Recruiting Blogs (24,184)

How Not to Get an Interview

Article Title: How Not to Get an Interview

Author Byline: Mary White, M.A., SPHR

Author Website:

People spend a lot of time talking and thinking about what they can do to find and obtain their ideal job. Unfortunately, they don't always stop and think about the things that they are doing that keep them from accomplishing this goal. One faux pas in the job search process can negate the effects of fifty things you do right.… Continue

Added by Holli Maestas on August 19, 2008 at 9:22pm — No Comments

Tags vs. folders

According to website, "Folders were the old way to organize your bookmarks. They were great if you only had a few bookmarks and a few folders, but as your collection grew, it became harder and harder to decide what goes where. Delicious has a new and better way: tags."

Tags were also popularized by Flickr - the photo sharing website - as a way in which to categorize photos - who's in them, when they were taken, where they were taken, by season, holiday, event type, etc. -… Continue

Added by Michael Johnson on August 19, 2008 at 8:29pm — 3 Comments

Associate Disloyalty and What It Means For Diversity Recruitment

Anyone in the legal industry who hasn’t been under a rock for the past forty-some odd years can tell you that the legal profession has changed. Attorney loyalties to one employer throughout one’s career no longer exist. Gone are the days where attorneys graduated from law school and went to work for an employer where they remained until the close of their career. Nowadays, it’s not surprising to hear of attorneys that have worked for four or five different employers during the course of their… Continue

Added by Keeley Mitchell-Wallace on August 19, 2008 at 8:24pm — No Comments

What's the story?

We all see those rambling job descriptions (you know the ones) that some of our clients send us, and some of us even perpetuate the crime further by copying them word for word and posting them to the internet as an advertisements.

This is so wrong I’m not sure where to begin, but let’s start with the fact that an ad is a public promotion of some product or service, and while technically that’s what happened I don’t think it provides much promotional value to the position since it… Continue

Added by bill martineau on August 19, 2008 at 6:21pm — No Comments

Change Management Visuals - 'Positive Response' and 'Negative Response'

This was inspired by the Talent Talk Cafe today when the notion of change was discussed. Here is the negative response visual:

And the positive response visual:

Can you dictate which curve you're more likely to encounter? Sure, you can . . . but some things are out of your control. Come on' - what do you think, the world is black-and-white? :)

-… Continue

Added by Joshua Letourneau on August 19, 2008 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Interview Attire

Interview attire is one of my favorite topics! Don’t dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want! Everything matters during an interview; from your hair to your shoes, the color of your shirt to the style of your suite. So why is this important during a job interview? Below is a list of things you should wear, should avoid wearing, and what an employer may interpret them as!

Interview Attire Fact #1: Hair

Men: If you looked like you just rolled… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on August 19, 2008 at 3:37pm — No Comments

Blended Learning: A Cost-Effective Corporate Training Solution

Employee development training is critical to the long term success of any organization. Making plans to help employees keep up with and fully utilize technology is part of any sound strategic plan. It’s also necessary for business leaders to identify employees who have the potential to grow with the organization and develop them to fill critical roles that are likely to become available in the future.Practicalities of Employee Training

However, it’s one thing to know that employee training… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on August 19, 2008 at 3:28pm — No Comments

How Do You Tell A Client That Their Relo Program Sucks?

I have a client whose relo program and coinciding early onboarding process is an absolute comedy of errors. When I try to let them know, I get the age old reponse that "this is how we've always done things around here."

The more I speak about how important the candidate experience is, the more defensive some get. "We've done it this way thousands of times." Yet the same company has trouble retaining > 24 months . . . .

. . . Meaning they come back a lot, which is the… Continue

Added by Joshua Letourneau on August 19, 2008 at 1:50pm — 1 Comment


Hi Folks,

Am trying to get into learning how to make efficient client calls and meet their requirements. But you know what happens, the client (a prime vendor), gives me a requirement which is in the market for a long time and is not filled yet.

I try to get a consultant who is close it and submit at a marginal rate. Till then the client will be communicating and once I ask for the feedback, he just disappears!!!!

I just wanted to know some kind of solution for this. Its a… Continue

Added by sirisha on August 19, 2008 at 1:04pm — 2 Comments

[ALL] The Hoff Moved to Ning... Shouldn't You?

Hasselhoff moves to Ning! News hit recently that the Hoff (that's David Hasselhoff to you rookies) decided it was time to give his online network and image a bit of a face lift. Apparently he wasn't satisfied with the limitations that his…


Added by RecruiterGuy on August 19, 2008 at 12:30pm — No Comments

3 Tips Before You Make an Offer

Rule 1: Get excited about your position.

