Changing jobs a couple of times in the last 2 years has made me really look at myself and my belief structure in this field, refine this, perhaps even formulate one (or two). I've come to understand what I believe in, when it comes to Recruiting.
It's not about just going to work, hiring people and going home. I think people over complicate things to (sometimes) justify their own existence, pad out their "personal brand", push their agenda or product, or suck up to "Recruiting…
ContinueAdded by Dan Nuroo on February 23, 2012 at 8:18am — 8 Comments
Power intoxicates; Absolute Power intoxicates absolutely. When you are holding a position that wields some power, it becomes necessary to gauge its impact on yourself and others too. This power could be as a result of money ( in most cases ), industry knowledge, expertise in niche segment, networking or contacts, age or work experience and wisdom etc. There are many factors leading to Power earned, gained or thrust upon you !
As a recruitment consultant, I feel I have certain power…
ContinueAdded by Raman Ramamurthy on February 23, 2012 at 8:17am — No Comments
After spending 22 years of my career in a work atmosphere where I depended on my perception and negotiating skills to win sales situations, I have made it a practice by default, to hire the ‘Right’ while interviewing! There have been many moments when the time allotted to interview each candidate was ‘very’ less and the tendency or opportunity to make a mistake quite high! But, one should realize that interviewing has to be ‘task ahead’ related, current situation specific, meet job role…
ContinueAdded by Raman Ramamurthy on February 23, 2012 at 8:00am — No Comments
I read this article the other day (about killings apparently because of Facebook) and it really disturbed me, it bought me back to a
conversation I had recently about people becoming disconnected on LinkedIn (I'm not sure about the official term for that)
Social Media is both all about personal communication and about anonymity.
You can…
Added by Dan Nuroo on February 23, 2012 at 6:26am — 2 Comments
Customer service job is in demand now a days. There is a tough competition going in job market for this job and it is very difficult to get your dream job in hand. Resume is the first step in moving towards job search. So to get your dream job in hand your resume should be effective. All the section of resume are must. The most important section of it is skills for resume.…
ContinueAdded by Sandy Dsouza on February 23, 2012 at 4:30am — No Comments
The recruitment industry is littered with bad and expensive hiring mistakes. Nearly all agencies at some point have hired a consultant that doesn’t work out. Most of us have an example of the experienced consultant who promises the world, talks the talk, and is always on the verge of a big fee, but month after month has little to show. Or the rookie who is full of…
Added by Luke Collard on February 22, 2012 at 11:59pm — 3 Comments
The candidate is just thrilled with the offer and says this is the nicest employer they’ve ever dealt with.
How can you not be incredibly happy for this candidate and excited for them in their new position? How about when you’re dealing with someone that you placed there 7 years ago and he’s been through a couple of promotions and is now the hiring manager, having a solid impact on the company. And then there’s the person you know needs a job and a change, a new start, and…
ContinueAdded by Todd Kmiec on February 22, 2012 at 7:16pm — 3 Comments
Here is how my day went last Thursday...
6:00 AM
Woke up, grabbed the iPhone, checked my work email, checked the news, played Words with Friends (addicted and not ashamed), got out of bed, walked the dog, fed the dog, picked out clothes, checked my work email again, got in the shower, headed to work.
8:00 AM
Walked in the building (Tower Place in Buckhead, GA), went the shop to get my coffee and bagel, headed to the office, logged into Citrix, enjoyed my raison…
ContinueAdded by Zachary Sines on February 22, 2012 at 5:17pm — 8 Comments
Muted the crew 4 the 1st half hr. Took away some of the liveliness but I didn't have to fight to ask a question. Aftershow hosted by @NateSigma. …
Added by Recruiting Animal on February 22, 2012 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment
Added by Ryan Pratt on February 22, 2012 at 2:00pm — No Comments
It’s likely that you and your company will be interested in implementing a social staffing and collaboration strategy this year. Maybe you’ve done so already and kudos to you…you’re ahead of this ever changing curve. It’s glaringly obvious how social media has changed the way that recruiters and staffing professionals do business.
