Recruiting Blogs (24,293)

Six Key Elements of Social Recruiting

About 6 months ago I wrote a post on which was a first attempt to group together some of the key elements and themes of social recruiting. For my first post on UK Recruiting Blogs I thought it would

be worth revisiting them to see if they are still relevant and to see if

anything has changed. This is what I came up with last July -…


Added by Matt Alder on March 2, 2010 at 4:54pm — 9 Comments

Top 5 articles on

As a fledgling blog I am delighted with the amount of interest there has been in

what I have been talking about on I am also really pleased

to see how many people are returning to read each new posting. I trust that all

of you reading it find it both enjoyable and useful! As with any new blog the

build up of traffic can be gradual so I wanted to share with you…


Added by Recruitment Dad on March 2, 2010 at 4:38pm — No Comments

Confessions of a job board doctor

It’s been a year since I started blogging – a year filled with both good things and not-so-good things. But the best thing? I’m still blogging, you’re still reading, and we’re all still learning.

I rarely (well, actually, never) write about my personal life. Why? Because I’ve always assumed that: a) it’s pretty boring; b) you have better things to do; and c) why would you be reading the Job Board Doctor’s blog, if not to learn about job boards?

That being said, I’m going a… Continue

Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on March 2, 2010 at 9:13am — No Comments

How Do I Get The Phone to Ring?

The telephone has become mobile, and it has transformed recruiting from a 9-5, to a 24/7 work day!

But it is also an irony that this effective device is vastly becoming the most overlooked tool in recruiting passive candidates.

The content of this blog post did not start out as a study; it started out as a mission of a fast start in 2010 and to erase some of the bad memories…


Added by Ken Forrester on March 2, 2010 at 9:00am — 6 Comments

A recent survey – Do Job Seekers want to see agency and employer jobs on East Midlands Jobs?

With my fledgling UK based Jobboard Empire being added to a few weeks ago with the successful launch of Just4Medical, I found myself looking back to my first venture, East Midlands Jobs. I had a few questions that I needed answering regarding the purpose of this Jobboard. Published in early 2008. I needed to know whether this Jobboard was fit for purpose.

Since its inception nearly two years ago I have been marketing the Jobboard as Employers Only and not allowing agencies to post their… Continue

Added by Richard Johnson on March 2, 2010 at 5:59am — No Comments

Recruitment and addictive gaming

Video link.

The above video is supreme. It has nothing directly to do with recruitment, but it made me think hard about recruitment, especially what would happen if there was more revolutionary, transformational and original thinking within the recruitment industry. It also follows on from my…


Added by Paul Jacobs on March 2, 2010 at 5:27am — 2 Comments

Talent Acquisition Metrics

Talent Acquisition has always been referred to as a sales driven function in the Human Resource domain and I tend to agree with such a broad conjecture. In an economy being driven more on Intellectual capital and an apparent shift from the traditional machinist roles pretty evident, acquiring and nurturing talent has become critical.

That is exactly the point, where the still nascent field of Talent Acquisition Metrics is gaining importance as organisations become more focused on… Continue

Added by Ritvik Bhawan on March 2, 2010 at 1:28am — No Comments

A Day in the Life of a “Killer” Recruiter!

Thought I would share a bit with the Corporate HR world on how far we go to deliver the right Candidates to our Clients and what we do day in and day out to close candidates. A member of my recruitment team had to break down the numbers as to why the $83k/yr job was not as valuable as the $70k/yr role. Yes he pulled him away from the current opportunity and re-close him on the role that…


Added by Paul Alfred on March 1, 2010 at 9:22pm — 2 Comments

Behavioural Descriptive Interviews: A chainsaw where a scalpel is needed.

