Recruiting Blogs (24,187)

eBay did what?!?

Acquired Bill Me Later..."Bill Me Later is a convenient and secure way to pay on the web or over the phone. Bill Me Later lets users pay without using a credit card. At checkout, provide your birthday and the last four digits of your social security number and your purchase is complete. It’s that easy!"

Well shazam, credit is so hard to get these days and banks are changing their logos like once a month now and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is adamant that he wasn't one of our… Continue

Added by Steve Levy on October 7, 2008 at 6:16pm — 6 Comments

Tuesday is

by far the happiest day of the week for us!!! We have many POs being paid....yeah..........

Added by on October 7, 2008 at 3:03pm — No Comments

What is Professionalism?

Some say it’s the way you carry yourself throughout the day; a snap in your walk, firm handshake, or an expensive tie. Others believe professionalism is a job title – the higher up the corporate ladder you are the more professional you are.

What is professional and how often do you cross paths with a true professional in life?

Early Memories of Professionalism

When the span of my life could be measured by counting all fingers on both hands (I have… Continue

Added by Phil Robles on October 7, 2008 at 3:00pm — No Comments

What is a "brag book" and how can it help my interview success?

A brag book is a folder/ binder that you can use during your interview process to clarify your skill sets and set you apart from the competition so that you can get a job offer in medical sales, laboratory sales, pharmaceutical sales, clinical diagnostics sales, DNA products sales, cellular sales, molecular sales, medical equipment sales, medical device sales, hospital equipment sales, surgical supplies sales, or any healthcare sales.… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on October 7, 2008 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

How to “rig” CareerBuilder and other job boards

It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Many take it personally, getting angry or depressed.

But it’s also your best weapon to landing interviews…


Computerized pre-screens are a necessary result of the number of resumes that CareerBuilder and other job sites flood companies with. But pre-screens give you a job seeker a HUGE opportunity to stand out from the crowd, if you know how to “rig” your resume.

So how can you get an Unfair Advantage?… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on October 7, 2008 at 10:30am — No Comments

Job Search: How to Work With Sales Recruiters

I get many calls from people (potential candidates) asking about PHC Consulting's services. The two main questions are always the same: "How much does it cost?" and "Why can't I apply directly to the company?"

Although I am a niche recruiter (all medical sales-related jobs: laboratory sales, pharmaceutical sales, clinical diagnostics sales, biotechnology sales, surgical equipment sales, hospital equipment sales, medical supply sales, imaging sales, pathology sales, cellular products… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on October 7, 2008 at 10:30am — No Comments

October 7, 2008

Kelly Dingee shows shares with us the tools of her trade and invites you to do the same. This should be an interesting list, don't ya fink?

Check it out: From a Sourcing Researcher - a Few of My Top Tools (right now....)

Happy Tuesday! Ami G.

Added by Amitai Givertz on October 7, 2008 at 10:11am — No Comments

Video Job Interviews: Remote Trumps Live

The obvious use of Video in Recruiting is at the job interview itself, through Video Job Interviews.

The "Live" option works in a way similar to MSN-Skype video applications, allowing conversation to take place.

In the "Remote" option, a Company sets up a Job Interview, sends it to the Candidate, and he/she completes it independently using a webcam. Click here to read… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on October 7, 2008 at 10:00am — No Comments

Afraid You'll Get Laid Off?

Wouldn't blame you if you were. But don't just sit there worrying. Do something! Here are five steps you can take today:

1. Get informed. Rumors kill (you). Learn what's going on in your industry. Read the newspaper, biz mags, stock analyst reports-anything you can get your hands on. Get, or get more, active in your industry's networking groups and/or professional (or whatever) associations.

2. Be visible. People, even bosses, find it harder to dump likeable employers they… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on October 7, 2008 at 9:30am — No Comments

7UP: The Blueprint for Getting Up When You're Down

Have you ever had a trial or tribulation? If not then the rest of this article is not for you. I wrote this article for the ones that have been through something. The next time you fall down, you don’t have to stay down.

I use the number 7 because it means completion. Your life will never be complete if you never know what you are made of. Every journey has a path that leaves a trail for the next pioneer. Below you will see 7 ways to get up so you never have to stay… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on October 7, 2008 at 8:30am — No Comments

Today is Phone Sourcing Class

Today is the MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Classroom Chat over on the MagicMethod network at noon (EST). This week's topic is a continuation of last week's - ideas on how to develop sourcing business in these troubled times.

