Recruiting Blogs (24,181)

Sling Shot Bean Shooters

If I were recruiting sling-shot bean shooters, this is the guy I'd go… Continue

Added by Dennis Smith on January 9, 2009 at 12:12pm — No Comments

Recruiting isn't about talking...

In my years as a recruiter I have found one thing to be true. Recruiting is not about talking. It is about listening.

When I first got into this industry, I was under the impression that recruiting was about being able to talk with candidates and convince them that the job I was calling about was the job for them. As I found out, it is not. It is about asking the candidate what they want. Hopefully, you've done your job sourcing and this candidate meets your requirement, but… Continue

Added by Nick Gudowski on January 9, 2009 at 11:30am — 7 Comments

The Client Side - Mixed Bag

We came into this week hoping for a January bounce. What we got, was a mixed far. Activity has definitely picked up. We are seeing more new jobs, interviews, processes moving along, and more clients' perspectives returning to normal. However, we are also still seeing a significantly higher than normal level of fear and reserve.

The economy and business conditions still have a lot of business leaders scared, concerned, or frozen. When looking at business conditions in… Continue

Added by Todd Kmiec on January 9, 2009 at 10:31am — 1 Comment

A Revolution for

Jason Davis thinks that we have too many friends.

All the pop psychology books say that you can't have a meaningful network of more than 150 people. Beyond that it is more like a customer database or a fan club.

So I'm suggesting that RBC try having a formal policy of 150 friends per member. It would be the social network version of Twitter.

This would give RBC a chance to institute the… Continue

Added by Recruiting Animal on January 9, 2009 at 9:30am — 6 Comments

Request for Tender is Bad Business

I received a telephone call from a member of my Mentor Program who asked for assistance with writing the covering letter for a RFT.

There are better uses of your time than bidding for business with an organisation that is looking for the 'lowest price.'

Keeping current customers happy is far smarter than chasing after other people's customers. The AICPA states, attracting a new customer is eleven… Continue

Added by Ric Willmot on January 9, 2009 at 5:17am — No Comments

A Season For Courage-Welcome to 2009! Go for The Goal.

I return home reinvigorated once again by my Dale Carnegie Course, where I work as a Volunteer Coach. This is such a wonderfully motivating environment that the positive energy feast only serves to help me be at my best as I go to work this month.

The sales are full and to their proper extension, life is taking a newer direction, never before has it been this interesting or invigorating.

All Hale 2009.

It began with all the pomp and circumstance to light a fire… Continue

Added by Mike Rasmussen on January 9, 2009 at 2:43am — No Comments

Twitter for sourcing and relationship building?

Have seen a lot of fuss, recently, about Twitter, including this well laid out story on cnet.

Question to fellow recruiters and HR leaders: how have the results been (in terms of ROI and time put in) using Twitter to source (unlikely) and foster long-term relationships (more likely)?

Added by Sean Sweet on January 9, 2009 at 12:30am — No Comments

A deeper talent pool for 2009 - for all sorts of reasons.

I had to jump in on a discussion over on ERE about the number and 'quality' (such a subjective term) of people now available on the market due to layoffs and the recession.
Read the piece, originally by Dr. Sullivan on January 5th, and a variety of spirited responses including mine here.

Added by Sean Sweet on January 9, 2009 at 12:30am — No Comments

Happy January

So has everyone made their New Years Resolution? I'm still trying to think of what mine should be LOL there's sooo many. I would love to say I will lose weight this year it would sure be nice to know what skinny feels like again lol, then I could also say I want to be a better wife and mom not sure how to go about this lol so I'm sure I'll just be the same in 2009 lol I hope I'm good enough.

Last but not least I could say I will be successful,… Continue

Added by Nataliescents on January 8, 2009 at 9:33pm — No Comments

Go Gators

Go Gators! Gators win big tonight vs Oklahoma. Gators 42 - Sooners 28.

Added by David B. Assadi on January 8, 2009 at 4:59pm — No Comments

Are You Accepting Temporary As Permanent?

If you are, you and/or your company might be on the bottom of the complacency circle, which tends to impact people and companies on both ends of the spectrum — when things are too good or when things are too bad. The result is the general acceptance of a temporary situation or state of being as if it is permanent, which means you won't be in a better position when times do change.

