Recruiting Blogs (24,316)

From Brussels with Love

Some of you may have this latest gem in the news, I've linked the Guardians article but it has been everywhere the past few days so there are many other sources.

This is relating to a ruling in the European Court that allows employees to claim back holiday if they are ill.  So if you take 2 weeks holiday and are ‘ill’ for 2 days your employer has to…


Added by Dan Hunter on June 28, 2012 at 12:17pm — No Comments

Top 10 insights from the thought leaders at Connections 2012

MBA Focus missing piece of recruitment model


Representatives from 24 top business schools and 26 leading MBA employers attended Connections 2012 "The MBA Community: Positive Leadership, Changing Times” hosted by MBA Focus in Columbus, Ohio.

We are very proud that this conference continues to be the premiere event for thought leadership in MBA recruitment. We truly appreciate the ideas, comments, and willingness to share year after year. This kind of rich and open dialogue makes it…


Added by Ryan Pratt on June 28, 2012 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

New report to inform your MBA recruitment strategy

MBA Analytics Report


MBA Focus is pleased to present you with the 2011-2012 MBA Student and Alumni Analytics Report. As the exclusive partner to 70+ of the leading graduate business schools, we are able to deliver the most comprehensive profile of graduating and intern MBA students available.

This year’s report contains summary and detail…


Added by Ryan Pratt on June 28, 2012 at 10:49am — No Comments

Recruiting Parallels: Life of a NBA GM

Every year one of my favorite sports days of the year is the NBA Draft mostly because I like to think like I’m a GM (usually of the Celtics).  I’ve seen the players play in college, read the scouting reports, listen to the trade rumors and know enough to make it a fun exercise in critical thinking.  And while the NBA Draft is it’s own unique event,  it is not all that much different from what recruitment…


Added by Chris Brablc on June 28, 2012 at 9:44am — No Comments

I can't help everyone - I'm sorry!


Some days this job is tougher than others.  Some tough days are pain in the ass hiring managers, candidates that do ws, or just overwhelming volumes of works.  But the toughest days for me are the candidates that are desperate.  Not just a little, but a lot. 



Added by Erin Passmore on June 28, 2012 at 9:32am — 7 Comments

Candidates Should Mirror Athletes.

As my recruitment career continues and the list of candidates I deal with increases, it becomes very apparent that there is a small minority that truly stand out above the rest, the elite. There is a very definite quality they have and that is shown in the extra level of effort in all that they do.

With Euro 2012 in full flight (never mind England, we'll get…


Added by Lipton Fleming on June 28, 2012 at 4:55am — No Comments

Stories of a jobseeker vol. 3: Learn something

There's not much positive you can take from a job search, especially one that goes on for an extended period of time. It's often an endless roller coaster ride of emotions and highs and lows. More often than not, the lows linger if you let them. Your time is most often spent searching for and applying to multiple jobs per day, following up on jobs you've previously applied…


Added by Marc Mapes on June 27, 2012 at 2:51pm — 12 Comments

Add Employer Branding to your Facebook Job Postings

Everyone puts up job postings. What separates your job posts from the posts of other companies? What are you doing to help your company stand out to job seekers?

Showing your employer brand on your Facebook job…


Added by Lizzie Bluestein on June 27, 2012 at 2:26pm — No Comments

Building Trust Between Recruiting and Sales

When They Just Can't Get Along

When sales executives promise clients the world, and recruiters can't deliver, you get a mixture of bad blood and toxic rivalry:

"I no longer trust the sales person to bring in a qualified and fillable job requisition. I won't recruit on ANY of this sale's persons requisitions."

Sound familiar?

Bad Relationships…


Added by Jessica Lunk on June 27, 2012 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Have you experienced true love?

This post originally appeared on the Talent Technology blog:


Aah love. Is there anywhere more romantic than the South? A mint julep or sweet tea, the warm glow of the lazy afternoon sun. Southern belles and chivalrous gentlemen.  I'm not talking about your soulmate, I'm talking about…


Added by Jen Watkiss on June 27, 2012 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Working Successfully with Recruitment Consultants – Candidate Guide

We recently asked for votes from our readers and followers in our May Poll ( rating their experiences working with recruiters. The response was generally pretty negative with low satisfaction levels.

We think it is therefore useful to offer a guide to people in how best to choose and work with a recruiter and what to…


Added by James Long on June 27, 2012 at 2:50am — No Comments

Two Years later - What I have learned In my Staffing Journey

It was two years ago I wrote the blog link above - I couldn't help but be amazed at how many incredible things happen on our journey of life.  This ever changing industry, the ever changing talent landscape, the ever changing fads, ideas, and circumstances which drive our lives including technology and science all…


Added by Mike Rasmussen on June 26, 2012 at 10:00pm — 5 Comments

Crowd-sourcing some support to return @animal to Recruiting Animal

Perhaps like me you've been following the saga about Recruiting Animal's Twitter account @animal being hacked. His name was stolen and taken over by some random coder/programmer named "Mikey" 

The Twitter handle thief replaced @animal with some hideous, unwieldy and wacky new account name @animaliaaa2

You can read about the timeline of events here: …


Added by Kelly Blokdijk on June 26, 2012 at 8:41pm — 1 Comment

Becoming a Great Boss

By Jennifer Brownell, Managing Director, Q4B

After reading last week’s Q4Blog, On Leadership written by our new Director of Recruiting and Operations, Carmen Lapham, I began to think about all that has happened to our company and to me over the past few months.

As a company we opened a new location in Denver, filled some key positions, began offering additional services, including direct hire and staff…


Added by Jennifer Brownell on June 26, 2012 at 7:02pm — No Comments

Find Success with a Keyword Rich LinkedIn Profile

It goes without saying that networking is an effective way to build your business, or to get yourself seen when looking for a new career. Back in the day, that meant pressing the flesh and exchanging business cards, but the internet era has made that something of a thing of the past. Social networking is now the way that most people…


Added by Gavin Redelman on June 26, 2012 at 7:00pm — No Comments

New Kewl Vs. Old Skool.

There were two young recruiters who got tired of pounding the phones, making people mad, fighting for job orders, being dissed by internal recruiters and HR and being one upped by their office mates who had been in the business for years who seemed to be making all the placements and all the money.


They decided to revolunitize the industry, go into career consulting and placement, get paid by candidates then offer up those candidates to companies at a much reduced…


Added by Sandra McCartt on June 26, 2012 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

5 Things You MUST Do When Employing a New Contractor

If you are running your own back-office for contract placements, there are certain things you need to do when a contractor starts working to ensure you have accurate payroll records and that you are in compliance with any applicable employment laws.

For each new contractor, be sure to:

  1. Verify their name and Social Security Number. This is important for W-2 reporting. If you make a mistake, the contractor's earnings could be applied to the…

Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on June 26, 2012 at 4:00pm — No Comments

What your recruitment metrics are telling you

Most recruiting organizations are measuring huge amounts of data in their recruitment marketing process.  From recruitment funnel metrics to Career Site traffic to SEO keywords to source of hire metrics, these organizations have a wealth of data to analyze in order to help them make better recruiting decisions.

To be successful, it’s not just important to make sure you…


Added by Chris Brablc on June 26, 2012 at 2:30pm — No Comments

The Future of Social Recruiting - Free E-Book

I was contacted by our friends at Bullhorn Reach to participate in an E Book about "The Future of Social Recruiting".  Check out what I and others had to say! 

Free E-Book


Let me know your thoughts on the subject.  I bet I can guess some of them!






Added by Noel Cocca on June 26, 2012 at 1:03pm — 2 Comments

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