As an example of using a chain saw when a scalpel is needed, is there a better one in HR than Behavioural Descriptive Interviews? Most people in HR have no idea what the background is on these ubiquitous interviews, don't understand why they were developed, and, as a result, advocate their use in the wrong places. Before I start my rant, some disclosure, I am Certified in Behavioural Descriptive Interviews, right from the source, DDI themselves. But that doesn't mean I have joined the cult,…


Added by Kim Bechtel on March 1, 2010 at 6:47pm — 2 Comments

Why Should You Care?: Blogging

So many blog entries - so little time. It's the blessing and the curse of the internet: You get to hear a lot of voices.

Personally, my head hurts. I'm guessing I'm not alone.

So what can make a blog entry stand out from the masses? I ask not only because I'm curious - but also because I'm interested in hearing your thoughts of my interpretation of creating a "Purple Cow" of a blog entry - using TV News rules.

I used to work as a reporter in television news.… Continue

Added by Sean Ryan on March 1, 2010 at 6:36pm — 3 Comments

Referrals pay, so don't get cheap.

I’m sure that many of you Recruiters have worked in an organization that provides some type of referral program to encourage more qualified candidates. Unfortunately, most of these programs limit your ability to provide a flexible referral dollar or incentive to the referring party.…


Added by Kevin Womack on March 1, 2010 at 3:52pm — No Comments

Future of Learning: Learning HOW to LEARN

I am a lifelong learner. I will continue to fill my plate with whatever quenches my appetite.

“The people that are the most passionate about what they do

never, ever stop learning”

Many people are… Continue

Added by Benjamin McCall on March 1, 2010 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

Screening Temporary Employees - A 2010 Hiring Trend Makes It More Important Than Ever

The change in the economy over the last two years has increased the contracting of temporary workers, a trend that many believe is here to stay. The U.S. Department of Labor notes that employment of temporary workers is expected to grow 19% through 2018.…


Added by Doreen Koronios on March 1, 2010 at 11:59am — No Comments

Not Another Social Media Tool

Over the past few weeks, the most talked about topic in social media has been the introduction of Google Buzz. Some users love it for its game-changing interactive potential,…


Added by Omowale Casselle on March 1, 2010 at 11:47am — 1 Comment

Addition by Subtraction by Addition (ASA)

Addition by Subtraction by Addition (ASA)

ASA refers to the skill of adding to, or subtracting from a URL to…


Added by Dean Da Costa on March 1, 2010 at 11:27am — No Comments

An Open Letter To All Passive Candidates - Quit Your Job.

Congratulations, you’ve managed to keep your job last year. While everyone else was laid off or fired, you worked harder to survive. You sacrificed health, social and family time. And, now you don’t have a life. In fact, you were so overly productive last year the company doesn’t see the need to hire someone now.

You’re stressed. We know. We see the bags under your eyes. So, put down that cup of calming herbal tea. My friend, you need to quit.

Yeah, we know you got bills,… Continue

Added by Michael Glenn on March 1, 2010 at 9:05am — 1 Comment

What smart leaders know about talent management and strategy

Smart leaders know that strategic hiring and deployment of their top talent are essential to managing risk, achieving business outcomes and ensuring future sustainability. It’s the strength of your people that drives the rise or fall of your business—especially in hard times.

If your talent management philosophy consists of finding and hiring people when you need them, it’s time to make a paradigm shift. Capabilities and leadership gaps need to be filled in order to grow…

Added by Kathleen Quinn Votaw on March 1, 2010 at 12:11am — 1 Comment

Lost In The Job Search Crowd? Stand Out: “Inside The Box” With Your Cover Letter

We have all seen the TV spots, the newspaper articles and the blog posts about how difficult it is to find a job in the current economic climate where the supply of suitable candidates far outpaces the demand filling


What is a job seeker to do? Pack it in? Hibernate until the next boom? Move to a remote island and



Added by Matthew Levy on February 28, 2010 at 3:42pm — No Comments

It's Never Too Late To Revamp Your Packaging

When is the last time you've thought about packaging and how you package yourself? Not only your look, but how you message things?…


Added by Trish on February 28, 2010 at 12:32pm — 5 Comments

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