Developing business really isn't that much different from developing a "names list" - first we have to find who the decision maker is for this activity within organizations and then the more challenging part comes (for us shy… Continue

Added by Maureen Sharib on October 7, 2008 at 6:30am — No Comments

Building a Powerful Employer Brand in Recruitment Marketing

Does your company have a Talent Brand or Employer brand? Why would someone want to establish a lasting career with your company? What do you offer your employees?

My colleague wrote a great article on Building an Employer Brand. Read it and if you like it Digg or Stumble it.

I am always interested in recruiters comments on Recruitment Branding or Employer… Continue

Added by Patsy Stewart on October 6, 2008 at 11:24pm — 3 Comments

Qualifying Opportunities

In this week’s BINC TV episode we decided to talk about qualifying opportunities – as in how a candidate should be qualifying a good opportunity and how a client should be qualifying an ideal candidate. On the candidate side, the following are criteria that are qualities to look for in a potential next employer.

Amount of funding

Pedigree of the management team

Strength of the product and it’s potential to generate revenue for the company

The company’s exit… Continue

Added by BINC Search on October 6, 2008 at 8:20pm — No Comments

SD configuration consultant

I have an SD configuration consultant available right now at 180 ph. rate. If anyone is interested please email me. Houston area.

Added by Neil R. Martin on October 6, 2008 at 7:18pm — 1 Comment

joblish is here!

It's October 1st, 2008. After 9+ months of hard work, we're launching joblish, a set of structured keywords that you can add on to job postings, resumes, LinkedIn profiles and any other place that job seekers and talent seekers may be looking for each other. You don't need special programming or software upgrades, and it's absolutely free.

Check it out at

Here's joblish tip #1. Add joblish codes to your job postings and job ads. It will save a lot of time… Continue

Added by Mark Bielecki on October 6, 2008 at 6:19pm — No Comments

Motivating staff when times are "mildly annoying"

So not to be one to dwell on the so called "down turn" but staff are obviously getting slightly fed up with the doom and gloom, jobs are not as thick and fast as normal which has a knock on effect with team morale.

Any suggestions on keeping spirits up!!!

Added by Mary Pratt on October 6, 2008 at 2:28pm — 3 Comments

Don't Try this at Home! Avoid Telecommuting Pitfalls.

Do you remember the Atari game, Pitfall? Great game. The main character, Pitfall Harry, was constantly having to grab jungle vines, cling and swing for dear life to avoid quicksand, crocodiles, and tar pits.

As anyone who does much of their work from home can attest, telecommuting can have plenty of it's own pitfalls. From family interruptions to poor time management, the modern remote worker has to be wary of the quicksand and tar pits at…


Added by Craig Fisher on October 6, 2008 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

PHC Consulting's You Tube Channel: job candidate's survival guide!

In my constant quest to get the word out about PHC Consulting’s top-of-the-line recruiting and employment opportunities in all areas of medical sales, I started a blog. And the blog was good. I have covered information relevant to all aspects of job searching, interviewing, networking, and sales training for pharmaceutical sales, laboratory sales, clinical diagnostics sales, cellular/molecular products sales, medical equipment and supplies sales. That kind of information has been popular, and… Continue

Added by Peggy McKee on October 6, 2008 at 11:30am — No Comments

Justifiable Hiring Optimism?

It’s difficult to put your best foot forward when your China hiring report is released as major financial institutions have just gone into a major meltdown.

Such is life.

Of course, the Hudson Report for July to September 2008 is as deep and accurate as you would normally expect from them. We just have to adjust many of the results downwards.

The trends should be much the same as in the report but the optimism is much less warranted. 2009 looks like a bit of a… Continue

Added by Frank Mulligan on October 6, 2008 at 11:23am — No Comments

It doesn't have to be "End of Days"

The calls and emails have been coming in; the voices imperceptively waiver: The recruiters are nervous. Corporate leaders and naifs are looking out their windows, some even waiting for the call to come. Third party firms are wondering where the callbacks are. Who is Satan and who is the Saviour?

Satan is real and you are the Saviour but you don't know this yet. Satan wants you to be afraid; he wants to cull the herd. Don't let him scare you.

Push for long term… Continue

Added by Steve Levy on October 6, 2008 at 11:00am — 3 Comments

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