Recruiting Blogs (24,307)

Frequent Job Hopper – Should We Ignore Them?

During the recruiter training that I recently conducted, I heard some interesting comments from a few seasoned recruiters about frequent job hoppers. One such comment that asked for attention was:

"I reject a candidate on the face of the resume for being a frequent job hopper"

On probing further, my recruiter associates had a handful of reasons why they think that they should not consider frequent job hoppers for any position:

  • Companies/Customers are…

Added by Divakar Vadlamani on August 29, 2011 at 9:15am — 2 Comments

Leadership is a Choice


“If you ignore the opportunity to lead, you risk turning into a ‘sheepwalker’ – someone who fights to protect the status quo at all costs, never asking if obedience is doing you or your organization any good.”  - Seth Godin, Tribes


There has been a good deal written recently about leadership, what it is and who exemplifies it.…


Added by Nick Tubach on August 29, 2011 at 9:07am — No Comments

Not All Priorities Are Created Equal

People often talk a good game of working smarter versus harder, yet, quite often their actions tell a different story. Never-ending to-do lists, over-flowing in-baskets, and 10-plus hour workdays are just a few examples.

The first issue to acknowledge is that people in our profession are great at reacting. The two things we often react to first are typically the task that is right in front of us or the one that is easiest to complete. Yet, most of the time, neither is the highest… Continue

Added by Scott Wintrip on August 29, 2011 at 8:37am — No Comments

If A Smile Is Contagious A Lot of Smiles Can Be Infectious–Tim Spagnola You’re Putting Smiles on...



Thanks for taking an ACTIVE interest in RBC members and our posts--regardless of subject, group, time of day...or night.  You, your comments, appear to be showing up all over the place like an infectious and…


Added by Valentino Martinez on August 29, 2011 at 4:27am — 2 Comments

HR is not an add-on function

An acquaintance called a few days back to inform that they had recently started their own business and wanted to know if we could help them with recruiting & HRO.

We had a preliminary meeting where the couple ( the acquaintance & her spouse) insisted that they were in a tearing hurry and wanted everything related to HR done up in 30 days, so that they could focus on business thereafter. They wanted everything to be automated so that right from the day a new employee joined,…


Added by Subramani B on August 28, 2011 at 11:00am — No Comments

Facebook Hiring Part 2: How Hard Rock Firenze Hired 120 people in 4 weeks

Following on from last weeks post, "Send us your resume and we will send you a cow!", there was some concern expressed in some of the comments as to how to manage the volume of response and disapointed candidates. Earlier this year I was involved in supporting a…


Added by Bill Boorman on August 28, 2011 at 12:55am — 12 Comments

Personalized real estate service for your client in Dallas or anywhere for that matter.

My name is Michael Creighton, I am a Realtor with Fathom Realty. I was introduced to this blog by Rob Clarke with Medicus Partners. I would like to tell you a little bit about the services I provide to recruiters. I have a team of Realtors known as the Creighton Group and we are currently working with four different physician recruiting companies (Medicus Partners, Medstaff, EmCare, and Northstar Anesthesia). The services we provide give your clients the best possible information available.…


Added by Michael Creighton on August 27, 2011 at 12:51pm — No Comments

Do You Google Your Candidates?

My colleague, Mike Vilimek (@mikevilimek) recently wrote an interesting blog post about Googling Candidates, which I would like to share here. 

He wrote...

Be honest…yeah, I thought so. We live in a world now where…


Added by Stephanie Weirich on August 26, 2011 at 4:56pm — 7 Comments

3 Things Driving Can Teach Us About Growth Management

How do you set your focus to achieve your business goals? How do you manage your growth so as to move toward a goal but still be open to other opportunities? Here are 3 things that driving a car can teach us about business development.

Don't Stare at The Road

What happens when you are driving down the… Continue

Added by Louis Bina on August 26, 2011 at 3:23pm — No Comments

Helping those looking for work!!!!!!!!!

So given the unemployment rate went up a week or so ago, I thought I would repost a 3 part series I did about a year ago on resumes, finding a job and more. So here we go.


