Recruiting Blogs (24,314)

Sales Intimacy—Scott’s Sales Yoga Thought for the Day

Having to tell my son, Ben, his dog had to be euthanized this past Tuesday is now on my top ten list of life’s crappy moments. Seeing him cry as he said goodbye to Max, yep, that’s on the list as well. That same day, a girl with whom he was starting a relationship suddenly ended their friendship by text. As Ben put it, “this day can’t get any worse.”

As a Dad, I want to shield Ben from these hurts in life. But I can’t, which really pisses me off at times! So I did the next best…


Added by Scott Wintrip on October 3, 2013 at 10:37am — No Comments

The House Always Wins: Cashing In at #HRTechConf

So, another year at the HR Technology Conference. It’s the chance to see the newest and greatest cutting edge technologies from vendors that were founded decades ago or ones you've already gone through an RFP with.  It goes to show the fact that while HR relies on technology to justify spend, for…


Added by Matt Charney on October 3, 2013 at 9:30am — 5 Comments

SourceCon 2013 - Day 1

The only thing cooler than having a conference in your home city is to have it hosted by your employer. I was lucky enough to snag a seat to the hottest sourcing conference around and the first time ever in Seattle. My day started out like any other, except instead of heading to my office I got to join 400+ recruiters and sourcers from across the country at The Mixer. Need a haircut? New…


Added by Amy Ala Miller on October 3, 2013 at 9:02am — 6 Comments

How to Build your Confidence Level !!

A general guidance any jobseeker gets before attending an interview is to be confident. A question which arises in the job seeker’s mind is whether it is really that important. Is it not enough to possess the skill set for the job and be good with your technical knowledge? There cannot be a one word answer to this question. These are actually inter-related matters. Sometimes you can be lucky to crack an interview…

Added by Neelam Mestry on October 3, 2013 at 8:31am — No Comments Appoints Matt Charney As New Managing Editor

New Haven, CT – October 2, 2013: RecruitingDaily, LLC announced today that it has hired Matt Charney as Managing Editor for RecruitingDaily LLC and Noel Cocca, CEO and…


Added by Noel Cocca on October 3, 2013 at 7:30am — 8 Comments


It is without a doubt something I greatly find incredible - there are few things in staffing more imaginable that can create maximum outcomes - in so many words bring to pass the hires, fills, offers, and matches that are necessary for staffing success.  What is it that creates this?  The Rascal Flatts have uncovered the very key with one word - UNSTOPPABLE.

During the 2010…


Added by Mike Rasmussen on October 3, 2013 at 3:32am — 1 Comment

SourceCon 2013 - Seattle Day 1: An Overview

For those of you who did not know Sourceon is here in Seattle or rather Bellevue at the Microsoft campus. Day 1 just concluded and it was a busy day filled with Networking and great speakers.

The day started off with Jeremy Roberts giving a state of sourcing address to the attendees. Next came a panel discussion with 4 of the tops in our industry Tito Magobet,…


Added by Dean Da Costa on October 3, 2013 at 2:30am — 1 Comment

HireVue Introduces Talent Interaction Platform and Partners with Sequoia in $25 Million Funding Round

New Offerings and Renowned Industry Partnerships Help Reinvent Work

SALT LAKE CITY – October 2, 2013 – Digital recruiting provider HireVue, today announced its expanded Talent Interaction Platform™. The cloud-based platform includes new offerings that help employers rapidly source top talent, evaluate candidates’ skills, and enhance the onboarding process for new employees. These capabilities augment the company’s popular screening and digital interviewing applications. The HireVue…


Added by Noel Cocca on October 3, 2013 at 12:23am — No Comments

The End of the Hunt- When it is Over

I have very fond memories growing up.  I had the best father and mother a child could ask for in parents.  My mother was always there for me.  She had a hot meal ready for our family every night.  We always had everything we wanted, and more than we ever really needed.  Both parents taught me morally what was right and wrong. My father taught me how to be a man and…


Added by Will Thomson on October 2, 2013 at 11:00pm — 7 Comments

Candidates Available (50/50 Split)

I have the following candidates who are looking for a new career home.  If you have a job opening and looking to do (50/50) split please contact me @


  • HR Director/Senior HR Business Partner (Natick MA) - over fifteen years of progressive human resources experience overall and currently a Principal Human Capital Consultant for a human resources outsourcing organization. …

Added by Susan Neal on October 2, 2013 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Sex, Race, and Generational Myths

Wintrip Consulting Group : Take No Prisoners

Take No Prisoners is a free weekly memo from Scott Wintrip that explores how Radical Accountability prospers companies and changes lives. Instead of taking people hostage with outdated, heavy-handed, and ineffective methods of management, measurement, and motivation, Radical Accountability focuses on creating an unwavering responsibility for getting what matters most done.

