Here’s a great article for you to see: Military Are Getting Short-Changed On the Job Front, Too, by Teena Rose. I met Teena on Twitter. She is the head of Resume to Referral, which provides resume-writing and career services for mid-level career to executive professionals. In her article, she talks about her husband’s career transition from the military to the private sector and the lessons he learned, which can be helpful for all of us–the main one being: don’t count on the military (read: one…
Added by Peggy McKee on December 4, 2008 at 9:30am —
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I have been introduced to climber and climber catalyst. Has anyone used this? What kind of feedback can you give? Any success? It seems like it really uses Search Optimization well.
If you are an experienced user, please give me a professional critique:
Added by James, CPC on December 4, 2008 at 9:30am —
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Just like the 1960-70 era peacenik's phrase, what if companies went to colleges to recruit but no one was there to interview?
"The rising cost of college — even before the recession — threatens to put higher education out of reach for most Americans, according to the biennial report from the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education."
In today's NYT,
this article discusses the… Continue
Added by Steve Levy on December 3, 2008 at 6:30pm —
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"You have two employees, both technically competent, but you
can keep just one of them. What abilities or behaviors do you
look for to determine which employee will stay and which one
will go?"
There was remarkable agreement to that question from CEO's,
managers, supervisors, human resource directors, employers,
and business owners.
In fact it came down to eight high performance abilities to
determine which employee to hire,…
Added by Shawn Lacagnina on December 3, 2008 at 6:10pm —
You knew it would happen sooner or later, right? Well today is the day... and tomorrow... and the next day... and the day after... okay, you get the idea. is growing up and becoming more than just a blog - it's getting "social." So why not be part of the fun and help us push the envelope a bit?
Anyone can now use the menu on the right to sign in using their Google account, Yahoo account, AIM ID or any other 3rd party OpenID provider (yes, you can…
Added by RecruiterGuy on December 3, 2008 at 6:00pm —
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I just had a candidate completely ruin their chances with my hiring manager because they didn't understand proper online "social" etiquette. It is easy to get too get a false sense of familiarity with people sometimes, which sometimes have the less desirable effect of looking like a ciber-stalker.
Anybody have any thoughts on the subject or war stories you would like to share?
Here is a brief excerpt for your enjoyment. This was sent to the CEO of the company, for…
Added by Julia Stone on December 3, 2008 at 3:35pm —
It's quiet right now... deafeningly quiet. It used to be that the office was abuzz with murmured telephone conversations, the "hold" buttons on the phone lighted up and twinkling, reminding us that more than one person had called us at once and were waiting patiently to speak with us. Now we are making calls out and receiving calls in, but it seems as though they are less fruitful. And less frequent. I actually jumped in my chair a little bit when the phone rang in here about an hour…
Added by Nancy Ford on December 3, 2008 at 3:30pm —
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I’m an optimist so I look at things with a slant towards the positive, but I’ll give you the straight story and let you know that things are looking tight all over. As a recruiter who has been through three recessions in my career I know there are only a few things to do to get more business (make more placements) and that’s making more calls to earn the business of old and new clients alike and continue to get better at our jobs (through automation, training, better industry knowledge, etc.).…
Added by bill martineau on December 3, 2008 at 2:54pm —
John Crudele over at the NY Post
asks a great question...
When the crisis is over, will taxpayers receive thank-you cards from the corporate executives we've bailed out?
Handwritten or…
Added by Steve Levy on December 3, 2008 at 1:48pm —
I just had a candidate disappear on me. We wanted to set up an interview and he is not taking my calls or answering my emails. How very rude.
Added by Michael Mantel on December 3, 2008 at 1:11pm —
The Dark Daily (Clinical Laboratory and Pathology News/Trends), which I read frequently, recently reported a study of the 10 Germiest Jobs In America, by “Dr. Germ,” AKA Charles P. Gerba, Ph.D., a microbiologist at the University of Arizona in Tuscon. Here’s the list:
1) Teacher, day care workers
2) Cashier, bank employee
3) Tech support, computer repair.
