Here is a great report on the CPA... very interesting!
Source: RAND Corporation
The American engagement in Iraq has been looked at from many perspectives — the flawed intelligence that provided the war’s rationale, the failed effort to secure an international mandate, the rapid success of the invasion, and the long ensuing counterinsurgency campaign. This book focuses on the activities of the Coalition Provisional Authority and its administrator, L. Paul Bremer, who governed…
Added by Erik Plesset on May 18, 2009 at 12:52pm —
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How can job boards even continue to exist? Because they connect job seekers and those who want to employ them. If a job board doesn’t do this simple task successfully, it eventually goes out of business.
But as any hiring manager, HR director, or recruiter knows, job boards are not the only solution. Why? Because the employment market is incredibly….random.
Think about it. If you’re a job seeker, you’re expected to know about the relevant job boards for your industry, the…
Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on May 18, 2009 at 11:19am —
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Has your spouse or significant other been transferred to a different city? Have you always wanted to live in snow country? Do you need to move closer to family? All of these situations can leave you wondering "How do I look for employment in a different city then where I live?" Below are guidelines in helping you find the job you want in a new city.
1) To begin contact a Recruiting firm. A benefit of working with Kunin Associates is that we…
Added by Kunin Associates on May 18, 2009 at 9:13am —
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The interview is one of the most crucial steps in the job search process. It allows everyone involved to get a better idea of each party and what they bring to the table. However, it can be difficult in determining what questions are best to ask in order to get a full understanding of someones competency. Below are suggested questions for an interviewer, but also are a great tool for the interviewee.
Leadership: Defined as acting as a role…
Added by Kunin Associates on May 18, 2009 at 9:12am —
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you've done it. You created a tab on
iGoogle and dug around through the literally hundreds of widgets and add-ons and have created an interesting place to search for job seekers. Maybe you even got a little crazy and did some searching for complete custom tabs like…
Added by RecruiterGuy on May 18, 2009 at 8:00am —
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Do you want to spend your India vacation in luxury way? Consider Rajasthan where royal ambiance and heritage & place hotels give you truly luxury experience of India tours and travels. Drenched into royal grandeur Rajasthan is the largest state of India having lots of attractions of tourist interest. Fantastic forts, elegant palaces, frescoed havelis, terrific temples, heritage hotels, wildlife parks, sanctuaries, desert, hills, lakes, etc are prime attractions of Rajasthan tourism.…
Added by mahi on May 18, 2009 at 12:34am —
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I recently asked one of recruitment managers about how do you form your recruitment strategy and he discussed various aspects about talent acquisition/management, sourcing, advertisements, referrals and so on. However, at the end of the discussion - I thought he looked outside so much that he completely forgotten about looking inwards. What do I mean?
For corporate recruitment departments, recruitment not only mean finding/interviewing/placing the candidates but it starts right from…
Added by Sarang Brahme on May 17, 2009 at 4:36pm —
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Added by Cheezhead on May 17, 2009 at 2:16pm —
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There are now many great resources now to help job seekers better utilize Twitter in their job search. I have put together a few of my old favorites and a couple of new ones to help job seekers either get started or take it to the next level.
The first thing to do after you set up your twitter account is follow some people who regularly post job search advice and job openings on Twitter. The list below was announced this week…
Added by Craig Fisher on May 17, 2009 at 2:08pm —
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Well, here we go again... doing my nightly blog reading, and it seems it is the same stuff, different day. Hold on... did I just see a Groundhog?
Articles on Gen Y, v Gen X v Baby Boomers. Gen Y's "you just don't understand us!" Baby Boomers "and we really don't care!" Gen X's where is the money in this debate?
Articles on Thought leadership, who is one?…
Added by Dan Nuroo on May 17, 2009 at 10:00am —
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This is my story. What I’m about to tell you are graphic details of my early days as an IT recruiter. If you can’t stomach this, then stop and read John Sumser's Recruiting 101 (actually, he blogs relevant stuff).
