Since the “Great Recession” in ’08 we’ve seen enough declining charts and heard enough horror stories that in a lot of places layoffs and hiring freezes have become more common than a new face in the office. These are “cost cutting” measures, which make sense; the fewer people you have to pay the more money you’ll have at the end of the year. On the flip side, there will be fewer people to do the work your customers pay you for in the first place.…
ContinueAdded by Cody Pierson on April 5, 2012 at 11:24am — No Comments
Does video work in recruitment?
There are 1090 Recruitment Videos on
Here is the list of the latest 17 videos with the date of publishing and the number of views:
Added by Ivan Stojanovic on April 5, 2012 at 11:00am — 4 Comments
This post originally appeared on the SkillStorm blog:
The longer you are out-of-work or are looking for a new position the more desperate you become. The more desperate you feel the more willing you are to do things you wouldn’t ordinarily do: things like work for lower pay, take a position that you know you are…
Added by SkillStorm on April 5, 2012 at 10:00am — No Comments
My colleague Jerry Thurber recently posted about post employment monitoring on the Sterling Innovations blog , I have re-posted his thoughts below:
Post-Employment Monitoring Isn’t An Option – You Have To Do It! by Jerry Thurber
What – isn’t it an invasion of privacy? Aren’t there all sorts of legal issues surrounding…
Added by Doug Hay on April 5, 2012 at 9:58am — No Comments
Added by Jamie Horton on April 5, 2012 at 9:30am — No Comments
I am completely the wrong person to be writing this blog as I never celebrate any successes and instead think about ‘what’s next’, but I hear celebrating is supposed to be a good thing. So here goes with my hypocritical blog.
In all seriousness I can see the value in taking stock of one’s achievements. In this day and age where all we hear is negativity it can be difficult to actually get a grasp of your achievements as nothing ever seems to be good enough. I always feel…
ContinueAdded by Lipton Fleming on April 5, 2012 at 7:00am — 15 Comments
The Economic Maelstrom, The Economic Storm, The Economic Hurricane, The Great Recession, The Changing Tides of Fortune, The Essence of Economic Malady, The Loss of Economic Stability, National Financial Crises, The Housing Bubble, Jobs, Unemployment et all.
It begs the question how have we changed since the economy took us on a roller coaster ride, and…
ContinueAdded by Mike Rasmussen on April 5, 2012 at 4:30am — No Comments
That is an outrageous and absurd idea, right?
Yet, countless career related experts continue to suggest that to job seekers. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve read and heard that exact piece of advice, but it is a prevalent theme amongst the rapidly reproducing “build your brand” and “brand yourself as an expert” contingent.
They may not be saying it quite like the title above, but essentially when they advise anyone who is looking for a job to start a blog, that IS what…
ContinueAdded by Kelly Blokdijk on April 4, 2012 at 11:00pm — 21 Comments
If your a hiring manager or a recruiter you have the challenging task of finding talent. Talent acquisition in a world where there is a lot of people looking for work only has become more difficult. You would think that with more people available it gives you more to choose from, therefore making the process easier. The problem is that there will always be many more unqualified candidates than qualified candidates, and it really doesn't matter what profession. The quicker that someone in a…
ContinueAdded by Patrick Richard on April 4, 2012 at 3:24pm — 2 Comments
We all know discrimination exists in the hiring process. The primary concern is to give equal consideration to job candidates across different races, genders, ethnicities, and to those candidates from different age groups. This is important because if organizations don’t give fair consideration to these groups then the HR department or hiring manager can get in big trouble if the candidate decides to file a lawsuit citing discrimination.
I have written numerous times in the past on…
ContinueAdded by Ryder Cullison on April 4, 2012 at 2:30pm — No Comments
I thought it was a great show today. That was my feeling while we were doing it. The pace was pretty fast, there was some relevant content and the guest seemed comfortable with the "culture" of the show. So, of course, I got slammed on the aftershow. I don't know what it is with these guys. They either over-rate me or under-rate me but they are rarely spot on.
