Recruiting Blogs (24,299)

"Best Careers of 2011" – A Review of Hiring Demand for Healthcare Jobs

Last week, we looked at the Business and Creative and…


Added by Carolyn Menz on December 19, 2011 at 1:57pm — No Comments

LinkedIn: It just ain't social...

Cast your eye over any article, blog or tweet regarding 'social media' platforms and pretty much every time you will hear LinkedIn included in the list, especially when talking about 'social' recruiting.  I don't know about you though, but I don't see LinkedIn as social technology at all, certainly not in the same way as I would see Twitter or perhaps…


Added by Gareth Jones on December 19, 2011 at 9:30am — 2 Comments


Hung from the ceiling of the Guggenheim in New York City, virtually all of the work created by Maurizio Cattelan is offered in a new perspective to patrons of his work. Pieces can be viewed from different angles and compared in context with the full breadth of his creation. Cattelan agreed to display his art at the Guggenheim only if it were arranged in this provocative and unique manner.

To see your clients and their work in a new light, you too should insist on viewing things from a…


Added by Scott Wintrip on December 19, 2011 at 8:33am — No Comments

Yes, Great Resume, Oops, Oh no, Communication Skills!

So you are on the lookout for that hardcore technology developer with the 2 skills your Client is calling you down every day about; “Paul where are you on that search …? We are really under a lot of pressure …” You drop everything again, to re-focus on the search and finally;  in the depths of a search, through 5…


Added by Paul Alfred on December 19, 2011 at 8:30am — 16 Comments

Things to Consider when Ordering Criminal Database Searches for Background Checks

There are a number of employers who rely almost solely on criminal database searches as background checks for their employment screening services.  This is not a great idea.   There are definite advantages to database searches, as they can provide  employers with a quick review of their candidates.    In general, criminal database searches return instantly, which allows the employer to examine any potential criminal records and decide whether to move forward with additional background checks…


Added by Gordon Basichis on December 19, 2011 at 7:00am — No Comments

What if mobile ads never take off?

I recently read a great post about Mary Meeker and her prediction about Mobile Advertising


Mary Meeker was once known as the ‘Queen of the Net’, her predictions are often scarily accurate – she is gifted with truly understanding how technology and the desires of the people fit together!


Meeker’s recent internet presentation on ‘Top Mobile Internet Trends’ made some very insightful predictions about mobile advertising (…


Added by Stephanie Bressan on December 19, 2011 at 12:30am — No Comments

Is that a ‘T’ in “Team”?

"When two people meet, there are really six people present. There is each man as he sees himself, each man as he wants to be seen, and each man as he really is." Michael De Saintamo

How many of you have met a team-member which you knew deep down would not be good for the team? It happens, more times than we care to realize; and a lot of time we put it down to the “Hire-Power” or management. Did we give the new collaboration much of a chance, or did we…


Added by Daniel J Smith on December 18, 2011 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Christmas Giggles.

During this holiday season please remember that friends do not let friends get drunk and sing Christmas Karaoke.


For some smiles let's play you know you are a recruiter if...


You know you are a recruiter if you go to a party, meet a new person ,when they tell you what they do for a living you ask them how long they have been there.  If it's less than a year you immediately think..not recruitable yet, then ask them how long they worked for the commpany they…


Added by Sandra McCartt on December 17, 2011 at 9:03pm — 37 Comments

Recruiters & Hiring Managers BEWARE: Can you be objective in the hiring process?

Photo Source:  The New Yorker magazine

Many years ago I was on the premises of a well known movie studio in Burbank, CA delivering a video tape to a Producer and Board Member of the Minority Community Based Organization I was working for at the time.  During an informal tour of the studio I was struck with all…


Added by Valentino Martinez on December 17, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Holiday Slow Down

The holiday slow down is here.  At least for us it is.  Every year around this time we see things slow down in recruiting.

Many companies shut down the process of hiring for certain positions until after New Years, many have budget and needs analysis going on, and of course many in recruiting/HR along with hiring managers are on vacation or wrapping up to end the year.  So things slow down.  Fewer new job orders, fewer things in early stages moving forward.

