Recruiting Blogs (24,315)

Supply Chain Jobs Ramping Up

After sus­tain­ing a strong blow from the reces­sion, the sup­ply chain man­age­ment indus­try is now poised for sus­tained growth. Com­pa­nies offer­ing ser­vices and prod­ucts that cater to trans­porta­tion man­age­ment, ware­hous­ing, con­sult­ing, and logis­tics will see high­er demand as busi­ness­es ramp up pro­duc­tion dur­ing the eco­nom­ic recov­ery.

This from the article linked below tells us that the uptick we've seen in Supply Chain jobs has a real good chance of… Continue

Added by Todd Kmiec on June 11, 2012 at 5:55pm — No Comments

Are Employees Committing Industrial Espionage?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has initiated a new campaign to thwart the increased use of  industrial espionage.   According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal ,  the new campaign will focus on the prevention of  corporate espionage.   The FBI will feature…


Added by Gordon Basichis on June 11, 2012 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Candidate Sourcing with Social Media - The New Frontier?

Technology has become a blessing in disguise helping organizations save tremendous costs recruitment related activities. Employers generate the interest of potential pool of talent by using numerous online resources like,,, etc… Why have professionals suddenly turned their back on conventional sources of recruitment? Well the answer lies in a simple fact: Social media websites have a user base of over 500 million users worldwide and is steadily…


Added by Jamie Amaral on June 11, 2012 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Who is doing Social Recruiting right?

I missed William Tincup's  presentation on boosting user adoption, but was (fortunately) able to get a quick recap from him. We also talked about the panel discussion he was in and examples of companies that "get" social recruiting. Very informative. Check it out. (Were you at the Social Recruiting Strategies Conference 2012 in Chicago?)…


Added by Jim Stroud on June 11, 2012 at 3:13pm — No Comments


Hey, look! See that right in front of you? Yes, them. Those hundreds, thousands, or perhaps even millions of customers who are loyal to your brand. They're following you avidly on every imaginable social network, patiently waiting for what you have to offer next. Better yet, they are yours for the taking.

Marketing your brand successfully to customers should not only garner interest in your products, but it should also intrigue them with a potential career with your company.…


Added by Lizzie Bluestein on June 11, 2012 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Planning for the Future: Aligning Technology and Business Growth in Your Staffing Firm

You’ve developed a strategic plan for your staffing or recruiting firm and now you’re seeing significant, positive changes in your business. You’re growing and prospering. And it only makes sense that as your business grows and evolves, the technology you’ve been using is reviewed, evaluated and optimized along the way.

Planning for technology with regards to the growth of your business is now, more than ever, imperative. What works for a start-up or office of five, will not…


Added by Rachel Lai on June 11, 2012 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Are you a Fee Worthy Recruiter?


Recruitment professionals spend their days sourcing, screening and interviewing candidates that a client will hopefully pay a fee for.  Did you ever stop to think that you, as a Recruitment Professional, are also worthy of a fee?



Added by Rebecca B. Sargeant on June 11, 2012 at 9:18am — 5 Comments

How to write a Recruiting Blog - Advice from Radical Planet

Last week I attended Radical Planet the Recruitment and HR unconference in Toronto. There was a great track on blogging and writting blogs to I took the opportunity of asking some questions on how the write a really good recruitment blog.

Steven Duque lead the blogging track at the Unconference and was recommending Tumbler as the best platform to get started. While Wordpress may be better for SEO, Tumblr is easier to use and  has better tools to allow people to share your…


Added by Shane McCusker on June 11, 2012 at 8:30am — No Comments

The Value Of Experience

How much does experience play in recruiting success?

A lot. If you’ve been in recruiting for a while, think about how quickly you can tell a candidate is not a fit compared to how quickly you would see this when you started. Candidates don’t like the thought of recruiters discounting them quickly, but experience working on more searches that are similar develops an intuitive sense that is tremendously valuable.