Mind you, that's what I like about the Recruiting Animal Show - they get to air their opinions even if I don't agree. Though I…
ContinueAdded by Recruiting Animal on April 4, 2012 at 2:00pm — 7 Comments
How’s your memory? Would you like to know how memory champions increase their skills? It is important for recruiters and HR managers to remember people, so this is a subject near and dear for us. And yes, there really are memory competitions, and the champions have to do things like recreate the order of a deck of cards, reel off long lists of numbers, etc. Most…
ContinueAdded by Mark Bregman on April 4, 2012 at 1:40pm — 1 Comment
If that got your attention, good. I don’t know any other way to say it; I hate it when people talk too much. This is a personal issue of mine, a lack of tolerance, perhaps; but mind-numbing talking can affect one’s job search and performance/acceptance at work.
Networking events: When you’re at a networking event and the person with whom you’re…
ContinueAdded by Bob McIntosh on April 4, 2012 at 12:20pm — 3 Comments
I recently hosted a live (text-based) chat for job seekers with a panel of my company's recruiters that gave general advice and answered job-seeker questions. I was struck with how many questions were coming from older (I'll say 50+) job seekers that clearly expressed their worries and concerns with being treated fairly in the job marketplace. A couple of sample comments in the chat and on my corporate blog were:
"How does a job seeker…
ContinueAdded by Adam Eisenstein on April 4, 2012 at 10:44am — 18 Comments
How a recruiter searches for a candidate can be the difference between a placement and going home empty handed. In this article, we take a deeper look at what "candidate search" as a competency and skill brings with it to various recruiters. Must read for those who want to understand what level their candidate search skills are at.
Recruiter Competency – 2 | recstream
Added by Sanjeev Sarma on April 4, 2012 at 2:02am — 1 Comment
This post originally appeared on the SkillStorm blog:
Virtual Glasses Bring Websites Right to You
Sources: PSFK; Gadget Review
Image courtesy of PSFK
They may look like the sunglasses that older adults who wear over their glasses, but they’re actually wearable micro-projectors. Unlike other video glasses, the Epson Moverio BT-100 are see-through, so you’ll be able to view what’s happening…
Added by SkillStorm on April 3, 2012 at 11:40am — No Comments
On March 24th Bob McIntosh posted a blog titled “80% of today’s jobs are landed through networking.” The article was well articulated and discussion ensued that pulled at the very fabric of what networking is, how to use it, how important it is, and how is it defined. Some astute readers identified a lack of support for the statistics as a perpetuating concern (strong ideas Karen and Sandra); others identified the notion of causality (excellent point Kyle). The question really…
ContinueAdded by Darryl Moore on April 3, 2012 at 11:23am — 2 Comments
Bill Radin's Winning Strategies for Recruiters
Joan was frustrated. A week had gone by since the hiring manager interviewed her top candidate; but since then, she couldn’t get him to return her calls or respond to her emails.
In the meantime, her candidate’s attitude was starting…
ContinueAdded by Bill Radin on April 3, 2012 at 11:16am — 8 Comments
With the rise of social recruiting, online profiles and alternative resume solutions, the resume has long been resumed dead by many. However, while the concept makes some sense, much of the recruiting technology out today is still tied to the resume as the main source of information needed from candidates in the apply process. This was OK 5 years ago but with the wealth of information available online, there are a number of tremendous data points available to recruiters to make good…
ContinueAdded by Chris Brablc on April 3, 2012 at 11:08am — No Comments
So, how long does it take to find a new job? I have heard this question a lot over the past year.
The answer to this question is unknown as data, statistics and personal success is difficult to quantify when comparing the total population of people interviewing. Perhaps a better question would be “What can I do to improve my chances of finding a job as quick as possible”? or “What can I do to improve my chances of finding a job”?
Everyone has a different level of background,…
ContinueAdded by Ryan McCormick on April 3, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments
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