Black, white, gay, or straight, every individual is capable of being responsible.…


Added by Scott Wintrip on October 2, 2013 at 11:35am — No Comments

The Importance of Video in Recruiting

Check out iCIMS' latest blog post from iCIMS blogger Eileen Kern.

iCIMS has rolled out Video Cover Letter as part of our own hiring process, and as an organization we couldn’t be more excited about the results we’re seeing. Our very own technical recruiter, Nicole Tucker, gave a quick snapshot of…


Added by Elise Jennings on October 2, 2013 at 11:00am — No Comments

Netherlands, UK & USA Best Performing Countries Regarding Social Recruitment on Twitter (July 2013)

The infographic displays regional differences regarding the social recruitment performance on Twitter in July. We have tracked the data of almost every region that is available in the Social Recruitment Monitor™ and calculated the average …


Added by Vincent Rietveld on October 2, 2013 at 10:32am — No Comments

Thought Leadership for Lemmings

This industry of ours is fundamentally flawed, and the reason is simple: in a world where the barrier to entry is more or less a pulse, an entire category of “thought leaders” has emerged who, really, aren’t thinking about HR at all. Rather, their primary focus seems to be on creating problems which don't actually exist and making them seem pressing enough to spend money on.  I’ve written extensively on these topics, but I firmly believe that if HR in general,…


Added by Matt Charney on October 2, 2013 at 10:18am — 1 Comment

When Change Comes To Staffing

Much is good about change I must admit, but with it comes some very interesting tailwinds to your flight pattern.  It can take your best laid course and transform it.  It can add to your plate.  It can take it's course to different directions when a new leader arrives.  It can - and will form new business cultures.

Some may move in a direction that enables the crosswinds of your flight pattern, and staffing flight plan to find a course correction - which is needed of…


Added by Mike Rasmussen on October 1, 2013 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Diversity - Strategic Recruiting and Outreach

Rich Peterson's Ten Up and Down Sides for Diversity in the Workplace:

1.)        Upsides

a.)          Organizations that continue to hire, develop, and promote minorities consistently outperform their competitors in good economic times as well as bad.

b.)          Diverse workforces are better equipped to problem-solve and handle change.

c.)     Promoting diversity creates happier employees. Diverse teams are more creative…


Added by Richard Peterson on October 1, 2013 at 4:30pm — 13 Comments

High-Low Per Diem Rates Increase for Fiscal Year 2014

Recruiters who place traveling contractors should be aware that the IRS has increased the per diem rates for the High-Low Substantiation Method for Fiscal Year 2014.

Contractors may be eligible for per diem for travel expenses when working away from home. This is common for contract assignments when the work is far from the contractor's permanent residence and the contractor must maintain a second residence while on assignment.  

The per diem…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on October 1, 2013 at 12:38pm — No Comments

Methods for Talent Market Segmentation

Talent Market Segmentation is one of the key first steps in building a Sourcing Engine. You can’t successfully fill your talent acquisition pipeline if you don’t have a targeted outreach and networking approach.

Corporate recruiters face mountains of resumes, the result of posting job ads across the web. Who has time to go through all those applicants to find the few truly qualified candidates that your company needs to achieve its growth goals? Talent Market Segmentation…


Added by Steve Myers on October 1, 2013 at 11:30am — No Comments

Every job description online should have a picture in it

The web is a visual medium. We all love to see pictures along with a story so why dont we put more visuals into job descriptions? 

Its such as easy thing to do, or perhaps not since ATS's dont really let you upload an image. But employers need to start showing off their work environments is a more visual way since it can be a differentiator and a way to brand yourselves. This is especially true for companies who have that "cool" office space. 

Even the most mundane building can…


Added by Chris Russell on October 1, 2013 at 9:12am — 3 Comments

Hiring? - Time to fish in new gene pools...

Encouraged by a world that often doesn't look much beyond tomorrow, we often make decisions in isolation that seem a good idea at the time - only to regret them later. I understand the Danish perspective is that "at least when I wet myself it's warm....." (I find the Danes have a very pragmatic view on the…


Added by Martin Ellis on October 1, 2013 at 5:07am — No Comments

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