Recruiting Blogs (24,299)

Top 25 Jobs – The StaffingU Market Demand Report

Total volume added in the past 60 days and the percentage increase compared to the same period last year.

Data: WANTED Analytics | Analysis: StaffingU…


Added by Scott Wintrip on April 6, 2011 at 9:22am — 1 Comment

Do you even know what BURNOUT looks like??


There are 8,766 hours in a year, and out of those hours the average Recruiting Professional spends about 520 hours commuting, 3,120 working a desk, and, if they are lucky, 2,190 hours sleeping.  Add all of these hours up and you have 2,936 to take care of your family, friends and yourself.  Is this unusual? No. What is unusual are the stress levels Recruiters are…


Added by Rebecca B. Sargeant on April 6, 2011 at 9:19am — 1 Comment

Top Ten Graduate Recruitment Advertising Agencies

This list of our Top Ten Graduate Recruitment Advertising Agencies is based on feedback we have heard, agencies we have worked with, awards we have noticed and pretty websites we have been distracted by.

It's not quite like the list of Top Ten Vending Machines, which by the way is pretty darn fabulous, but for people in the recruitment and graduate business, it's a thrill a minute.

So, (alphabetically), here we go:

33 - …


Added by Emily Stevenson on April 6, 2011 at 6:28am — No Comments

Let's Go Down Together

One of my very favorite songs is called Down Together by the Refreshments. The refrain includes the lyrics, "Cars break down and people break down and other things break down too so let's go...down together".


I had the chance to have dinner with…


Added by Jonathan D. Davis on April 5, 2011 at 10:06pm — No Comments

Tech Hiring Experiencing Surge

For those of you looking for a little good news for a change, USA Today is reporting a huge hiring surge the technology sector.

According to the article, the United States stands to gain…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on April 5, 2011 at 4:48pm — No Comments

How does one work with a client who insists on a "trial period"?

I have been recruiting for 25+ years and just came across a new issue.  If anyone has suggestions, I would really appreciate the help.


I am dealing with the American subsidiary of an Asian company.  They are looking to hire a COO.  The compensation is about $300k, so it is pretty senior.  Now that they have started interviewing candidates, they are telling the candidates that they have a policy of a 90 day trial period.  This is, of course, a turn-off to all the people I have…


Added by Paul S. Gumbinner on April 5, 2011 at 2:30pm — 20 Comments

Recruiters Can Help You Find a Job in This Tough Economy!


Supposedly the economy is getting better, but it’s going to take…


Added by Shana Borwegen on April 5, 2011 at 2:25pm — No Comments

More on losing placements via spam filters

Some of the responses I have received from this post worry me.  I see that some recruiters do not understand some of the finer points of email protocol. They believe that you can set your email to check for received, open or read by recipient and everything will be cool. Many clients or prospects set their email systems to not respond like this in Preferences/E-mail Options/Tracking Options.…


Added by Kenneth Peck on April 5, 2011 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

From Description to Application: Some Definitive DO's and DON'Ts

Here is part 2 of our series of posts on The Importance of Candidate Experience - from the job description to the application form, here is our list of DOs and DON'Ts:

Don’t have scrolling bars within an application form that you need to scroll down with. Multi scrolls on one screen are extremely annoying.

Do use drop down lists if you have multiple options to choose from as an alternative to scrolling…


Added by Emily Stevenson on April 5, 2011 at 11:27am — No Comments

Stuck in the Middle With Two

I recently read this very interesting post (via twitter) about an age old issue that continues to pop its awkward head above the parapet in the world of recruitment.  The double submission - when two agencies submit the same candidate to the same job vacancy (and the subsequent squabbling over ownership that inevitably ensues).



Added by Ben on April 5, 2011 at 11:03am — 4 Comments

Starting a Start-Up Technical Recruitment Office in Silicon Valley

On January 3rd, 2011, we opened the doors to start-up Jobspring Partners Silicon Valley. Day One we stood there, business partner Scott and I, taking in an open space of roughly 2500 square feet filled with new desks, chairs and white boards. It also came with a top-floor view from downtown San Jose overlooking all of Silicon Valley to the north and northwest. As the morning sun dawned on our new balcony, we watched a plane take off from the most technically advanced airport in the world, as…


Added by Erin Wilson on April 5, 2011 at 11:02am — No Comments

Rule #1 in CV Design


"Hey you... Yeah you... the tall, balding guy who's getting a bit tubby around the midriff. Whats the best way to lay out my CV?"  I get asked this question a lot by friends and colleagues.  Over the years I've seen many designs and layouts from competency to chronologically career based with everything either side and in between thrown in for good…


Added by Ben on April 5, 2011 at 11:01am — No Comments

Bowling Shoes: Review Your Resume & Cover Letter as a Hiring Manager

You can learn a great deal when you walk in another man's shoes. In today's job

market, you can learn even more if you could walk in the shoes of a hiring

manager or someone in HR.

I recently hired 2 new sales people for I read close to 100 resumes and cover letters and I was quite surprised by many of them.…

Added by steven brooks on April 5, 2011 at 10:55am — 1 Comment

3 Reasons to Start Collecting Recruiting Metrics!

Recruiting metrics are integral to bringing in top talent to an organization and every successful recruiting strategy has a successful reporting solution that is underneath it.  Through this reporting, the organization is able to set goals and measure the success of every one of their recruiting initiatives.


Most importantly, a successful recruiting organization will collect and track important…


Added by Chris Brablc on April 5, 2011 at 9:31am — No Comments

Did LinkedIn hijack the resume database? And what should job boards do?

As recently as several years ago, it was considered standard operating procedure for job seekers to post their resumes on as many job boards as possible. Why?Visibility. Employers and recruiters used the job board resume databases to find possible hires, so it made sense to have your resume in as many places as possible. Job boards encouraged this behavior because it made the resume access features easier to sell to employers.

Enter LinkedIn. It was…


Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on April 5, 2011 at 9:23am — No Comments

How valuable is contact data really?

An article in the national press here in the UK yesterday reminded me all too clearly that we live in an online world where identity is all too easily obtained.


I, like most, am bombarded by a huge number of emails, tweets, status updates, blogs…


Added by Nick John on April 5, 2011 at 8:11am — 1 Comment

I am Recruiting, and I do not suck.

Each day it seems another pundit, social media maven, blogger extraordinaire, conference speaker, or HR consultant takes the time and effort to publicly tell me I suck. In the last several months I’ve been bombarded with blog posts, mini movie trailers, Tweets, and various social media messages sounding the alarm as to how the entire function and profession of recruiting is broken and screwed up in the U.S. and the world…

Added by Frank Zupan on April 4, 2011 at 8:59pm — 33 Comments

Process Process Process: Death to Un-tapped Talent

Having just returned from visiting family and friends in South-western Ontario, I was once again reminded of the frustrations talent faces when organizational “process” road-blocks potential.


Before I begin, I have a confession to make - my name is Lisa and I was once a process-obsessed HR Professional. I was many talents’ worst nightmare, the ironclad gate-keeper with minimal awareness and direct impact on the bigger picture within my organization. The most unfortunate…


Added by Lisa Switzer on April 4, 2011 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Recruiters lose placements because of Spam Filters

Emailing a single resume to a client can go to junk mail and cost a recruiter a placement. True story I have heard before. A client calls us and is frantic.

“I just lost a placement to a competitor because my email went to his junk folder and my competitor’s did not get marked as spam. Can you help us? I checked my email address it looks ok. I don’t have anything in my address that would invoke a spam filter! The client checked with his IT department…

Added by Kenneth Peck on April 4, 2011 at 1:24pm — 2 Comments

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