Before you sell a candidate on a position, sell yourself on it. A candidate will never be more enthusiastic about the position than you are. Spend some time finding out what the positives are in the position and the type of candidate that would match best for it.

Rule 2: Make sure you have a good match.

If you're working too hard to close a candidate then take a step back and ask if this is a good match.

If you feel it's not a… Continue

Added by Fred Dimyan on August 19, 2008 at 12:19pm — No Comments

SourceCon2008 - 330 !!

SourceCon 2008 is quickly approaching (September 2nd or 330 hours from now). If you have the desire to learn and share leading edge practices with the best Talent Acquisition, Sourcing and Research professionals in the world today, then you have a few weeks left to register.

SourceCon 2008 is on track to surpass all the achievements and kudos of the SourceCon 2007 event given the impressive lineup of speakers and jam… Continue

Added by SourceCon Dude on August 19, 2008 at 10:41am — 1 Comment

How To Get The Truth From Liars

Reference: I stole this from Paul Hebert on Fist Full of Talent.

No one is honest when there is a punishment for honesty.

Ask an employee if the incentive program drives her performance and she'll say no. Why? Because she doesn't want to admit (or believe) that she is influenced by a small reward. Then, ask she ever checks her score against her colleagues. Of course she does. They all… Continue

Added by Recruiting Animal on August 19, 2008 at 10:00am — 3 Comments

The 30/30/40 rule and why it MATTERS!

The 30/30/40 rule really separates the winners from the losers.

How well someone understands this rule sorts the mediocre recruiter from those at Presidents Club, seperates the wheat from the chaff, and makes or breaks careers in our industry.

The thing is, though, it's so simple - people don't get it.

THE 30/30/40 RULE

30% of the people you meet are going to like you right away, for a reason they can't… Continue

Added by Art Pitcher on August 19, 2008 at 9:00am — 5 Comments

Tough Times Don't Last - Tough People Do!

No matter what your job title, almost all of us have management as a component in our daily routines. The problem is that many of us are knowledgeable in our jobs, but few know how to transform them.

Individuals must analyze and grasp their own ideas and then create a plan to act on them.

Complacency is not an option. Companies will never make improvements unless its employees make conscientious efforts to polish, innovate and reinvent their jobs.

Organizations have an… Continue

Added by James Carchidi on August 19, 2008 at 8:19am — No Comments

Recession Job Searches

There is an Allstate commercial that starts with Dennis Haysbert, who starred as President David Palmer on the critically acclaimed “24” and now heads up the cast of “The Unit”, saying “we may not be in a recession, but it sure feels like one.” Well, I would like to rephrase that quote to say, “we may not be in a recession, but the legal market is responding as though we are, and thus we must act accordingly.”

In the hallways of the top law firms, in the bar study courses across the… Continue

Added by Keeley Mitchell-Wallace on August 19, 2008 at 12:12am — 1 Comment

I simply had enough of the Blue Smiley.

Hope you like the new avatar. Not that it's really an important issue to anyone. Just thinking out loud.

See you all around.

- Jim

Added by Jim Canto on August 18, 2008 at 6:28pm — 5 Comments

Jobirn Recruiting Event: ONRec SF Host Daniel Parrillo Will Be Featured

thehonestrecruiter, ONRec SF Host Daniel Parrillo Will Be Featured on next Tuesday (Augst 26, 2008). He will direct recruit for Replay Solutions.

Please visit and apply now, Daniel Parrillo will pre-screen resumes this week and will qualified that day.

Of course, he will continue to recruiting at Next Tuesday.

Replay Solutions ( is an exciting young company developing… Continue

Added by JackChang on August 18, 2008 at 6:05pm — No Comments

Jobirn Recruiting Event: ONRec SF Host Daniel Parrillo Will Be Featured

thehonestrecruiter, ONRec SF Host Daniel Parrillo Will Be Featured on next Tuesday (Augst 26, 2008). He will direct recruit for Replay Solutions.

Please visit and apply now, Daniel Parrillo will pre-screen resumes this week and will qualified that day.

Of course, he will continue to recruiting at Next Tuesday.

Replay Solutions ( is an exciting young company developing… Continue

Added by JackChang on August 18, 2008 at 6:04pm — No Comments

Jobirn Recruiting Event: ONRec SF Host Daniel Parrillo Will Be Featured

thehonestrecruiter, ONRec SF Host Daniel Parrillo Will Be Featured on next Tuesday (August 26, 2008). He will direct recruit for Replay Solutions.

Please visit and apply now, Daniel Parrillo will pre-screen resumes this week and will qualified that day.

Of course, he will continue to recruiting at Next Tuesday.

Replay Solutions ( is an exciting young company developing… Continue

Added by JackChang on August 18, 2008 at 6:00pm — No Comments

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