Part 1


Your Resume the Key to new Opportunities!! 

Your resume, think of it as the key to opening doors to new possibilities and opportunities.  So given it is the key, you should probably learn how to write a great resume. First there are 3 main styles of…


Added by Dean Da Costa on August 26, 2011 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Mission: Statement

Today I have decided to talk about a key part of business and operations: The Mission Statement. For a full definition of what a mission statement is, please refer to Wikipedia or a fantastic book by Stephen R. Covey entitled “7 Steps of Highly…


Added by Daniel J Smith on August 26, 2011 at 1:00pm — No Comments

5 Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 8.20.11 to 8.26.11

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. This week we’ll be talking about Employee Recognition, Interview Questions, Affecting Change, RFP’s and Recruitment SEO.


Here are the articles our that interested us this week (in no particular order), enjoy!:



Added by Chris Brablc on August 26, 2011 at 12:03pm — No Comments

Interviewing In your best Dash Fashions

In an age where the millennial generation wants to practically wear their PJs to work how often do recruiters consider the outer appearance of candidates? Specifically, there was a time where women wore skirts, stocking and closed toes shoes and men were expected to be shaved, groomed and in their best in a dark suit and tie. Though I probably shouldn’t be I'm always surprised just how far we've allowed the dress code line to....move. Where stockings are not so much the expectation and men…


Added by Nicole Pemberton on August 26, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments

Services for your clients

We are a full service realestate group that specializes in relocations. We can help in a number of ways. Our apartment locating comapy is . We offer a $25 referral fee for sending someone to us and for the client up to $200 reward for using our services.

Besides the apartment locating, we are a full service real estate company based in Dallas, so if you have any clients coming this way and they need information as far as the…


Added by Michael Creighton on August 26, 2011 at 10:27am — No Comments

Hardest Tech Jobs to Recruit in the Silicon Valley

The Silicon Valley is known for IT and Computer Programming jobs and has seen strong hiring demand so far this year. In July, more than 6,500 new jobs were advertised online for IT related openings in the Silicon Valley – up 9% from July 2010. To determine the tech jobs that were the most…


Added by Carolyn Menz on August 26, 2011 at 10:00am — No Comments

Preparing for the Job Interview

Rule number 1: Research:

Congratulations! You have been invited for the interview. Now what do you do?


The first step is beginning to research the company. Once you have done this you will be ready to prep for the interview questions, learn how to improve your interviewing skills and begin to think about what you’re going to wear to the interview.


In order to succeed in the interview you need…


Added by Gavin Redelman on August 25, 2011 at 6:58pm — 8 Comments

MBA Resume Books Available Now: Columbia, Haas, Kellogg, Stanford and More

Thirteen new resume books have released over the past two weeks. Each Resume Book is an extensive database of profiles and resumes submitted by top MBA talent at one of our member schools. Select a school below and search this resume database by experience, certification, keywords, and more.

Available Now:…


Added by Ryan Pratt on August 25, 2011 at 3:03pm — No Comments

Switching off is the key to staying switched on.

In a world where we can do business from anywhere (or nowhere), it can be incredibly difficult to switch off. As a business owner, I find myself constantly concerned about my clients’ ability to reach me whenever and wherever. But, what is the cost of this availability?



Added by SkillStorm on August 25, 2011 at 2:30pm — 4 Comments

5 ways to improve your Recruitment SEO!

I’ve recently talked about building your Talent Network and the value that it can provide as a inexpensive recruiting channel that can produce results for your recruiting marketing organization.  In this blog post, I would like to talk about a similar inexpensive…


Added by Chris Brablc on August 25, 2011 at 1:49pm — 5 Comments

Should you apply for a job online?

Should you apply online? The age old question I guess eh? Do you send in your resume thought the online application and hope it’s not a black hole?

Short answer? Yes. Long answer? Hell yes.

This isn’t really rocket science but when you are applying for a job, you have to cover your based and do anything and…

Added by jeffreytmoore on August 25, 2011 at 9:32am — 3 Comments

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