I had an interesting call from a Recruiter today. He was complaining about the fact that no one wants to follow his Recruitment Agency on Twitter. I spent some time talking about the ways you can use Twitter in the Recruitment process. But he didn't care.
We talked about creating a social recruiting strategy to interact with the users. He didn't care.
This is not an unusual situation I find myself in. Nearly all Recruiters I talk with about using some type of social media…
Added by Thomas Shaw on October 8, 2009 at 7:38am —
I just got back from the 2009 Annual Conference for the National Association of Personnel Services (
NAPS) and wanted to share some of my experience with you…
It was a real honor for me to be asked to present the Opening Keynote at this years event and to follow in the footsteps of amazing people like
Danny Cahill,…
Added by Craig Silverman on October 7, 2009 at 5:30pm —
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People are rushing to white collar job. White collars are admired in the family and society. Parents are interested to see their wards in white collar job.
However, is white collar job so lucrative? Should we be crazy for a white collar job?
Answer needs introspection. How much it costs to get a white collar job? How much do we get in return? We have to calculate before rushing to a white collar job.
Who is benefited by it. employers or employee? Are the…
Added by Jyoti Kothari on October 7, 2009 at 2:12pm —
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The Nerdy IT Manager tried to order a life sized iron cast of Han Solo. The purchasing department caught it. It was rejected. An uprising occurred. Corporate HR surge was sent in to quell the unrest. You were caught in the middle. Now the Nerdy IT manager hates HR; therefore he hates you, the Recruiter.
As you recruit, the manager shoots down all your candidates. He despises every candidate you send him. Everything you do just sucks.
New recruiting plan:…
Added by Michael Glenn on October 7, 2009 at 1:00pm —
I'm looking for a telecom recruiter in Atlanta to join our team for a 3-6 month contract.
Email me:
Include your resume and a paragraph about your greatest accomplishment this year.
Added by Dennis Smith on October 7, 2009 at 12:19pm —
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If you’re not from Minnesota or Michigan or not an avid baseball fan, you may not know that the Minnesota Twins won the division title from the Detroit Tigers last night. As a Minnesotan and a Twins fan, I’m pretty excited. The tie-breaker game the two teams played last night was one of the most exciting baseball games I’ve ever seen and it took 12 innings for the winner to be decided. But what’s incredible is what the Twins did to get there. The…
Added by Harry Urschel on October 7, 2009 at 11:08am —
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Much has been written about the big 3 job boards as a place to find work. But those sites are just a small slice of the available job market. In the past few years companies and recruiters have begun shifting their jobs to many
niche job boards -
local or
industry specific sites and online communities. Recruiting today is all about location and quality of hire.
Thats why these niche sites are so popular. Many charge much less (for job postings) than the big…
Added by Chris Russell on October 7, 2009 at 5:00am —
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He was nothing less than extraordinary. It’s been more than a decade that I last saw him, and in all these years I have not come across a more talented person than him. And the best part is, he makes talent look simple, and not complicated.
He topped the University in MBA and got the gold medal. He set a record of 5/5 CGPA. But strangely, I never saw him reading the books. He was early to bed. You can always find him chatting up with friends.
He did not seem to have any…
Added by Kiran Gali on October 7, 2009 at 1:11am —
Added by Roisin Horgan on October 6, 2009 at 11:11pm —
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Fast-tracking the recruitment process, without taking the time to fully understand all the role requirements, can often distract recruiters. This dilemma was again highlighted to me recently, after a coffee meeting with a recruiter friend, who was asked to fill a difficult role.
Companies may often struggle to fill a role without being able to attract the right candidates. Sometimes, this could be a strong signal for the role to be redesigned.
A lot of my early HR…
Added by Charles Van Heerden on October 6, 2009 at 10:00pm —
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Many candidates are not told this, but how they distribute their resume can contribute greatly to the response they receive from prospective employers. To demonstrate this I will use the analogy of a garden to show your resume's relationship to the job market.
