This was written "in jest" by a colleague. We didn't send it... We wont send it... but perhap we should??
Please Note: Names have been "redacted" to protect the innocent (and not so innocent).
Dear Mr Recruiting Manager,
I hope this email finds you well. I would like the express my thanks that you have included us as an agency to help you with the recruitment for the XXXXX vacancies.
The purpose of this email is…
Added by Jon Terry on October 20, 2011 at 9:30am —
It’s that time of the year. The weather is getting colder, the leaves are changing and carved pumpkins are standing in front of many homes. It’s officially Fall and we all know what that means: College Recruiting!
It is at this time every year that companies flock to the best colleges & universities across the US and try to find the best (cheap?) talent they can find on the college recruiting circuit. Today is the day to make sure everything is ready for those college…
Added by Chris Brablc on October 20, 2011 at 9:10am —
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If there is one thing that both internal and 3rd party recruiters can agree upon it's that it's always the hiring manager's fault. They seems to be the universal scapegoat. Geez, Amy blames one 10 times a day for something or other.
But, since we will probably never get a hiring manager masochistic enough to come on and get spanked…
Added by Bill Schultz on October 19, 2011 at 10:14pm —
Earlier this year ApplicantStack partnered with Indeed and SimplyHired, the two most popular free job search engines on the web, to allow ApplicantStack customers to automatically feed their posted jobs to Indeed and SimplyHired. Since ApplicantStack automatically tracks of the…
Added by Nathan Shackles on October 19, 2011 at 2:44pm —
1 Comment
TheSocialCV is a semantic people search engine.
It gathers information about an individual that is scattered all across the web and pieces it together.
Then it ranks the person on the basis of the info it gathers (eg school, company)
Download -…
Added by Recruiting Animal on October 19, 2011 at 2:30pm —
1 Comment
Time. The Currency of the Future. The Currency of Now.
I just saw the trailer for the new Justin Timberlake movie, “In Time.”
The premise of In Time is that time is money. It’s a common phrase, but in the movie, time is literally money. Want a cup of coffee? That will be four minutes, please. The amount of time you have is somehow embedded on your…
Added by Jessica Lunk on October 19, 2011 at 9:49am —
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Elvis Costello said it best: "One day you're going to have to face the deep dark truthful mirror. And it's going to tell you things I still love you too much to say."
Well I don't love you at all. I don't know you, so here goes: Your career site blows.
I talk with a lot of people from a lot of corporate recruiting organizations. And when it comes to discussing their…
Added by Ian Alexander on October 19, 2011 at 7:30am —
The rise of social media is a modern-day phenomenon and the idea that any business, particularly a recruitment business, should want to ignore it is madness. Clearly, social media is particularly well-suited to recruitment: it provides ease of access to information about individuals and their networks; it provides the ability to exchange information rapidly with a community of interested and interesting individuals; it communicates with people in a…
Added by Ian Harvey on October 19, 2011 at 5:28am —
As our lives grow more and more complicated with day to day tasks and everything gets more technical, our language becomes shorter with ‘text talk’ and acronyms scattering our communications.
To new comers in the world of ‘Digital Media’ seems like there is a strange, foreign or even alien language that can take some getting used to.
Many a time at the beginning of my journey…
Added by Lipton Fleming on October 19, 2011 at 5:19am —
1 Comment
It's just so hard to believe it will be 2012 before we know it. Around the corner - November, December and holidays.
As I write this this forum has been developing and evolving just like everything else in staffing land. Sourcing or as I like to call it sourcering or working the staffing magic has never been more interesting. Along the way this year there…
Added by Mike Rasmussen on October 19, 2011 at 1:00am —
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The recruitment industry gets a bad rap and whilst a lot of it is unjustified, the saying that there is no smoke without fire has some truth here. I am proud of being a recruiter and truly believe the job I do is important and worthwhile to both individuals and companies. So I get very annoyed with those people who let our industry down with their poor service or dodgy behaviour.
The reality is that the entry barrier into recruitment is almost zero. You don’t need a qualification, any…
Added by Luke Collard on October 18, 2011 at 7:35pm —
Passive candidates – the people every employer wants – the ones that are happy, productive, and not looking for a job – are often wary of recruiters. They know that there is only a slim chance that the opportunity about which the recruiter is calling will be of interest to them. They know that recruiters “Sell the Sizzle” – give them all the positive hype about the job.…
Added by Mark Bregman on October 18, 2011 at 1:25pm —
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Many of the questions we receive from recruiters revolve around the proper classification of workers as either 1099 independent contractors or W-2 employees. One recent inquiry we received was particularly interesting, and we thought other recruiters could learn from it as well.
The recruiter in question works for a large firm. This particular recruiting firm has a standard practice of asking each contract candidate whether they would prefer to be…
Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on October 18, 2011 at 11:57am —
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Employers are beginning to understand the importance of candidate experience. Better candidate experience can lead to some or all the following:
- More candidates applying for your job positions with a focus toward qualified candidates
- More offer acceptances among candidates due to increase in your employer brand
- Encourages positive word of mouth between candidates about open job positions
There are some great companies doing very cool things with…
Added by Chris Brablc on October 18, 2011 at 9:48am —
Companies work so hard at recruiting the best talent, rolling out the red carpet, increasing original offers, offering bonuses and other perks to attract the right candidates but once you’ve signed on the dotted line kiss the best behaviors goodbye. The process is similar to dating where the early stages of the chase and initial meetings are euphoric and show so much…
Added by Francois Guay on October 18, 2011 at 9:34am —
I’ve worked with dozens of job boards over the years, and I often take a look at what the job seekers are saying to them. Since the onset of the recession (and honestly, before), it goes something like this:
“Why don’t you have any jobs in my area?”
“I’ve had my resume posted on your site for months and you haven’t called me.”
“I’ve been working in my field for twenty years but you don’t have a single job for me??”
There are lots…
Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on October 18, 2011 at 9:32am —
Let’s be honest, to be successful in recruitment you need a combination of hard work, industry knowledge, deep networks, hunting instincts, a little luck and a healthy dose of ego…..
Unfortunately, there are no doctors in recruitment – believe me, not a single doctor specializing in recruitment… I know, I typed Recruitment Doctor into Google and all I got was a list of medical recruitment agencies. So then I tried…
Added by Craig Watson on October 18, 2011 at 8:00am —
I hear a lot of chatter from recruiters about job boards...most not so good although ironically most everyone uses one as part of their overall strategy.
So I'm curious to hear from the respected recruitingblogs community as to what your thoughts are on job boards and what would the perfect job board include.
Your response is greatly appreciated!
Added by Christopher Poreda on October 18, 2011 at 7:23am —
1 Comment
- Research the company, the leadership, the industry, the competition, your competition. This is a never ending task, not a one time event. Put at least one additional set of eyes on this. It’sthat important.
- Create an agenda. It’s really a game plan.
- Prepare your questions.
- Let the interviewer do most of the talking. This involves skillful means.
- Be subtle and skillful in how you handle questions and…
Added by New Negotiator on October 18, 2011 at 6:15am —
Recruiting Top Talent – you reap what you sow
Everyone (even the least progressive management teams) is waking up to the reality that the competition for top talent is here to stay –even during the GFC it was seen as a competitive opportunity the most…
Added by Robert Fanshawe on October 17, 2011 at 7:18pm —