All Blog Posts Tagged 'job' (992)

An Education in the Fine Arts

Should You Continue Your Studies?



 Choosing to continue your studies within a form of the fine arts after high school graduation is both risky and expensive.…


Added by Jennifer Bouley on December 24, 2015 at 6:06am — No Comments

Networking Building and its Benefits

Networking is one of the proven strategies that will help build your career over the long term. With networking you rarely see the benefits right away, but long term with continued relationship management and giving you will see the payoff both professionally and personally.

Like any other relationship, professional relationships are not one sided. In fact, since they are not as personal they often require…


Added by Jennifer Bouley on December 22, 2015 at 6:43am — No Comments

10 online tools to write a triumphant resume

t’s not that easy to get a good job these days. There are dozens of candidates and sometimes hundreds of them, applying for one single post. In this situation, your qualifications are not enough anymore. One needs to make an impression from the first look! And so, you must create an appealing resume that will determine HR persons call you right away.



Added by Julie Petersen on November 24, 2015 at 9:48am — No Comments

Millennial retention is all based on family benefits

No age group wants paid time off for themselves or loved ones more than millennials. As these tech-savvy young adults come of age both at work and at home, they’re feeling the stress of decreasing life balance and increasing demands. 

Employers, too, are affected by millennials’ commitment to family. A recent …


Added by Stacy Carpenter on November 21, 2015 at 10:30am — No Comments

Career Change: How to Pull Yourself Out of a Boring Job

If you’ve begun to realize you don’t love your job as much as you used to, take comfort in the thought that getting into a career rut is easy. First, you land a great position. Next, you work for the same company for a couple of years and after a while, you learn that your boss never gives your any raises and you have nowhere left to grow.

If this scenario sounds familiar, it might be time to pull yourself out of a dead-end job and find a new, more rewarding career.…


Added by Brooke Chaplan on November 19, 2015 at 1:24pm — No Comments

Is your profile picture helping or hindering your job search?

Why is your profile photographs are so important to your job search, and how can you make sure your profile pictures are working to your advantage?

There was a time when people were nervous about the internet. They were scared to used credit cards online and they were scared to upload their photographs. There was also a time…


Added by Jane Paine on November 18, 2015 at 1:25pm — 2 Comments

Copy that 'does the job' is fine. Copy that sells it is better

I'd finished work for the week early last Friday so decided, as an experiment, to throw an offer out on Twitter - I'd write a free bit of recruitment copy for the first recruiter to get in touch with me and send me an existing job ad or description. I didn't hold my breath, and to be honest, had no one taken me up on my offer I wouldn't have lost any sleep over it. I…


Added by Alasdair Murray on November 17, 2015 at 6:30am — 2 Comments

What's Your Mobile Recruiting Strategy?

Today’s job-seekers are on the move and more connected with their mobile devices than ever. More than 85 percent of people looking for jobs use their smartphones to start a job search on a job board, and 70 percent prefer to apply via their mobile devices. More than half want to upload their resumes on the go. If your …


Added by Stacy Carpenter on November 13, 2015 at 12:33am — No Comments

5 Ways To Improve Your Current Career Position

There is hardly any working professional who does not want to improve career prospects but very few are sure about the ways to do so! There is no magic solution to bag a dream job and neither there is a short cut way. However, with a few proven strategies and consistent efforts you can make a change in your present career position. This is applicable to professionals in almost any industry including IT, healthcare, retail etc.

Below listed are a few handy tips, which may help you…


Added by Tim Breasnan on November 3, 2015 at 12:18am — No Comments

What Makes A Good Engineering Manager?

Most recruiters have this perennial complaint while hiring for engineering firms; it is very hard to find a good engineering manager. They say, good engineers are tough to hire but easy to find, while on the other hand, good engineering managers are not only tough to hire but also tough to find. But what exactly makes a good engineering manager? We will find out…


Added by Angel Joana Hall on October 28, 2015 at 1:34am — No Comments

How Far Will You Go to Make Your Resume Stand Out?

What are you willing to do to make your resume stand apart from the pack? Would you plaster your face on a giant billboard? Drop off your application in costume? In many lines of work, creativity gets you points. However, it’s important not to go overboard. 

To make your resume…


Added by Stacy Carpenter on October 4, 2015 at 12:52am — No Comments

Done with Job Interview? Now, Learn How to Follow Up?

The waiting game begins

After a job interview, the toughest thing is to weather the waiting period, which may take months or sometimes, even more. Time goes by and you may not hear a single word from the interviewer who seemed very friendly during the interview. According to experts of a leading IT…


Added by Ben Karter on September 15, 2015 at 6:10am — No Comments

SevenSeas Airports and Seaports Management Services Pvt.Ltd

Guys, Listen to me.

Recruiters for shipping is blooming in more hilarious way.Share your views towards it.

As this SevenSeas is also plays a significant role in the recruitment process for shipping.

Added by Jatin Singh on September 14, 2015 at 1:49am — 1 Comment

5 Ways to Recruit Like a Marketer

Here are a few ways to think of recruiting as marketing and transform your hiring process:


In marketing, your brand is everything. It defines the company and helps form opinions about the company. In recruiting, your employer brand is everything. The employer brand defines your workplace, the company culture, and lets job seekers know what to expect.

Branding is one of the most important pieces…


Added by Jatin Singh on September 4, 2015 at 3:08am — No Comments

Want to Recruit Better? Write Better Job Ads

Today’s recruiters have so much to do. When I started in the business, my job was to find people, qualified people, and there were a few ways to do it. Now it feels like there are multiple ways to find a person; each one more complex and complicated…


Added by Kelly Robinson on September 1, 2015 at 10:12am — 2 Comments

Are you prepared for Job Interview? What about your body language?

Besides the common notion that your body language affects the way others see you, there is more to it. In one of the popular TED talks of October 2012, Amy Cuddy talks about how body language affects the way you feel and how certain postures and body language can bring about a…


Added by Ben Karter on August 31, 2015 at 9:00am — No Comments

7 Mistakes Job Seekers Make

Are you in the process of searching for a new job but can’t seem to get the callbacks you want?

It may be you’re making some common yet avoidable mistakes along the way. Don’t continue your job searching without being sure. Take a look at the following seven mistakes job seekers make:


If you’re sending out resumes without knowing what your ideal job is, you’re wasting your valuable time. So,…


Added by Jatin Singh on August 31, 2015 at 12:57am — No Comments

Dear recruiter, 15 reasons why you lost the best candidate ever

As a career strategist I’m privy to conversation from job candidates who are at the mercy of internal and third-party recruiters. I say mercy because before they can sell themselves to the hiring manager, they have to get past the recruiter.

In the grand scheme of things there seems to be a misunderstanding of the importance the role job candidates play in the hiring…


Added by Bob McIntosh on August 25, 2015 at 8:23am — 7 Comments

How to build a successful dream team

Great teams don't just happen. Сreating a successful team is possible only when the right people with the right skills come together. However, in today’s competitive market, simply hiring top talent isn't enough. Knowing your players' strengths and coaching with the right management styles will help…


Added by Stacy Carpenter on August 18, 2015 at 2:52pm — No Comments

How to minimize workplace negativity

Everyone has reason to become negative about his/her work from time to time. Workplaces are composed of people with various personalities and attitudes, which can become negative when there are deadlines to be met, and challenging tasks to be completed.  There is no set solution to preventing negativity in the workplace, but guidelines should be put in place so the employees are held to a certain expectation of behavior when the environment…


Added by Stacy Carpenter on August 18, 2015 at 12:51am — No Comments

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