I was part of corporate experimental recruiting program in the late 90’s.
My job? Infiltrate a ring of IT user groups. Know them. Study them. Learn their habits and even live with them. I did just that for years. But then, something went terribly…
Added by Michael Glenn on May 17, 2009 at 8:00am —
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psychology ??
wants ....needs...4p's ...6p's ....compelling people to one's wish's and whims ??
so what is in a job ...challenge?? ...zeal...zeast ...what are or what could be the compelling factors??
vis ...vis...sales a career ...and other job roles and functions ...
career risk risk...opportunity make money ...make a life ...make a living??
Discovering life ??
if management is all…
Added by Ravi on May 16, 2009 at 9:30pm —
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though am n't great at psychoanalysis ....
raising ...splurging money ...
how money markets ...corporate firms ...motives behind power ...position ....ability to sustain in a market based economy work.
when a individual transistions from academic [parental ] to self dependancy or corporate world is practical that one experiences some jitters ....
how do you think ....or what do you think…
Added by Ravi on May 15, 2009 at 10:09pm —
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The team at InStep Consulting recently looked through our archived blogs and found some “ oldies but goodies”. We continue to demonstrate helpful tips to reveal your competent advantage, personal strengths and improve your communication skills. The tips found within these blogs we consider to be some of our “classics.” We will be posting links to these blog articles periodically to help support this community and your professional development.
Added by Colette Ellis on May 15, 2009 at 8:00pm —
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After twelve years working at the boutique firm
The Creative Network, the downturn in the economy forced them to let me go. Studying abroad currently, I am quite vulnerable to any changes in my financial situation and this development hit me hard. I have found new employment at a global investment firm that suits my hours and my studies - the environment is great and the people are very nice. I can sincerely say that I enjoy the work and it's…
Added by Nancy Ford on May 15, 2009 at 5:15pm —
"I would rather be tied up to stakes in the Kalahari Desert, have honey poured over me and red ants eat out my eyes than open a Twitter account. Is there anything you can say to change my mind?"
-Maureen Dowd, New York Times Columnist
"Well, when you do find yourself in that position, you're gonna want Twitter. You might want to type out the message 'Help.'"
-Biz Stone, co-founder Twitter
Twitter, which allows you to send 140-character text messages, and other…
Added by Kathleen Quinn Votaw on May 15, 2009 at 5:03pm —
1 Comment
In today's economy, as industry giants are faltering, much of our hope rests with the small and medium sized business owners across the country. Small businesses have the ability to adapt to the current economic environment and provide consumers or other businesses with exactly what they need at this integral moment. Small businesses can rapidly change direction and point their bottom-line at goals that fit niche necessities. Big business wears the iron-clad boots of shareholders, age-old…
Added by Darwin Redshield on May 15, 2009 at 2:10pm —
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Why is military-experienced talent being recruited for
green jobs?
The reasons have to to with
military candidates' related training, work ethic and sense of service that all feed into the energy sector's job profiles.
The New York Times published a good article yesterday about how companies hire military for green jobs such as in the solar, wind and biomass industries.… Continue
Added by Bradley-Morris, Inc. - Delivering Military-Experienced Talent to America's Top Companies on May 15, 2009 at 11:41am —
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Some years ago I saw a TV show where one of the characters had to write an essay on their "fatal flaw". For some reason that stuck with me and I put some real thought into what my fatal flaw is. It was well worth the time and through the process I determined that what I viewed as my "fatal flaw" or the characteristic that I could not change and that caused me the most trouble was also my greatest strength. The characteristic that I came up with is tunnel vision. I have it, there is no doubt…
Added by Todd Kmiec on May 15, 2009 at 10:53am —
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Image via Wikipedia
Human Resources and Social Media
"I don't have the time"....
"I'll get on there when the time is right is…
Added by Michael VanDervort on May 15, 2009 at 10:14am —
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