Recruiting Blogs (24,313)

Hiring Trends for Forbes' Best Cities for College Grads

Now that it's mid-April, many soon-to-be graduating college seniors are feeling the pressure to find a job. Forbes recently released their list of the 10 best cities for college grads. Their list uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Census Bureau, and to determine the best places for new college grads to be looking for work in 2013. We wanted…


Added by Abby Lombardi on April 17, 2013 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

Four Tips for Taking a Vacancy and Making it Easier to Fill

Picture of a wolf pack which represents recruiters

Lessons from the Wolf Pack is an ongoing series of recruitment advice articles taken from, or inspired by, situations and events observed during our phone coaching sessions with recruitment consultants making real, live calls to win business and find candidates. This is advice directly from…


Added by Stephen Hart on April 17, 2013 at 8:30am — No Comments

3 Reasons Why You Should Hire Employee Referrals

HR practitioners and researchers alike agree that employee referral programs are an excellent source-of-hire. Cost-effective, yet sporting a significant ROI, referral programs enable corporate recruiters to leverage their employees’ networks to reach quality talent pools. With a faster time-to-hire than average, referred applicants are recognized as more productive additions to the workforce.

Employee Referrals Make for Better Employees

1. For…


Added by Assaf Eisenstein on April 17, 2013 at 8:18am — No Comments

10 Things You Must Do To Fill A Requisition Fast!


I hear it too often.  Why hasn’t this position been filled?  We just aren’t getting enough candidates.  The candidates aren’t strong enough.  I was the perfect fit for the job, why wasn’t I invited back for another interview?

See, as a recruiter I am the middleman between the manager and the client/company and getting someone hired or not.  I am the…


Added by Will Thomson on April 17, 2013 at 7:00am — 12 Comments

5 Must-Know Paid Sick Leave Laws For Contract Staffing Recruiters

One of the trickiest things about running your own back-office is navigating the complex web of state and local laws.  Paid sick leave (PSL) is an area where recruiters need to be especially careful.  With no paid leave laws on the federal level, some states and cities are taking matters into their own hands. Most recently, the city of…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on April 16, 2013 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Are You Managing Your Workforce Planning?

Unemployment notched down to 7.6% last month and the number of jobs added to the economy has averaged 169,000 over the past 12 months. If companies are creating jobs, is there more emphasis on managing their workforce and making sure new employees are placed where companies really need them? If companies are focusing more on WFP and WFM, should hiring demand…


Added by Abby Lombardi on April 16, 2013 at 10:44am — No Comments

Why you should NOT Accept a Counteroffer

This post was a collaborative effort. My manager and I wanted to explain the ins and outs of counteroffers.

Leaving your current firm? Beware of the counteroffer!

You scored a new job and now it’s time for the dreaded formal resignation. Shaking in your boots, you head to your manager’s desk to hand over your resignation…


Added by Evelyn Amaro on April 16, 2013 at 9:40am — No Comments

Godzilla vs. Mothra: competitive innovation from LinkedIn and CareerBuilder?

It seems that Monster is continuing its long, slow fade as the ‘big dog’ in the job board world (funny how long-term lack of leadership can do that to you). But there are plenty of services vying for the leadership role:Indeed, CareerBuilder, and LinkedIn come…


Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on April 16, 2013 at 8:37am — No Comments

The Recruitment Hokey Cokey: in-house, agency, shake it all about!

Hokey Cokey

I’m an odd recruiter. Not in the sense that I don’t fit the traditional image we all know (and love?!) but because I went in-house, came back out again, and am far better because of it.

My recruitment agency career was going well - I had managed teams, moved to a search firm but still had an itch to scratch. The Holy Grail was an in-house role - how great…


Added by AdMore Recruitment on April 16, 2013 at 8:30am — No Comments

How to Secure Your First Graphic Design Job?

