Online recruitment has revolutionized the recruitment industry that benefits both employer and job seekers and ultimately accelerates the recruitment process. Thus online recruitment is the era of quick hiring where employers can get quickly the potential talent. Online recruitment today is indispensable for recruiters and employers who use job portals as the…
ContinueAdded by Emaan Ali on November 6, 2013 at 6:30am — No Comments
Please note this piece first appeared on The RecruitLoop Blog
I was trained from very early on never to ask a candidate a question about a their age, religion, marital status, or whether they might perhaps be suffering from a particular medical condition – despite what I may have be thinking…
Added by Paul Slezak on November 5, 2013 at 7:00pm — No Comments
Be a free thinker!!
Be a free thinker.. stop looking for something wrong and look for something right. For some reason it has become prevalent for staffing professionals (SP), and hiring managers (HM) to look at resumes and candidates trying to find something wrong, Trying to find a reason not to talk. Here is an idea try…
ContinueAdded by Dean Da Costa on November 5, 2013 at 6:39pm — 1 Comment
Employees are the cogs that keep company gears moving forward. It’s understandable that any business would want to keep those cogs well-oiled and optimized. Problems that an employee may encounter are also the company’s problems. That being said, employees are still people, and they have free will. Trying to control and manipulate them will end badly.
That point also holds true when it comes to social profiles such as LinkedIn. Companies are already attempting to dictate the content…
ContinueAdded by Adrienne Erin on November 5, 2013 at 3:42pm — 2 Comments
I moved away from agency recruiting 7 years ago. Why you might ask? Could I not hang or make the placements? Was I not able to bring in new clients? How about - Could you not close?
Answer: I was always a top performer and brought in so much potential business at the last agency I worked for that it positioned them for purchase. So this not it... not performance based.
I woke up one morning and asked myself why am I doing this? What do I really want to achieve? And I began…
ContinueAdded by Chuck Radcliff on November 5, 2013 at 3:14pm — 1 Comment
In this episode of "The Jim Stroud Show," Jim shares a cool google hack for finding new search terms. If you ever run out of keywords to use when looking for resumes online, this is a trick you will appreciate. Not only that, but you will also learn a couple of search strategies for finding free resumes. (Don't blink or you'll miss them.) Plus, Jim gets an…
ContinueAdded by Jim Stroud on November 5, 2013 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments
The role of a job recruiter can certainly be a difficult one. It takes a keen eye and a lot of know-how to find the perfect candidate for a position. Add "relocation required" to the job description, and the task gets even harder. It's difficult enough finding someone who has all of the right qualifications, let alone someone who is willing to move.
Photo Credit: Alyssa Burris
If you…
Added by Bridget Galbreath on November 5, 2013 at 1:00pm — No Comments
In September, I attended iCIMS’ customer advisory board and was incredibly impressed by the level of discussion around strategic talent acquisition and the best practices shared during the two day event. Below is a recap of my session on creating a positive new hire experience.
Year-after-year, onboarding remains one of the most popular topics we cover in our HCM research at Aberdeen. One reason is that onboarding is something that impacts everyone. As…
Added by Elise Jennings on November 5, 2013 at 12:30pm — No Comments
There have been two articles these past few weeks which prompted this post; one came into our email from Imriel Morgan at Talent Puzzle, referring to the fact that “Recruitment agencies can actually save you money!”(yes, you did read that correctly). Imriel, went on to say that “Having GOOD agencies in your arsenal can decrease the time…
Added by Michelle Ansell on November 5, 2013 at 11:30am — 4 Comments
Let's be honest with ourselves. All recruiters are using LinkedIn - whether they admit it or not. They won't be using it as the only search tool - or at least I hope they're not!