Looking back at…


Added by Todd Kmiec on December 16, 2011 at 2:05pm — 1 Comment

The Green Suits Career Checklist: Process Points for a Successful 2012 and Beyond

Cross-posted from The Green Suits:

Season's greetings! We hope you are enjoying the run up to Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or whatever it is that you celebrate.

And we keep good thoughts that 2012 will bring…


Added by Dan Smolen on December 16, 2011 at 1:00pm — No Comments

5 Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 12.9.11 to 12.16.11

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. This week we’ll be talking about forecasts for HR Technology, 50 best places to work, hiring failed business owners, gamification in recruiting and Facebook Timeline and how to get better in Twitter.

Here are the articles our that interested us this…


Added by Chris Brablc on December 16, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments

Convincing clients that "Time Kills" in the hiring process.

Just had a "confrontation" with a VP of Manufacturing (with a long term exclusive client). He was wondering why we lost a great candidate when it took him 6 weeks to let me know if he was interested in the person or not because he was "too busy". This is after losing two other candidates to competitors who have a faster and more efficient hiring process. Other than letting them learn by their mistakes and/or cease the relationship, does anyone have any suggestions to have clients realize…


Added by Tim on December 16, 2011 at 11:12am — No Comments

Sometimes simple is best, less is more!!!!!

Sometimes simple is best, less is more!!!!!


Within HR, staffing and business in general, there is a huge push towards metrics, and process. Everyone wants to ensure they have a process, and it can be measured. These things are very important, however we need to ensure we look at them and incorporate them for the right reasons, and looking for the right things.


So let’s start with process, of course you need a process…


Added by Dean Da Costa on December 15, 2011 at 7:13pm — No Comments

Are Your Clients Creating Their Own "Talent Shortages?"

With unemployment remaining steady around nine percent, the perception is that companies simply aren't hiring. But there are in fact many companies that say they are interested in hiring, but can't find workers with the right skills.

How can that be when, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 4.7 unemployed people for every vacant job? In a previous blog post, we talked about how employers are asking recruiters for more candidates…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on December 15, 2011 at 3:07pm — 1 Comment

Hiring for Google+ Skills Ramps Up

Google+ now tops 86,000 users and with new brand pages, companies are exploring this this social media platform as a viable business strategy. A few months ago, we reported that the first signs of hiring for professionals with Google+ skill sets had begun. Hiring activity since then continues to reflect this. Over the past 90 days, more than 100 jobs that include Google+ in the job description or required skills have been advertised online. Of the 22 companies currently advertising for…


Added by Carolyn Menz on December 15, 2011 at 10:37am — 1 Comment

Respect #2

This is the second in a short series of tales that all left me with the same feeling; that I need to increase people’s respect for me and what I do.

The scattergun candidate

All recruiters want to work with great candidates and we all want to find that particular jewel of a person that has not worked with any other recruiter and is not generally known to our clients.

A few…


Added by Steve Williams on December 15, 2011 at 10:19am — No Comments

Johnny Campbell - Recruiter and Social Recruiter - Recording - Recruiting Animal Show


I met Johnny Campbell at the Radical Planet UnConference in Sept 2011 in Toronto. He wasn't scheduled to be a track leader but he was definitely one of the stars of the show.

Johnny used to be a…


Added by Recruiting Animal on December 14, 2011 at 4:30pm — No Comments

When did getting a lot of applicants become a problem?

“We are getting too many applicants as it is”.  This is a phrase I’m hearing more and more from recruitment marketing organizations. Organizations feel this way for a few reasons:

1. They feel their recruiters are swamped as it is and additional screening would just add to the work pile.

2. They are currently hiring candidates that are good or acceptable for…


Added by Chris Brablc on December 14, 2011 at 2:03pm — No Comments

Candidate skill-set? Better yet, ask about their pet.

We can see what the resume says. But who is this person really? Is he or she a dog or cat person? Are they more like their German Shephard or their Tabby?

Don’t scoff. For all you extremely talented recruiters out their schooled in the latest behavioral role playing or SWOT-style interviewing techniques, are you really delving into this candidate’s hidden psyche from a fresh angle?

According to…


Added by Charles Davis on December 14, 2011 at 1:01pm — 1 Comment

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