Does your company have a Talent Brand or Employer brand? Why would someone want to establish a lasting career with your company? What do you offer your employees?
My colleague wrote a great article on
Building an Employer Brand. Read it and if you like it Digg or Stumble it.
I am always interested in recruiters comments on Recruitment Branding or Employer…
Added by Patsy Stewart on October 6, 2008 at 11:24pm —
In this week’s BINC TV episode we decided to talk about qualifying opportunities – as in how a candidate should be qualifying a good opportunity and how a client should be qualifying an ideal candidate. On the candidate side, the following are criteria that are qualities to look for in a potential next employer.
Amount of funding
Pedigree of the management team
Strength of the product and it’s potential to generate revenue for the company
The company’s exit…
Added by BINC Search on October 6, 2008 at 8:20pm —
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I have an SD configuration consultant available right now at 180 ph. rate. If anyone is interested please email me. Houston area.
Added by Neil R. Martin on October 6, 2008 at 7:18pm —
1 Comment
It's October 1st, 2008. After 9+ months of hard work, we're launching joblish, a set of structured keywords that you can add on to job postings, resumes, LinkedIn profiles and any other place that job seekers and talent seekers may be looking for each other. You don't need special programming or software upgrades, and it's absolutely free.
Check it out at
Here's joblish tip #1. Add joblish codes to your job postings and job ads. It will save a lot of time…
Added by Mark Bielecki on October 6, 2008 at 6:19pm —
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So not to be one to dwell on the so called "down turn" but staff are obviously getting slightly fed up with the doom and gloom, jobs are not as thick and fast as normal which has a knock on effect with team morale.
Any suggestions on keeping spirits up!!!
Added by Mary Pratt on October 6, 2008 at 2:28pm —

Do you remember the Atari game, Pitfall? Great game. The main character, Pitfall Harry, was constantly having to grab jungle vines, cling and swing for dear life to avoid quicksand, crocodiles, and tar pits.
As anyone who does much of their work from home can attest, telecommuting can have plenty of it's own pitfalls. From family interruptions to poor time management, the modern remote worker has to be wary of the quicksand and tar pits at…
Added by Craig Fisher on October 6, 2008 at 12:00pm —
1 Comment
In my constant quest to get the word out about PHC Consulting’s top-of-the-line recruiting and employment opportunities in all areas of medical sales, I started a blog. And the blog was good. I have covered information relevant to all aspects of job searching, interviewing, networking, and sales training for pharmaceutical sales, laboratory sales, clinical diagnostics sales, cellular/molecular products sales, medical equipment and supplies sales. That kind of information has been popular, and…
Added by Peggy McKee on October 6, 2008 at 11:30am —
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It’s difficult to put your best foot forward when your China hiring report is released as major financial institutions have just gone into a major meltdown.
Such is life.
Of course, the Hudson Report for July to September 2008 is as deep and accurate as you would normally expect from them. We just have to adjust many of the results downwards.
The trends should be much the same as in the report but the optimism is much less warranted. 2009 looks like a bit of a…
Added by Frank Mulligan on October 6, 2008 at 11:23am —
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The calls and emails have been coming in; the voices imperceptively waiver: The recruiters are nervous. Corporate leaders and naifs are looking out their windows, some even waiting for the call to come. Third party firms are wondering where the callbacks are. Who is Satan and who is the Saviour?
Satan is real and you are the Saviour but you don't know this yet. Satan wants you to be afraid; he wants to cull the herd. Don't let him scare you.
Push for long term…
Added by Steve Levy on October 6, 2008 at 11:00am —
This Article I read puts this week's headlines in perspective
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Last Updated: 11:05AM BST 06 Oct 2008
We face extreme danger. Unless there is immediate intervention on every front by all the major powers acting in concert, we risk a disintegration of global finance within days. Nobody will be spared, unless they own gold bars.
Star-crossed bankers: The European Central Bank played a shockingly destructive…
Added by Dave Mendoza on October 6, 2008 at 10:30am —
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Hello People,
We are beginning a search looking for chemical engineers with experience in development or applications of vegetable based esters, fatty acids fat and vegetable oil-based chemicals and derivatives.