And when I say "all recruiters", I don't mean…
ContinueAdded by Martin Ellis on November 5, 2013 at 10:11am — 26 Comments
I’ve already talked about the importance of building a strong employer brand and how essential it is to carefully nurture the relationship with job seekers and employees in one of my previous blog posts. And I hope all businesses, no matter how big or small they are, are aware of the importance of investing time and money into building a great and attractive employer…
Added by Irina Nagy on November 5, 2013 at 9:00am — 1 Comment
With the rise of social media, the increased importance on employer branding and increasingly sophisticated sourcing tools and techniques, successful recruiting today requires increased complexity. As employers embrace these best practices, they've also increasingly embraced recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) as a core component of their core talent acquisition strategy.…
Added by Matt Charney on November 5, 2013 at 8:42am — No Comments
The big news in the last week seems to be that Facebook can tell you if your relationship is going to work. No, they're not clairvoyant, it's based on research from Jon Kleinberg of Cornell University surrounding something called "dispersion." Jon worked with Lars Backstrom of Facebook and researchers to…
Added by Crystal Miller on November 5, 2013 at 8:30am — 5 Comments
Taking a professional writing service needs a small investment in both money and time, but can boost your sales and incomes in the long time to a great extent. Following, there are the best five drives they can make available much higher returns than perhaps initially estimated:
1. Professional writing service providers make available content that is paragraphed according to most important rules or laws concerning a natural trend or the function of a complicated system of Search…
ContinueAdded by Maya Parj on November 5, 2013 at 2:50am — No Comments
The benefits of holding a college degree for a job-seeker are fairly obvious - August 2013 stats show that the unemployment rate for college graduates is just under 4 percent, compared to nearly 8 percent of those who only have a high school diploma and nearly 11 percent for high-school dropouts.
However, that only answers the question how much attending college should matter for…
ContinueAdded by Kelsey Castle on November 4, 2013 at 1:00pm — 4 Comments
Consultative selling, as a conceptual practice, has been around for more than a decade. However, is this what buyers really want? Do they merely want someone to consult with them, behave like a consultant, or even take a consultative approach with them? Last time I checked, consultants are still often accused of telling people what to do; most buyers aren’t interested in being told what to do.
This is why consultative selling is on the way out and Collaborative…
ContinueAdded by Scott Wintrip on November 4, 2013 at 9:15am — No Comments
Recruiting could be thought of as a fraternity. When you start out as a recruiter, you are a pledge. You have to earn your stripes. If you are smart, you will start with an agency. Recruiting is sales. It is highly competitive and there is no other place to learn the business than in an agency.
So, when you start your career in recruiting you have a…
ContinueAdded by Will Thomson on November 4, 2013 at 9:00am — 9 Comments
Passive job seekers aren't those who are lazy or disinterested. In fact, they're quite the opposite - they're too busy doing their job successfully to know that another company has their sights set on their talent. That's exactly what makes them so appealing.
For one thing, these candidates are currently employed. They're productive members of the workforce, gaining skills, experience, and education that could benefit your company. However, they're not the people who are searching job…
ContinueAdded by Kelsey Castle on November 3, 2013 at 12:30pm — No Comments
‘Objection! Leading the witness!
‘Objection! Speculation!'
‘Objection! Relevance?'
These lines are classic courtroom interjections I have heard in movie and TV dramas for as long as I can remember.
It's all designed to create greater dramatic tension. How true is it all to real life in a US courtroom? I don't know, as I have never been in one but I certainly enjoy watching the fictionalised courtrooms that the characters in the various…
ContinueAdded by Ross Clennett on November 2, 2013 at 10:35pm — No Comments
Whether you're starting your own business, changing careers, or just going off the job grid for a bit of soul searching, your financial situation is about to change - drastically. If you've decided you have enough money tucked away to take that plunge - or you want to get to the point that you do - a tighter budget is going to be your new reality. Consider the following while embarking on your new career journey.
You're going to need to reevaluate your media intake.…
Added by Andrew LIsa on November 2, 2013 at 3:30pm — No Comments
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