The time saved is best for everyone involved so both the… Continue

Added by Todd Kmiec on June 9, 2012 at 2:11pm — No Comments

How to Handle Employee Referrals

Employee referrals are regarded as one of the best ways to get quality applicants. Whether you chose to build a program through email, social media, or by simply posting flyers in your office to solicit them, there are some general guidelines you should follow to ensure that you continue to get them.

Click here to read more about how to handle employee referrals.

Added by Lizzie Bluestein on June 8, 2012 at 12:00pm — No Comments

5 Best Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 6.2.12 to 6.8.12

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. In this article, we’ll be talking about being part of the solution, hiring right, getting better thinkers, creating better recruiting content, Talent Communities and team buy-in.


Here are the articles our that interested us this week (in no…


Added by Chris Brablc on June 8, 2012 at 11:40am — No Comments

Recruiting Metrics Benchmarks

In the past few years the recruiting and staffing industry has collectively embraced their operational and activity metrics in order to make better decisions. Metrics help managers and individuals uncover gaps and identify slowdowns or inefficiencies during the recruiting process.

We believe they’re vital and more and more of you do too. So, being bound by our…


Added by Jessica Lunk on June 8, 2012 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

What I Learned from Selling My Business

Back in January I decided to sell my baby, the local job board network A company that I've grown and nurtured for almost 14 years. I had been thinking about selling it for the past few years but the Great Recession put an end to those dreams. 

My sales dropped over 50% by 2009 from their highs in 2007. So I was stuck with nothing left to do but keep at it and try to bring…


Added by Chris Russell on June 8, 2012 at 8:04am — 6 Comments

How To Develop Your Talent Community

How to develop your talent community in 30 minutes a day is the topic of my interview of Maren Hogan, CMO of Red Branch Media. Tune in and take notes as she delivers concisely what you need to know to make your talent community thrive.

Red Branch Media…


Added by Jim Stroud on June 7, 2012 at 10:55pm — No Comments

Can your job be done by a monkey? Four ways to approach your boss for change

I'm not talking about stacking blocks or putting round objects in round holes or pealing bananas and feeding them to their young or anything monkeys can do. I'm talking about  complex duties that have become so routine you're starting to feel like a...monkey.

Has your job become so mundane that you no longer get challenged to do your best? Do you feel…


Added by Bob McIntosh on June 7, 2012 at 9:06pm — No Comments

Join us as we launch at the NACE 2012 show in Vegas

This year, the annual NACE Conference & Expo is at the Paris Hotel & Casino in fabulous Las Vegas. What better place to kick-off the launch of Ascendify’s new social recruiting platform, than under the bright lights of Vegas? Here are our top reasons why you can’t miss us at the NACE show this year.

1. New social recruiting technology.

We’ll be…


Added by Lauren Smith on June 7, 2012 at 5:45pm — No Comments


Success comes, in large part, from luck.  Michael Lewis recently gave a commencement speech at Princeton and this was his theme.

I found the speech and the stories circulating about it interesting.  I like Lewis and think he has some good perspective on a number of issues.  The circumstances we were born into and much of what affects our lives in a very basic way is certainly just luck.  In recruiting we deal with luck all the time.  There are so many moving parts and so many issues…


Added by Todd Kmiec on June 7, 2012 at 2:47pm — 1 Comment

3 ?’s you should be able to answer with your Recruitment Metrics

When evaluating the success of your recruitment sourcing strategy, it’s important not to only focus on the final results in terms of time to hire and cost per hire but ultimately look at how you ultimately ended up with these results.  In the end, you want to determine what strategies and sources contributed to your success and what ones were not worth your time.  All so you can improve your strategy for…


Added by Chris Brablc on June 7, 2012 at 1:24pm — No Comments

Why Jimi Hendrix is my sales hero

Like most business people, I read a lot of business books. Many I start and never finish, mainly because I feel that the writer doesn’t connect with me.

Of course, many of these book sell in the millions, so they must connect with many people. Just not with me. And, why is that? Is it that I haven’t got the message? Or perhaps, it’s not relevant to the problems I’m…


Added by james nathan on June 7, 2012 at 12:25pm — No Comments

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