueAdded by Scott Wintrip on March 2, 2015 at 1:00pm — No Comments
Anyone heard of the recent bid to increase the power and scope of the GLA?Here are my thoughts...
I have taken…
ContinueAdded by Dan Midwinter on March 2, 2015 at 12:07pm — No Comments
Any Star Trek fan will know just how much wisdom is packed within each episode of the show. The exploits of the starship Enterprise crew are not only the stuff that sci-fi fans dream of, they also provide a strong business model to learn from and an abundance of sound strategy advice. Although every character brings brilliance to the table (with the possible…
ContinueAdded by Roxanne Abercrombie on March 2, 2015 at 11:12am — 4 Comments
Looking ahead for what the "Next Big Thing" in hiring will be, we should consider what this year’s recruiters have at their disposal. More specifically, 63% of recruiters will have a higher hiring volume in 2015 (up from 43%…
ContinueAdded by Sean Pomeroy on March 2, 2015 at 10:30am — No Comments
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