4) Doctor or nurse
5) Lab scientist
6) Police officer
7) Animal control officer
8) Janitor or…
Added by Peggy McKee on December 3, 2008 at 10:30am —
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I've received a few requests asking about how recruiters can use Google to better source candidates or streamline some recruiting efforts. Since I was actually in the process of playing with some
Google Maps mashups when the last request came in I thought I'd hit on some neat things recruiters can do with Google Maps. First let me say that I'm by no means implying that Google is…
Added by RecruiterGuy on December 3, 2008 at 10:30am —
08.12.03: LISTEN HERE
GUEST: JOSH KAHN, Sr Pipeline Generation Specialist
Josh on:
Added by Recruiting Animal on December 3, 2008 at 10:00am —
1 Comment
The new MultiPost Job Network enables employers to simultaneously broadcast open positions to MBA students and alumni of more than 50 top-ranked schools in the U.S., Europe and Asia – using one single job posting form.
(Columbus, Ohio, December 1) MBA Focus™, a leader in technology and services for recruiting MBA talent, has pioneered the first service that enables employers to easily, instantaneously post open positions directly to students and alumni of more than 50…
Added by Ryan Pratt on December 3, 2008 at 9:00am —
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You spent all your life savings, mortgaged your home, borrowed from a bank and opened up a Staffing company. You are searching for a Senior Recruiter. Would you hire YOU? If your entire business depended on the recruiting abilities of one person, would you hire YOU to be that person?
Somehow, somewhere and for some reason, you chose to be a recruiter. It offered an excellent earning potential. You got excited and showed up to work. In the beginning, you were very teachable. You were…
Added by Tirtis on December 3, 2008 at 8:55am —
1 Comment
"In the Information Age: Knowing equals Being." - Kathleen Parker , Washington Post (may require free sign-up - worth it if you want to follow the DC political scene)
She asks,
"Come to think of it, how long before we begin to expect, if not demand, that public officials twitter?" I think she has something here: Shareholders should demand that executives twitter…
Added by Steve Levy on December 3, 2008 at 7:45am —
Dear Claudia,
Is it unethical to recruit in a bar? A friend of mine says that alcohol and recruiting do not mix because people tend to make stupid decisions under the influence; I say that some of my best placements have come from strangers I met over drinks. What do you say?
Cheers in Boston
Dear Cheers,
Oh, for crying in your beer. I say that it’s a mark of a slow economy when recruiters have nothing better to do than argue the ethics of…
Added by Claudia Faust on December 3, 2008 at 5:30am —
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Someone left a message over on the
SourcersGuild board and I thought you all might have an interest in it and in my answer!
So I need to go back to the basics. I have just started looking for talent in a new industry (HVAC Custom Electrical Design). I know I need to start with a competitors list and do some research. Does anyone have a train of thought list that they use when they are… Continue
Added by Maureen Sharib on December 3, 2008 at 4:00am —
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It has taken me a while to get this lists published, I originally had the idea six months ago! Below are
50 51 52 ideas on how you can use social media within your HR and Recruitment strategy.
Not all of the ideas are practical for all organisations, and I would never recommend you trying to implement all of them at once! Or for that matter without an overall strategy *insert ad for Inspecht social media consulting here*. The list is more designed to stimulate ideas and…
Added by Michael Specht on December 3, 2008 at 3:58am —
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Join me today at 1p.m. EST on the TalkSourcing segment of the Recruiting Animal's (Noon)
Radio Show. I'll be there to answer your questions on phone sourcing after Animal's guest interview with Josh Kahn, winner of Sourcecon Challenge 2008 at noon EST.
How do you "do" a company's telephone bank? (Be prepared to spend some time.)
How do you match current titles to names that come off that phone bank?…
Added by Maureen Sharib on December 3, 2008 at 3:00am —
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