Recently, my organization went down the path of researching various vendors that can take our job application and make it accessible on a mobile device. There is only one problem - and it has us stuck! Our application (like many I have seen) is a long one with many required fields and lots of legalese at the bottom.
Some questions we are struggling with - would love your input and thoughts:
1) Would you complete a long application from your phone or mobile device? I don't…
Added by Molly on August 8, 2013 at 2:20pm —
Those of you with an iPhone or iPod Touch can now create visual job ads on the fly with a new app called InstaJob. It's available for download - $2.99 in the app store until August 31st when the price goes to $4.99. I've been working with employers like Amtrak on testing it and you can check out their Instagram…
Added by Chris Russell on August 8, 2013 at 11:30am —
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The steps, the paperwork, the bits of information, the calls and emails can start to pile up and get messy, fast. Streamlining the hiring lifecycle facilitates a better candidate experience. When a hire is done efficiently and quickly the candidate feels like they are in good hands from the get-go. Streamlining the hiring lifecycle also makes for a more successful recruiter or hiring…
Added by Raj Sheth on August 8, 2013 at 10:00am —
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Yuri Kozharov's HR & Recruitment News
Month-long Ad campaign Caused Internet Dating Enterprise eHarmony to Enter Recruitment Market: Yuri Kozharov's HR Marketing News
Breaking news, remember you first heard it from Yuri Kozharov:
For over a month I ran a cheap internet ad campaign, cost me 10 dollars, cause about 10000 ad impressions, 13 viewers clicked on the ad.
Google mailed me campaign report today. As you could spot at the picture,…
Added by Yuri Kozharov on August 8, 2013 at 9:47am —
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An emerging field called work-force science is flipping the script on what we think we know about candidate predictors. Work-force science is best described in a NY Times article: “It adds a…
Added by Angela Yu on August 8, 2013 at 8:30am —
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There are a number of reasons recruiters should add contract staffing to their service offerings. It helps you generate more placements. It provides a steady stream of recruiter income that can help you weather economic storms. And the placement cycle with contract placements tends to be quicker than with direct hires.
But did you know that contract staffing can actually allow you to save dying direct placement job orders? Consider the following…
Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on August 7, 2013 at 2:23pm —
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It isn't your age, race, religion, marital status, or sexual orientation that makes you unhirable -- those characteristics are protected by federal law. However, there are other factors that go into determining whether someone is employable, such as job history, personnel skills, and networking ability.
Whether you're a job-seeker wondering why you keep getting turned down for a job or a recruiter wondering if it's worth taking a risk of a potential job candidate, take a look at…
Added by Kelsey Castle on August 7, 2013 at 12:00pm —
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Take No Prisoners is a free weekly memo from Scott Wintrip that explores how Radical Accountability prospers companies and changes lives. Instead of taking people hostage with outdated, heavy-handed, and ineffective methods of…
Added by Scott Wintrip on August 7, 2013 at 10:29am —
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As a recruiter, you obviously understand the power of a great hire. While the best often come from referrals, it can be hard to get those referrals engaged in your recruitment program, especially for those who don’t work in-office. To combat these problems, many organizations are turning to mobile to make the referral process easier for everyone, including the new remote workforce.
This infographic, compiled by social employee referral management…
Added by Heather R. Huhman on August 7, 2013 at 9:29am —
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Video interviewing hit the sourcing and hiring scene with a bang. Tech tools that are actually relevant, useful and cost effective tend to do that. Video interviewing has made a big name for itself in the HR and recruiting space. When tools like this come along that save so much time and money, with little investment and training needed, professionals will grab on tight.
According to a PGI infographic, in the last two years, the use of …
Added by Angela Yu on August 7, 2013 at 9:00am —
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The company site is often the first impression for candidates. Aside from job listings and ads, this is the first place that candidates will get a glimpse of a company’s culture. Naturally, candidates will head straight for thecareers page, and quite often they’re…
Added by Raj Sheth on August 7, 2013 at 9:00am —
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Email correspondence excerpts:
- 'After many meetings with you and others, due to circumstances out of our control, Grigori Marinichev postponed signing of job offer; later you conducted further negotiations with Grigori not informing me of negotiations' status; negotiations with Grigori Marinichev were continued after your and other Dewey & LeBoeuf partners' move to Morgan Lewis.'
- 'I have discussed the matter with our management and General Counsel. Morgan…
Added by Yuri Kozharov on August 7, 2013 at 7:34am —
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Corporate recruiters without a talent pipeline are like groundskeepers irrigating a sporting field with a watering can. They simply ‘spray and pray’.
The explosion of social media platforms, particularly LinkedIn, has rapidly accelerated the ability for internal recruitment teams to build talent pipelines, making it easier than ever to simply ‘turn on the tap’ when a job opening comes in and watch high quality, validated candidates come pouring in.
‘Spray and Pray’…
Added by Jaja Bowling on August 7, 2013 at 3:34am —
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Do you hate conducting exit interviews?
You’re not alone.
Although most organizations conduct exit interviews, statistics suggest that as little as 15% feel comfortable with the process and trace any real value back to it.
For most, they bring up awkward memories of frozen smiling faces as an employee unloads what an awful time they’ve been having or the uncomfortable knowledge that something’s not quite right even though they claim everything was wonderful and they just…
Added by Jaja Bowling on August 7, 2013 at 3:17am —
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I really, REALLY hate the internet right now. I had just finished reading the latest in a string of bad advice articles (from “experts”, on LinkedIn of course) and my mother pointed out a RIDICULOUSLY inappropriate and unfunny Facebook status on my 16 year old son’s wall. (Yes, he had been hacked by one of his idiot friends. Yes, 16 year old boys have warped ideas about what’s funny. But it’s on the bleeping INTERNET, where your grandmother and just maybe future bosses can read it for God’s…
Added by Amy Ala Miller on August 6, 2013 at 8:51pm —
Here we go… another horrible example of the type of cold call/emails some recruiters are sending.
I’ve never heard of the recruiter that sent this - who according to their LI profile, has been an agency recruiter since 2008 and has a whopping 36 connections. I don’t recall having any prior interactions with their agency and don’t know how they have my email address. What I do know is this a one of the lamest messages I’ve seen in quite a while.
The email…
Added by Kelly Blokdijk on August 6, 2013 at 7:30pm —

Check out iCIMS' latest blog post from iCIMS guest blogger Mike McKerns.
Mike McKerns, SPHR is the Founder and CEO of Mamu Media, LLC and the Editor-in-Chief of their branded and custom magazines. He partners with HR thought leaders to help them and Mamu Media’s clients share…
Added by Elise Jennings on August 6, 2013 at 3:00pm —
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Time-to-fill and its associated costs are always on the minds of recruiters and hiring managers. The longer it takes to fill a given position, the higher the costs get. Productivity goes down, jobs are impeded and it can feel like everyone is breathing down your neck. Time-to-fill becomes even more important when…
Added by Angela Yu on August 6, 2013 at 12:30pm —
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The hottest commodity around -time. You can't save it or get it back and it most certainly doesn't grow. Staying organized and saving time is always going to produce better work. Time savers don’t have to be about cutting corners, they are about getting better at your job. Some time saving practices…
Added by Raj Sheth on August 6, 2013 at 12:00pm —
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As a job recruiter or headhunter, you have one goal: fill an open position with the best possible candidate. To do so, you
want to ask the right questions and get the right information to make an informed decision. However, certain laws -- including the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1991, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991 -- mean you have to…
Added by Kelsey Castle on August 6, 2013 at 12:00pm —
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