Putting the first step into the graphic industry for a Fine Arts graduate is a pretty tough job. Strong competition exists, but people with genuine creative skills can snap the right role. With so many opportunities in the design field, it becomes an overwhelming task to find the first design job. What will help you to find an appropriate role is a clear understanding of your expectations. Another essential factor that you need to consider before proceeding to search a job is what you can…


Added by Daniel Smith on April 16, 2013 at 4:32am — No Comments

Recruiters Anonymous: I’m Living an Agency Lie, and I Need Help!

I have been living a lie. For far too long I have pretended to fit a mould, that simply is not me.

For the past seven years, I have woken up every morning, wrangled my tie around my neck, shined my shoes, put on my corporate face, and tackled the recruitment agency world. My time, my (awesome) clients and candidates, my decisions are not my own.



Added by Paul Slezak on April 16, 2013 at 1:30am — 12 Comments



Use me - please.

You've just made the big decision to engage me on a search. It's for a critical role in your organization. A highly specialized position with a lot of visibility company wide. You're going to potentially pay me a very large fee and you may have already invested in a retainer to get us started. You have a sense of urgency. So why aren't you using me to your greatest advantage to maximize the…


Added by Cindy Cremona, CPC on April 15, 2013 at 3:25pm — No Comments

Recruiter Certification

I was wondering if any professional recruiters here are nationally certified or otherwise credentialed? Is there value to getting something like CPC through NAPS, or similar? Is it worth it even for someone with a masters in business administration and experience with program development and management and all aspects of staffing? Just curious.

Added by Allen on April 15, 2013 at 3:09pm — 6 Comments

How to Choose a Headhunter - What's the Right Fee?

This is part of a series of articles called "How to Choose a Headhunter" that's been running since 2008 - But the market is changing so quickly, at least here in the UK, that much of that has been left behind in the sands of time.....…


Added by Martin Ellis on April 15, 2013 at 2:05pm — No Comments

Look Back to Move Ahead

Whether you are looking for a job, a promotion, revitalizing your business or even meandering through life’s daily minutiae; sometimes it’s good to take a look back in order to move forward.

 Let’s take searching for a job as an example. It is a daunting task in any economy because the search is seriously based on emotion. This is where the help of a consultant, a recruiter or anyone familiar with career counseling can make a big difference. As humans, most of us have a myriad of…


Added by Bonnie Brooks on April 15, 2013 at 11:25am — No Comments

Smiling, Happy, and Radically Accountable

After two hours of singing, dancing, and acting, the cast of Newsies was still smiling, as were my wife, Holly, and I. They had just delivered, and we had just watched, one of the best shows we've seen on Broadway in the past decade.

Did one or more cast members dance out of step, flub a line, or sing slightly out of tune? Did the crew miss a cue, misplace a prop, or misdirect a…


Added by Scott Wintrip on April 15, 2013 at 9:13am — No Comments

Enterprise HRIS : Peoplesoft Vs SAP eRecruitement Vs Oracle iRecruitement

Does any one experience in these large ERP meant for HRIS. 

Kindly share your knowledge for any one you have . 

I am trying to make a study on how and which tools is used max in ERP section. 

Added by Vinay Johar - RChilli on April 15, 2013 at 4:32am — No Comments

Why You Ought To Think about Becoming a School-Based SLP

We come up with a simple and short infographic featuring several reasons why you should think about being a school-based SLP. Many of these reasons are informative and some subjective to…

Added by parvin mahfuz on April 14, 2013 at 6:30am — No Comments


We would like to invite everyone to check out the group Service Provider Solutions a one stop shop for human resource managers, directors, recruiting agencies and staffing firms seeking solutions or seeking additional training or certification credit hours to connect with a multitude of industry service provider companies such as: educational, payroll, back office, financing, professional employer…


Added by Jeff Dahlberg on April 14, 2013 at 4:39am — No Comments


The president of our company and I were recently invited to attend a keynote given by one the 50 most influential people in business internationally and I could go on and on with all their credits  but will reframe. She was asked what bit of information she would pass on to someone just getting started. I could give you her answer but that was not the point of this post.

The more I thought about her speech the more I thought how there is really little difference in those at the top…


Added by Jeff Dahlberg on April 14, 2013 at 3:44am — No Comments

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