Recruiting: Here‘s how a search assignment used to work:
Receive a search assignment. Next, scour your internal database for qualified…
Added by TargetRecruit on February 22, 2012 at 12:49pm — 1 Comment
As most of us are aware when there is a shortage of jobs available during these tough economic times means ultimately there is much more competition when searching for a new job. News reports of redundancies and layoffs at large or even small companies are very common at present. Whether you lost your job or want to change to a new position, setting yourself apart is essential to securing a job. Sending in CV after CV without a clear plan or preparation is likely to result in you becoming…
ContinueAdded by Peter Dunn on February 22, 2012 at 12:14pm — No Comments
Being a recruitment consultant means I am in contact with hundreds of people looking for work or looking for that exciting new career step every week. Most people seem to think all they need to do is send their CV to the agent and the job is done, well let me tell you it isn’t. Most Recruitment agencies don’t even recruit for 10 percent of the local vacancies, so the chances of you actually finding the right role through a recruitment agent are not as high as you would initially think. The…
ContinueAdded by Peter Dunn on February 22, 2012 at 12:08pm — No Comments
Here is an Irony for you: The Contingency Recruiting Industry has the Highest Turnover Rate of any industry. It is a well-kept secret because of the obvious implications. With an approximately 90% recruiter turnover within the first year, recruiting has to be one of the toughest things in the world to do, intellectually speaking. So, I’m not comparing it to the military or being a fireman or police officer, but in terms of the amount of disappointment that a person experiences at work. Many…
ContinueAdded by Drue De Angelis on February 22, 2012 at 11:44am — 14 Comments
Most agency recruiters who have been in the business for a while are fantastic salespeople and great negotiators. But they can always take a few practical tips from their counterparts in corporate HR. While developing and managing relationships may be your strength as a third party recruiter, thinking from the perspective of a recruiter in a corporate setting can set you…
Added by Jessica Lunk on February 22, 2012 at 10:07am — No Comments
Work to live
live to work
Relate to the last one
Enjoy the trade
Love what you do as I do
Help a Company grow
Coach a Candidate on a Job
ContinueAdded by Lorena Perry on February 22, 2012 at 8:27am — No Comments
The Moneyball Sourcing model also provides a new lens to look at sources of current and future talent. The Moneyball Sourcing Model follows 3 steps:…
ContinueAdded by Marvin Smith on February 22, 2012 at 3:00am — 6 Comments
I work with a varied spectrum of clients as part of my assignment to recruit the best possible candidate for them within the parameters drawn by the clients. Yes, I do get an option to add my point or opinion and I make it a point to exercise this option after a quick analysis of the situation and client’s requirement. Whether it is for Smaller companies or Big size corporations – I do not compromise on values I embed in my recruitment process. Fortunately, as in my case, I have all my…
ContinueAdded by Raman Ramamurthy on February 21, 2012 at 11:43pm — No Comments
Fact: Human mind and resultant desires/ interests vary as per situations/ opportunities held out to it. As a committed recruitment consultant, I have always instilled this ‘fact’ in my mind; while I recommend or recruit. Situations are beyond control of the one who is confused with himself – he does not know what to do with himself and/ or the situation he is in. He may be looking smart, well qualified, capable, knowledgeable, industrious, skilled – all of this and more – does not make sense…
ContinueAdded by Raman Ramamurthy on February 21, 2012 at 11:32pm — No Comments
Recruiting is tough especially when the job market forces vary based on the economic conditions of the country. The year 2008 was the beginning of global recession that is slowly tapering off now, though not completely over as yet. Unfortunately, most of the developing countries depend on the state of economy in the developed world. Oh! Did I say that? Well, I agree India is insulated and is maintaining a robust growth rate of 8.5%. But, many FDI projects that were to get into India have…
ContinueAdded by Raman Ramamurthy on February 21, 2012 at 11:30pm — No Comments
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