In this example you should consider each copy of your resume as a seed with the potential to grow your ideal job. The soil is represented by the places where your resumes end up, such as companies, organizations, job…
Added by Pedro S. Silva II on October 6, 2009 at 7:30pm —
1 Comment
Even since seeing the movie
Minority Report I've been patiently waiting for
touch screen computing. Then Microsoft started teasing me with these incredibly cool Surface
videos a couple years ago which about sent my…
Added by Chad Sowash on October 6, 2009 at 12:14pm —
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Hello friends and friends of friends and friends of friends of friends (networking humor. terrible, I know).
I want to just post a quick blog this week about MyWorkster’s second collaborative job fair for alumni. As you may know, our first was in New York city this past June and was an incredible success. Two of those participating schools, Indiana & Notre Dame, just couldn’t wait to duplicate the event, but in a neighboring…
Added by Tarek Pertew on October 6, 2009 at 11:04am —
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For the past 15 years, the job board industry has been dominated by the ‘pay per posting‘ revenue model: an employer purchases a job posting (and sometimes resume access or other add ons).
Yet there’s another model that has been around a while: ‘pay per response‘. In other words, you post your job, and when job seekers apply to your job, you pay for each application.
On the surface, it seems that pay per response would be more attractive to most employers – after all, if…
Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on October 6, 2009 at 9:33am —
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I posted this yesterday on my personal blog and then realized something. Recruitingblogs gets thousands of hits a day.
MY SITE doesn't even get half that! SO here it is. If it inspires even one person then I'm glad I dragged it over here too!
Few things refresh the spirit like a handful of sendouts. It’s pretty easy to relax a bit when you’ve got some activity on your desk. As I sit here with 4 sendouts on the books –…
Added by Jerry Albright on October 6, 2009 at 8:00am —
Help!...I’m drowning in Resumes.
Trevor Smith, http://hire-right.blogspot.com 10/01/09
With the current economic situation having such a heavy influence in today’s job market and candidate pool, employers and even recruiters are seeing more job seekers in the available talent pool. Who among us hasn’t posted a new opening on a job board or other vehicle only to get to work the next morning with an inbox full of hundreds (literally) of resumes? If your experience has been…
Added by Trevor Smith on October 5, 2009 at 5:06pm —
The situation is all too familiar: a job seeker gets their hopes up about landing a position with a company, only to never hear back from the them. About three years ago I experienced this situation and wasn't willing to wait anymore.
When I first moved to San Francisco, I applied for a job at an *unnamed* internet start up,which was backed by a major venture capitalist who had his hands in several other successful projects. I made it through the Craigslist resume cattle call and was…
Added by Darwin Redshield on October 5, 2009 at 4:25pm —
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One of the most difficult, yet most valuable discoveries one can make on a job search is figuring out how to apply their transferable skills to a new opportunity. This particular ability is especially helpful for people wanting to make a career change or those looking to enter the job market for the first time.
A transferable skill is any ability--whether it is a natural talent or acquired skill nurtured through employment, schooling, etc.--that can be used in multiple…
Added by Pedro S. Silva II on October 5, 2009 at 4:00pm —
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In military terms, the Rules of Engagement determine when and how much force should be applied to a given situation. The amount of force applied varies with increasing intensity depending on the level of resistance that the troops are coming up against. An example of how to respond to a level 3 resistance according to the US Marines' ROE goes as follows:
Level 3:… Continue
Added by Pedro S. Silva II on October 5, 2009 at 3:25pm —
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You can imagine what a daunting task it is to write a blog on a topic that has generated enough books to pave the way from St. Louis to San Diego. However since this blog is another in the series of high level blogs on Recruitment Strategy Development, it must be done.
Is interviewing taken seriously in corporate America? If it were, hiring managers would be trained to be more effective in the interviewing process. As a matter of fact, trained and “certified” hiring managers from…
Added by Bill Humbert on October 5, 2009 at 2:30pm —
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