Recruiting Blogs (24,184)

Takeaways from HR Event in Silicon Valley

Last week we joined the Silicon Valley chapter of the NCHRA at Hakone Gardens in Saratoga, CA. The evening event billed as the Summer Social brought together members of the regional HR community including some interesting guest speakers and local vendors.

We want to quickly share some of our takeaways from the event.

Project Hired is a great organization and it’s time to get involved

For those of you… Continue

Added by Joel Passen on September 22, 2009 at 11:55am — No Comments

Zero Sum Game

One of the systemic errors that I see corporations and Recruiting departments making is that they are treating hiring as a "zero sum game".

The name comes from the fact that there are some games where the sum of the player's payoffs at the end of the game sum to zero. Poker is a good example. Imagine you and I play head's up poker. If at the end of the night I'm up $20 then, by definition, you are down $20. Our payoffs, plus… Continue

Added by Phil Haynes on September 22, 2009 at 11:17am — 2 Comments

My rant on PRIVILEGE

..Original Post..

We have all noticed HUGE changes in workforce dynamics over the years comparing generation to generation. Well here's a little story, hiding a rather large rant, I thought I would share.

I was having dinner with a group of friends back in March and as the discussion turned away from the failing job market and toward the… Continue

Added by Chad Sowash on September 22, 2009 at 10:00am — No Comments

Taking Time

Taking Time

We spend so much time as recruiters and salespeople in developing relationships with candidates that sometimes we forget just how far we can actually take that relationship – for mutual benefit.

1. Take time to explain what your firm offers but also listen to what your candidate wants.

When we speak with candidates and sell them on how wonderful our firms are, on how outstanding our processes are, and on how great it is to work with us – we as… Continue

Added by Jeffrey Burkhardt on September 22, 2009 at 6:43am — No Comments

{Test Engineer Jobs} Urgent Req: Senior Test Engineers (Manual)

Do refer if you know anyone who can join immediately

Systel is an IT Solutions organization, which offers a variety of products and services to premium customers globally. With its relentless focus on customer satisfaction, acquisition of the best DNA and robust processes, the company has moved from strength to strength expanding its offerings and customer base. We offer full life cycle of solutions to our customers from conception to maintenance.

Systel today has… Continue

Added by Sabareesh on September 22, 2009 at 5:35am — No Comments

Essentials for Success in Consulting

With a career span of 36 years in global IT industry gained from industry stalwarts like HCL India, HP, and Groupe Bull Middle East Vijay Kumar is a practising Consultant who helps his client companies expand their horizons, literally. Consult Genie gleans some first hand experiences from him to see what it is like to be a consultant:

Read full interview at

Added by Sia Collins on September 22, 2009 at 3:36am — No Comments

Have YOU been swimming naked?

Small glimpses of a recovery for both the Australian and UK recruitment industry may be coming into view, but times remain tight and recruiters have to scrap for every client, every order. One thing the recession has done, is highlight the paucity of true consulting skills across our profession. Years of talent shortages and desperate clients have allowed ‘résumé shufflers’ to succeed, even thrive, and the ability to actually connect with clients, service them as “trusted advisors” has been… Continue

Added by Greg Savage on September 21, 2009 at 10:19pm — No Comments

Is it time to de-sparkle your social profile?

An unnamed number of years ago when I ventured into my first social media outlet (the uber-trendy Xanga world that all the cool kids were into), it never would have dawned on me to include business associates and coworkers in my list of “friends.” I was fairly certain that these professionals weren’t all that likely to be interested in my ever-changing sparkly kitten-themed pages with 80’s hair band music, nor I theirs. And heart-wrenching public updates about how a certain dysfunctional family… Continue

Added by Michael Brandt on September 21, 2009 at 5:37pm — No Comments

BREW Support Engineer

I currently have an opportunity with a high priority telecom client for the position of BREW Support Engineer. The hiring manager is looking for a BREW Engineer with BREW development experience to expedite BREW Application development for Verizon Wireless products.

Job Description:

1. Functional testing of BREW applications for Verizon Wireless products

2. Support troubleshooting process for issues regarding BREW Development and Verizon Wireless

3. General support on… Continue

Added by Nikki Brown on September 21, 2009 at 4:39pm — No Comments

What Do You Really Want?

Dearest candidate,

In reviewing your resume and discussing with you your experiences and areas of interest, I’ve come to the determination that you seem to have a gap between what you have done, what you’re capable of doing and what you ultimately want to do.

Often times, I visit with professionals who don’t have a clear idea of what their true capabilities or strengths are. Your case is different. While you clearly know and can prove via your established track record what… