Recruiting Blogs (24,181)

The Emergence of Gig Economy – The Future of Work?

The gig economy is by no means a new concept, but it has expanded greatly over the past decade.

Today millions of workers worldwide are enticed to the unbounded realm of independent work engagement with businesses, and this is commonly known as the ‘gig economy. Thanks to the transformative gig economy platforms such as People per Hour,…


Added by Matt Smith on December 2, 2019 at 9:36am — No Comments

How to Use Video in the Recruiting Process Episode 1

Episode 1

Guest Steve O'Brien

The Speaker Agenda Show

Immerse yourself in the latest recruitment marketing tactics and strategies; automation, AI, chatbots, SMS, funnels, landing pages, and videos that massively increase candidate engagement and conversions. It’s all about helping you create amazing candidate experiences and make more hires to dominate your market and avoid destroying your employer brand.

We're all about helping you get the absolute best results…


Added by Jeff Weidner on December 2, 2019 at 9:30am — No Comments

Programmatic Job Ad Trends and How They SHOULD Impact 2020 Talent Acquisition Budgets.

Episode 8

Guest Leah Daniels

The Speaker Agenda Show

If you are looking to make your recruitment advertising dollars last as long as possible, or if you are thinking about your 2020 recruitment marketing budget at your organization, we’ll have some suggestions for ensuring you achieve the highest quality candidates at the lowest…


Added by Jeff Weidner on December 1, 2019 at 12:30pm — No Comments

The Big Picture is Key with a Long Term Plan - Adopt & Your Life Can be Happy: Lessons in Balance

11 Years ago my career and life course correct came.  It shifted almost overnight.  I needed to get back into staffing, and staffing found me.  It was a match made in heaven that has since paved the way for everything else I have done.  Along the way lessons have been learned, life has happened, change has come, and balance has become even more…


Added by Mike Rasmussen on November 30, 2019 at 1:25am — No Comments

4 Exciting Career Paths That Will Allow You to Work Internationally

If you dream of working in an international location, you can pursue a career path that gives you the opportunity to move to another country. Many of these types of careers are known to pay excellent salaries and provide job stability. These four exciting career paths will allow you to work internationally.

Flight Attendant

Becoming a…


Added by Anica Oaks on November 27, 2019 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Talent Acquisition: 5 Recruiting trends that would revolutionize 2020

Whether you are a startup or a well-established organization, having a powerful talent acquiring strategy and superb brand ambassadors will assist you attract the greatest talent to your organization. According to few people the terms of recruitment and talent acquisition are all the same. But the fact is they are not.…


Added by Matt Smith on November 27, 2019 at 6:00am — No Comments

5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Recruitment Practices

Artificial Intelligence software is about to revolutionize the recruitment and hiring process. Discover how the recruitment industry will change and whether AI tools will displace traditional HR managers

A commonly…


Added by Betty Lockwood on November 27, 2019 at 6:00am — No Comments

What is the 4th Industrial Revolution?

The Robots are Coming!

The term the fourth industrial revolution has been coined to describe the developing environment in which new and disruptive technologies and trends, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) are impacting the way we live and…


Added by Abigail Britnell on November 26, 2019 at 4:59am — No Comments

How to source on the lesser known sites!! Docfoc!!

Docfoc is a site where you can post, share, and review presentations, documents and the like. This can be a great place to find candidates however a lot of recruiter do not search here. The reason is simple they do not know how. Well to do this without worry you need go no further than into your bag of tricks and pull out an old…


Added by Dean Da Costa on November 25, 2019 at 2:08pm — No Comments

NSFW: Can Artificial Intelligence Stop Porn in the Workplace?

Pornography in the workplace is costing companies billions in lost productivity each year. Adding filters to a computer network and monitoring…


Added by Jim Stroud on November 24, 2019 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Interview Tips: The Fourth T’s

From recent HS graduates to C-suite executives, a job interview can be an overwhelming experience for job seekers if they are not fully prepared. So, here are what for mnemonic sake I will call the Five T’s for a Successful Interview.

