As we approach this holiday time, let keep in our payers, minds and hearts all of those who have served. Let’s go out of our way to help, acknowledge, and appreciate those who fought to provide the liberties that we live under. If you know of any who are looking for work, direct them to my Vet page below, to any of the links below and also please…
The recruitment Royal Rumble between Line managers, internal recruitment teams, the recruitment agency, the other panel recruiters and at time the candidates is a complex set of relationships that can create great team work, lasting relationships, competition and at times conflict (often within the same piece of recruitment).
The External recruiter shows the ‘best in market’ candidate to the Line manager, who then asks the internal recruiter to arrange an…
In our previous post “Are you killing the recruitment consultant?” we discussed the issues encountered by a recruitment consultants when putting candidates through online skills testing. In summary, as Examagram is a free product the normal issues based around cost were removed. The blog explains that due to the nature of the recruitment industry skills testing is not always preferential due to time constraints on turnaround…
There are many different things that you need to consider before you decide to have a web page of your own. Of course, with webpage is about your business or it is just a personal webpage to show your work you need to make sure that it is going to be set up as beautifully as possible. In this case you need to make sure you do is to have the best web designer to design your website. However, if you have done your research and you will note that this is just one step of the…
It's easy to work temporary positions indefinitely. Contracts typically state that the position is not permanent, detail needed qualifications, tasks to be performed and the contract period. When you finish one contract job, you can go on to the next.
However, if you're interested in turning your contract position into a more long-term opportunity, here are…
With today’s mobile technologies, job searches are becoming easier than ever before. There are tons of apps a job seeker can use to pursue a career and find employment opportunities. Twitter gives opportunities to make connections with job recruiters, and job seekers can even create a resume on social media.…
Entelo made this video about recruiting emails their developer received and I thought it worth sharing. Great stuff in here...if you have done it, stop.
And yes, mistakenly posted twice but I laughed both times.
From Entelo:
Published on May 20, 2015
Recruiters send alot of emails, and they aren't always perfect. We asked our Engineers…
In broadcasting, over-the-top content (OTT) refers to delivery of audio and video over the Internet without using a traditional cable or satellite connection.
At the moment, websites like YouTube, Netflix and Daily Motion provide a lot of the OTT video content. Some recently conducted studies show that OTT is growing faster than…
Nowadays, more and more people decide to move abroad for work related reasons. An old Chinese proverb says that ‘travelling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books’ and in a world where almost every company has some sort of international presence, taking a job abroad adds a big plus to anyone’s CV.
Research shows that young workers place a higher premium on mentorship and training than on the size of their paychecks. In fact, more than 60 percent of college and graduate students list mentoring as a criterion for choosing an employer. Companies are responding to these young…
Referrals are the holy grail of recruiting. If you ask 10 recruiting leaders, “What is your best source of hire?” 11 will say “employee referrals.” OK, I know the math is off there, but employee referrals are an important foundation of a successful recruiting strategy.
Whether you’re a startup founder building your own sales team or a seasoned VP of sales, interviewing sales representatives can be a chore because predicting candidate success is very challenging.
Growth companies tend to have performance data afflicted by major pricing, product and strategy shifts. These changes limit the effectiveness of using…
I had a guy debating some recruiting matter with me on social media last week. To make his point, he finished with what he clearly felt was a telling coup de grace.
“Well, I have been recruiting since before LinkedIn came along, you know!”
In his recruiting world, LinkedIn was the ultimate game-changer. He considered it a badge of…
Our attention span doesn’t take long to dwindle. After justeight secondsof browsing, 50% of users will leave a website, and you can bet that if they’re browsing on their phone and your site isn’t mobile-ready, they’ll snap it shut…
Recently, I reached out to our Engineering team, and had them forward along the best worst emails they've ever received from recruiters. The results were too good not to share.
I'm certain none of the readership found nestled within these salubrious RB confines are guilty…
It's Casino Night for my kids' school. I don't expect much from this event, but it turns out to be more fun than I would have thought. It's surprising how PTA volunteers can really let loose when alcohol is consumed at great quantities. I talk with two stupid-drunk people at length, and another person with whom I have an interesting conversation.
Attendance is not important for professionals! (This doesn't apply to unskilled positions or craft type positions- retail, manufacturing / etc.)
Focus on achievements and results, not what time the person showed up at his or her desk. Is the work getting done? Are they clients happy and continuing to do business with your company? Are goals being met? If you feel like that person has to be sitting at his or her desk at 8:00 AM sharp to produce results, maybe you need to replace…