All Blog Posts Tagged 'job' (992)

5 Key Innovations in HR Technology

HR industry has seen a lot of modernization in the past few years. Thanks to technology which keeps on creating waves in the market with its new innovations and trends. These ideas have solved the bottlenecks of traditional HR practices in order to streamline all the activities involved in recruitment and related workflow. Each process has become faster and resulted in better efficiency and productivity.

Initially, the staff used to go through piles of paperwork to look for an…


Added by Amruta Singh on October 31, 2017 at 2:07am — No Comments

College Grads: How to Survive Your First Toxic Boss


Added by Walter Gaffney on October 24, 2017 at 7:32am — No Comments

4 Things to Consider Before Looking for a Job in Another State

While it may be convenient to work in your hometown, it may not be where the jobs are in your field. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to move to another state to find work. Here are a few items to consider before choosing to relocate for work.

What Happens If It Doesn’t Work Out?

It isn’t uncommon to start a new job only to realize quickly after that it…


Added by Hannah Whittenly on October 11, 2017 at 4:59pm — No Comments

CEO’s stop leaving your personal and company branding to your marketing teams

Are you one of the 61% of CEO’s that doesn’t have a social media presence? Hard to believe that many CEO’s don’t understand the importance of a social media presence for their personal brand and credibility.

It amazes me how many CEO’s, directors and business owners have little or a very poor presence on their digital channels, particularly LinkedIn…


Added by Tanya Williams on October 6, 2017 at 2:56am — 1 Comment

What Can You Do To Impress The Recruiter?

Recruiters are very hard to impress. They see thousands of CVs and talk with so many people that in most cases the candidates are simply seen as numbers. If you are interested in getting a job, there is a pretty good possibility you will need to impress a recruiter or at least the interviewer. How do you do this? Obviously, there is no recipe for success since different supply chain recruiters are going to look for…


Added by Laura O. Tolentino on September 29, 2017 at 9:23pm — 1 Comment

A List Of Top 6 Apps For Job Seekers!

Undeniably, from ordering food to looking for a new house, there’s an app for almost everything. These days, many leading recruitment sites have launched applications to facilitate job seekers.

Job application enables applicants to apply for the best position in an easy and quick manner. In addition, it provides suggestions and tools to upgrade your…


Added by Jasmine Demeester on September 27, 2017 at 1:11am — 3 Comments

Recruiters, why aren’t you using social media to build your employer brand of choice?

Social is used incorrectly by many businesses and recruiters.

Social is exactly that – a social platform where potential customers are interacting with friends, family and articles that are of interest to them. When you are posting social messages you are interrupting them so you need to be mindful of the context of your content and when it is being consumed…


Added by Tanya Williams on September 26, 2017 at 1:38am — 5 Comments

How to Win Job Interviews When You're a 100% Introvert

Your resume is a work of art. Your cover letter is perfect. And no one fits this job better than you.

But here goes the problem:

You're a 100% introvert who, put it nicely, doesn't like ongoing interactions, greetings, handshakes, questions, and being the center of attention. In other words, you can't stand anything related to successful job interviews.

Yes, it's tough. It's stressful, challenging, and terrifying. But no matter how introverted you are, you won't be able…


Added by Lesley J. Vos on September 13, 2017 at 6:24am — 1 Comment

How to Write a Prize-Winning CV Profile

Top Tips to Maximise the Impact of Your CV with a Powerful Profile

If constructed well, a CV profile can really give your CV the upper hand when it comes to standing out amongst a crowd. As you will know from our ‘The Art of a Fantastic CV’ blog, employers often spend no more than 10…


Added by ISL Recruitment on September 6, 2017 at 5:26am — No Comments

Post Job-Interview Tips

So, you have been working closely with a recruiter over the past few weeks to find your next career opportunity. Your CV has been updated, formatted and sent out to clients, you have been put forward for specific roles and finally you have the interview date! You have researched the company, been prepped by the recruiter and feel prepared and ready to face the…

Added by Charlotte Barrington on August 17, 2017 at 11:20am — No Comments

4 Highly Sought-After Careers in the Service Field Worth Pursuing

The service industry has to do with individuals that provide services to people as compared to making goods or products. Examples of major fields within this industry include hospitality, customer service, financial services and even health care. However, the following four careers are worth pursuing because they are expected to grow significantly in the upcoming…


Added by Anica Oaks on August 3, 2017 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

Job Apps: Are They Really Revolutionising Recruitment?