THINK: Never go into a face-to-face job interview without giving considerable thought to what questions you will be asked and the responses you will offer, and if you…


Added by Matt Rockatansky on November 22, 2019 at 7:52am — No Comments

Essential skills for HR professionals in 2020

The era of machines is upon us! Automation, AI, and robots are changing the market faster than you could possibly imagine, and humans seem to be at the receiving end of it. Traditionally human skillsets will not work anymore, and a new approach is in order. 

Repetitive tasks such as admin, billing, and compliance will soon be taken over by…


Added by Lucia Adams on November 22, 2019 at 1:36am — No Comments

How to source on the lesser known sites!! CoderWall!!

CoderWall is the Software tips, tricks, community site. This can be a great place to find candidates however a lot of recruiter do not search here. The reason is simple they do not know how. Well to do this without worry you need go no further than into your bag of tricks and pull out an old tried and true tool, a simple search with some…


Added by Dean Da Costa on November 18, 2019 at 2:45pm — No Comments

Biometric Resumes are Coming Soon to an Interview Near You

Should your resume be one page or two? Well, that kind of thinking is soo... 1999. If you want to be in line with what’s happening in 2020 and beyond, start thinking about your biometric resume. What’s a biometric resume you ask? Well, imagine proving you are the best qualified person for the job based not on your past experience but instead,…


Added by Jim Stroud on November 17, 2019 at 9:30pm — No Comments

What Is Performance Management? 5 Reasons Why It Matters

Performance Management can be defined as a process focuses on aligning your employees with goals and competencies, creating development plans specific to an individual employee, and driving better business results. 

An effective Performance Management System helps to unlock employee’s talent full potential and turn your small business into a major competitor to the…


Added by Dhanya Raghavan on November 14, 2019 at 1:00am — No Comments

The Virtues of Retained Search

Why Retain Me? (The Hidden Benefits of Retained Search)

In the World of Search, aka ‘Technical Search’, or ‘Executive Search’, which are rather synonymous terms; there exist two modalities: ‘Contingency’ and ‘Retainer’. Contingency search is where a fee…


Added by Nicholas Meyler on November 13, 2019 at 8:30pm — No Comments

How to source on the lesser known sites!! SCGuild!!

SCGUILD is the Software Contractor Guild and as it implies is a place for software contractors. This can be a great place to find candidates however a lot of recruiter do not search here. The reason is simple they do not know how. Well to do this without worry you need go no further than into your bag of tricks and pull out an old…


Added by Dean Da Costa on November 11, 2019 at 3:10pm — No Comments

Top 5 Benefits of RPO solutions: Discover 5 advantages praised by leaders

An experienced HR fully understands the struggle of competing for talent while being efficient.

Whether you need seasonal workers, have recrudescing projects requiring skilled people, or cannot maintain a big in-house recruitment team, at some point, you may need to hire more employees. If you want to refine the whole recruitment…


Added by Matt Smith on November 11, 2019 at 5:56am — 1 Comment

Career scope and employment opportunities in Johor Bahru

Johor Bahru is the capital city of the state of Johor in Malaysia. The metropolitan area of Johor Bahru is the third largest populous city in the country. The city has witnessed modernization and development over the years, and today, present itself as a capital city with many administrative buildings, schools, religious buildings, and other organizations, businesses and industries. The city has opened its doors to employment of the new gen professionals who are looking for opportunities for…


Added by arpana sharma on November 11, 2019 at 5:00am — No Comments

A Guide to a Host of Successful Debt Consolidation Careers

A spendthrift lifestyle that necessitates instant gratification and access to readily available credit has resulted in huge consumer debts for most American households as they have been living way beyond their means. Moreover, advertisements are constantly reinforcing and instilling in young minds, the idea that having debts is quite normal and purchasing what you want on credit is something that is widely accepted and a usual way of life.

According to…


Added by Lucia Adams on November 11, 2019 at 4:16am — No Comments

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