I would truly appreciate if anyone could suggest alternate ways to source for such a position. My email is,
Any help would truly be appreciated.
All the best,
Added by Hans Guiscardo on October 6, 2008 at 10:20am —
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You've seen the headlines -- thousands of jobs vaporized at corporate behemoths Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch. Some of the world's biggest businesses face big problems in the coming months.
That's why, if you're looking for work, you should take a long look at small businesses.
Small firms employ about 50% of all private-sector workers in America and, since the mid-1990s, have generated 60 to 80 percent of net new jobs each year, according to the U.S. Small Business…
Added by Candice Arnold on October 6, 2008 at 9:32am —
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Many of my close friends as well as my sister recently took voluntary separation packages from the large newspaper company for whom I toiled for 14 years.
I was long gone, but I still kept tabs on the shocking demise of my former industry, so the announcement of a buyout offer for anyone employed in the newsroom for at least five years didn’t take me by surprise.
What did surprise me was how many people had the guts to take the deal--seventy-five--and how many of them,…
Added by Candice Arnold on October 6, 2008 at 9:24am —
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If you research “job interview mistakes” and all its variations and related ideas online, you find a lot of things: the importance of your body language during job interviews; Make-or-Break Interview Mistakes that include not dressing appropriately, offering too much information, or being too friendly with the interviewer; and things like not asking meaningful questions because you didn’t research the company. Know what you don’t find? How not to say “crap” 3 times in the interview.…
Added by Candice Arnold on October 6, 2008 at 9:15am —
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If you’re looking for a job and haven’t found one yet, by definition, you have a problem.
There’s something standing between you and employment.
What is it?
Surprisingly, when I ask most job hunters what their #1 job-search problem is, they answer, “I don’t know.”
Think about that. How can you solve a problem if you don’t know what it is?
So, the first step is to define your biggest job-search problem. Only then can you solve it effectively.…
Added by Candice Arnold on October 6, 2008 at 8:52am —
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I read the article Snack Vendor -- or Undercover Job Recruiter? the other day in the WSJ and I have to tell you I am not so sure I would want to retain a firm that would use such non traditional methods to recruit candidates on my companies behalf.
Click here to read more.....
Added by Jonathan Rosenberg on October 6, 2008 at 8:48am —
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All across America this time of year, college campuses are filling with new and returning students all looking for that magic piece of paper that will ensure their futures. All that effort and all those tuition fees.... You'd better make sure it's worth it.
No offense to those with psychology degrees, but the most valuable college degrees now and in the future are much more science and technology-oriented: Engineering, Computers, Finance, and Science.…
Added by Candice Arnold on October 6, 2008 at 8:44am —
It is becoming more and more common to see people over the age of 50 changing careers. In decades past, many people stayed in the same career, and sometimes even the same job, for virtually all of their working lives.
However, times have changed and it is becoming very common for people to change careers a number of times during their lifetimes. A number of factors are contributing to the increased numbers of people in the 50 and over population who are seeking to change…
Added by Candice Arnold on October 6, 2008 at 8:36am —
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Today's employers hire Subject Matter Experts to solve problems. Managers and executives might not like this, but the day of the Generalist is over.
Now that it's easy to completely customize and individualize a resume to demonstrate Subject Matter Expertise, why would a hiring manager give a second glance at a general resume that didn't exactly match requirements?
Leadership and management skills are no longer searched for skills. Sure, they are still valued, but these…
Added by Candice Arnold on October 6, 2008 at 8:32am —
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I'm amazed I actually have to write this article.
Why do fewer than 10% of all candidates blow off the easiest way to stand out? It's so simple…the thank you note. Yet so few takeadvantage of writing a simple thank you…so it's a huge advantage to those who do.
1. Thank Yous remind the hiring manager who you are
2. Thank Yous show the hiring manager that you REALLY want the job
3. Thank Yous give you an opportunity to highlight why you canuniquely solve the hiring…
Added by Candice Arnold on October 6, 2008 at 8:20am —
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