And they will. They always do. It's the only certainty.…


Added by Rich on January 8, 2009 at 3:56pm — No Comments

What makes me a smart recruiter

1. I communicate good news, bad news and no news. The latter is the most keeps the client from thinking they've gone over the event horizon and into the black hole.

2. I am not afraid to push back. My client may be the expert when it comes to making widgets but I am the SME in the room when it comes to recruiting.

3. I learn my clients' business and get ahead of their needs.

4. I know the most important aspect of recruiting is building… Continue

Added by Michael on January 8, 2009 at 3:25pm — 2 Comments

Tools and Tips for Hiring Great People in Any Economy

In a previous post, I wrote about the importance of hiring great people during a recession. Every expert who repsonded to my query agreed that it's important to hire great people whether the economy is up or down, but that during a down economy, companies are less able to afford the costs involved in replacing candidates who fell short of employers' expectations.

One of the experts who responded to… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on January 8, 2009 at 2:20pm — No Comments

What's the Matter With Millennials?

Millennials have gotten a bad rep because they have a tendency to change jobs frequently. For them, the idea of staying with one employer for five years or more seems to be unheard of. But it's not frivolousness or flightiness that governs their actions. According to Philip Gardner and Georgia Chao of Michigan State University, in their white paper, "Today's Young Adults: Surfing for the Right Job," young adults change… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on January 8, 2009 at 2:16pm — No Comments

Is Work Centrality As Important to Gen Y As It Is to Older Workers?

In a recent white paper, ''How Central Is Work to Young Adults?" written by Phil Gardner of the Collegiate Employment Research Institute (CERI) at Michigan State University and Georgia Chao of the Eli Broad College of Business also at Michigan State University, research was cited in support of the theory that today's young adults don't view their jobs as the primary focus of their lives, the way earlier generations did.… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on January 8, 2009 at 2:07pm — No Comments

Hiring Great People Is Especially Important During a Recession

It's always important to hire the best possible people for the jobs being offered. The hiring process is expensive and time consuming. Because funds are low during a recession, companies are less able to absorb the expense of having to replace poorly chosen employees.

Author/speaker, Bob Beck, explained the importance of hiring great people this way: "In a down economy, there is less room for error. Many… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on January 8, 2009 at 1:48pm — 1 Comment

If Security is Deployed And Users Don’t Accept It, Are You Protected? - JUST SHARING SOME IT INFO WITH YOU GUYS........ FYI - NOT A RECRUITING BLOG FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT ARE NOT IT

Samsung launches green SSD at Storage Visions 2009 Conference

January 6 -- At the Storage Visions 2009 Conference, Samsung Electronics introduced its 100 gigabyte (GB) solid state drive for use in servers for applications such as video on demand, streaming media content delivery, internet data centers, virtualization and on-line transaction processing.

Imation introduces its latest SSD products and SSD upgrade kit at Storage Visions 2009

January 6 -- Imation Corp. launched a new… Continue

Added by Nicole Sammarco on January 8, 2009 at 1:34pm — No Comments

The One Question Every Entrepreneur Must Ask

Scott Ginsberg's one of my fave peeps - every time I visit him (well, not personally, but his site), I get charged up.

His latest post has nothing to do with recruiting (at least not on the surface), but it's so good that I'm compelled to share.

The title is misleading. Once you read the article, you'll most likely be scratching your… Continue

Added by Dennis Smith on January 8, 2009 at 12:27pm — No Comments

Social Media Rookie of the Year, Maren Hogan

Maren Hogan - Recruiting Animal Show

The Recruiting Animal Awards

A lot of newcomers have made a big splash on my social media radar this year. I'm really impressed by many of them and a lot of them have become my…


Added by Recruiting Animal on January 8, 2009 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

Is your Recruting Plan Recession-Proof?

This is a reprint of an article from the last issue of Recruiting Review, published by JobsInMA, JobsInME, JobsInNH, JobsInRI, JobsInVT:

Is Your Recruiting Plan


By Margaret Hansen,


Bonuses are off the table. Salaries are flat. Staff resources are thin. People are lucky to have a job. You've heard all of this before, but how do… Continue

Added by Jason C. Blais on January 8, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

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