Many candidates are not told this, but how they distribute their resume can contribute greatly to the response they receive from prospective employers. To demonstrate this I will use the analogy of a garden to show your resume's relationship to the job market.
In this example you should consider each copy of your resume as a seed with the potential to grow your ideal job. The soil is represented by the places where your resumes end up, such as companies, organizations, job… Continue
Even since seeing the movie Minority Report I've been patiently waiting for touch screen computing. Then Microsoft started teasing me with these incredibly cool Surface videos a couple years ago which about sent my… Continue
Added by Chad Sowash on October 6, 2009 at 12:14pm —
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Hello friends and friends of friends and friends of friends of friends (networking humor. terrible, I know).
I want to just post a quick blog this week about MyWorkster’s second collaborative job fair for alumni. As you may know, our first was in New York city this past June and was an incredible success. Two of those participating schools, Indiana & Notre Dame, just couldn’t wait to duplicate the event, but in a neighboring… Continue
Added by Tarek Pertew on October 6, 2009 at 11:04am —
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For the past 15 years, the job board industry has been dominated by the ‘pay per posting‘ revenue model: an employer purchases a job posting (and sometimes resume access or other add ons).
Yet there’s another model that has been around a while: ‘pay per response‘. In other words, you post your job, and when job seekers apply to your job, you pay for each application.
On the surface, it seems that pay per response would be more attractive to most employers – after all, if… Continue
I posted this yesterday on my personal blog and then realized something. Recruitingblogs gets thousands of hits a day. MY SITE doesn't even get half that! SO here it is. If it inspires even one person then I'm glad I dragged it over here too!
Few things refresh the spirit like a handful of sendouts. It’s pretty easy to relax a bit when you’ve got some activity on your desk. As I sit here with 4 sendouts on the books –… Continue
With the current economic situation having such a heavy influence in today’s job market and candidate pool, employers and even recruiters are seeing more job seekers in the available talent pool. Who among us hasn’t posted a new opening on a job board or other vehicle only to get to work the next morning with an inbox full of hundreds (literally) of resumes? If your experience has been… Continue
The situation is all too familiar: a job seeker gets their hopes up about landing a position with a company, only to never hear back from the them. About three years ago I experienced this situation and wasn't willing to wait anymore.
When I first moved to San Francisco, I applied for a job at an *unnamed* internet start up,which was backed by a major venture capitalist who had his hands in several other successful projects. I made it through the Craigslist resume cattle call and was… Continue
Added by Darwin Redshield on October 5, 2009 at 4:25pm —
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One of the most difficult, yet most valuable discoveries one can make on a job search is figuring out how to apply their transferable skills to a new opportunity. This particular ability is especially helpful for people wanting to make a career change or those looking to enter the job market for the first time.
A transferable skill is any ability--whether it is a natural talent or acquired skill nurtured through employment, schooling, etc.--that can be used in multiple… Continue
Added by Pedro S. Silva II on October 5, 2009 at 4:00pm —
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In military terms, the Rules of Engagement determine when and how much force should be applied to a given situation. The amount of force applied varies with increasing intensity depending on the level of resistance that the troops are coming up against. An example of how to respond to a level 3 resistance according to the US Marines' ROE goes as follows:
You can imagine what a daunting task it is to write a blog on a topic that has generated enough books to pave the way from St. Louis to San Diego. However since this blog is another in the series of high level blogs on Recruitment Strategy Development, it must be done.
Is interviewing taken seriously in corporate America? If it were, hiring managers would be trained to be more effective in the interviewing process. As a matter of fact, trained and “certified” hiring managers from… Continue
Added by Bill Humbert on October 5, 2009 at 2:30pm —
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My kids have been caught up in the Michael Jackson tributes and my son in particular will harass me every day in the car... "Daddy, can you put on Michael Jackson please?"
I'm not sure how, but I didn't know this song. "PYT... Pretty Young Thing" it amused me. When I did a really, REALLY short stint as a R2R person, this is one of the key phrases one particular (short lived) client would use to describe what they wanted me to find for them. Sales history,… Continue
Added by Dan Nuroo on October 5, 2009 at 9:18am —
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As the economy improves, and more jobs become available, it is natural for employees to become curious about what other career opportunities are out there for them. This can cause concern for some employers. Retention thinking is something that should already be taking place in your organization, if not, here are some tips to start the process.
1) Allow your employees the opportunity to grow. Encourage continuing education, training… Continue
Added by Kunin Associates on October 5, 2009 at 9:07am —
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As many of you know, I have a weekly live webshow on MomTV Sundays at 9:00 PM EST where we talk about the unwritten rules of the job search. This week’s show was amazing and featured Geoff Webb, the Radical Recruiter. Geoff provided viewers some great information on how to reach hiring managers and recruiters using sourcing methods and other traditional methods.
Just to give you an insight into Geoff (@radicalrecruit), he has over 20 years of experience in recruiting and has been… Continue
For the good recruiters handling candidate experience is a natural talent. Some thing they do as part of the recruitment process with or without being conscious of it. A great candidate experience helps the recruiter in more than one way.
Better Screening
First of all, the candidate opens up more than he/she would usually do. So recruiter gets to know more about the candidate, his needs and aspirations, strengths & limitations, hot buttons or even red flags and this… Continue
The metric used to determine the price category ($$$ = high, $$ = medium, $ = low) is based on the average number of page views per job ad, as well as cost and duration (30 / 60 / 90 days). Internet traffic volume (*** = high, ** = medium, * = low) is based on metrics computed by Alexa, Compete and Quantast in September 2009.
Keen just completed leading another Certification in Employee Retention for NAPS, in the 16 hours of content course titled Talent Strategy 3.0 our seasoned search professionals were inspired, engaged and clamoring for opportunities to service their clients in a more strategic manner.
People always say when the student is ready the teacher appears, well this past week at the… Continue
Added by Margaret Graziano on October 4, 2009 at 12:20am —
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A couple of years ago, we spent New Years Eve in Thornton Park, at the end of Balmain, with a great view of the Harbour Bridge. We got there around 4pm, set up our chairs, and prepared to wait for the fireworks. There was about 100 people there, one of whom was a talker. He was floating around, talking to people, most of whom were doing their best to pretend he wasn’t there. He sat on a bench… Continue
I appreciate the opportunity to interview you and compare your skill set to the other candidates currently in consideration for our open technical management position. Please understand that I meant no disrespect or connotation of ill will when I stated that a background check is part of our employment screening process and typically adds a week’s delay to process. This is a statement I provide every candidate with whom I interview, and it is not intended to imply… Continue
Added by Suzanne M King on October 3, 2009 at 8:04pm —
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After attending an amazing blogging conference in Oklahoma called Throw Your Voice, I have been inspired by Jennifer James of And because of Jennifer, I am on a mission to find an authentic HR blogger in all 50 states. If you are interested in being featured for this project, please email me directly at with the subject line USA HR Blogger Project.
Please help me spread the word by posting this information on your website, twitter, and facebook to… Continue
When dealing with the ever-so-delightful contractor that helped us remodel our house most of the questions I asked him about how something was done were met with, “well, that’s industry standard”. What amazed me about this nearly daily occurrence is that he actually expected me to be satisfied with that. Granted if his business card and truck had some mention of ISO 14000 certification for all his work, then that would be an industry standard that I could accept. But it was not that. It was… Continue