Job apps are everywhere. There is HiUpSnagAJob, and the gold ‘ol Indeed. Some of the first job apps, Switch and Jobr, aimed to revolutionise the recruitment process. The idea was simple, make the job hunt…


Added by ISL Recruitment on July 26, 2017 at 8:00am — No Comments

What an HR person can do to find job for himself?

People believe that finding a job for the HR graduate is very easy. This is because they are the one who appoints other people and they know how to get the job. This is one of the many misconceptions that most of the people from other fields have for the human resource management department. Even this field of work is still on the rise and in the talks by many, people also believe on these myths, and many take this as their option for the future without having required skills for that…


Added by Emma Dale on July 22, 2017 at 1:11pm — No Comments

Start your career as a freelance writer!

There are more and more graduates who find themselves in the impossibility of finding a job, so they have to be more creative and find new ways to gain experience in the field they have chosen but also to earn money. Freelancing is the perfect way to do this, but this is not all milk and honey as many would believe. Freelancing is a competitive market too, unless you have a service to offer that nobody else does.

Starting your career as a freelance writer can be challenging,…


Added by James Porter on May 23, 2017 at 12:24pm — No Comments

Reason Why you Need a Cover Letter for Resume Registration

Your cover letter is something which presents your personality, qualifications and intentions and your interest for that particular job. It is made in a very appealing format. You can say it is the very first chance to create impression on the recruiters. It is believed that if you make your resume very personalized it will definitely indicate that you are very serious about your job role and you are searching it on a serious note. Though your resume will help you get the job and position…


Added by RyanFaisal on May 15, 2017 at 8:00am — No Comments

Blue Collar: 4 Careers for Hard Workers That Enjoy Manual Labor

Although the American economy has grown rapidly in service sector jobs, there is still a great need for hard workers who enjoy manual labor. When you are willing to work diligently, follow instructions and perform as a team, there will be many opportunities for you to enjoy a rewarding career. Consider one of these four lines of blue collar work as you get ready to enter the…


Added by Rachelle Wilber on May 9, 2017 at 1:30pm — No Comments

What to do if you have a toxic boss

We are sure that everyone has encountered a bad boss at some stage during their career, but a toxic boss can be detrimental to your health. Earlier this year a new study by the Alliance Manchester Business School revealed the impact of a…


Added by ISL Recruitment on May 9, 2017 at 9:55am — No Comments

Recruiting Has Come a Long Way in the Past 30 Years

This article was written by our CEO Joe Musacchio and published in Money Inc. Any recruiter will enjoy reading about the good ole days of the staffing industry and how the process used to be. Imagine recruiting before email, smartphones and social media...…


Added by Chrissy Nicholas Dooley on May 2, 2017 at 1:33pm — No Comments

Six Great Job Boards for Nonprofit/Environmental Jobs

Environmental and nonprofit jobs can be deeply rewarding but notoriously hard to find.  In many cases, job seekers simply don’t know where to find them.  

Fortunately, thanks to the advent of the internet, there are now job boards specifically dedicated to non-profit and environmental jobs.  

In this post, we’ll take a deeper look at six of the more…


Added by William Zimmerman on April 20, 2017 at 12:54pm — No Comments

Best Tips for Taking on a Job That Requires Any Manual Labor

Manual labor jobs can be lucrative and rewarding, but they also come with some inherent risks. Hundreds of thousands of work-related injuries take place every year, and many of these accidents can be avoided with a little foresight. If you are getting ready to start…


Added by Hannah Whittenly on April 18, 2017 at 11:13am — No Comments

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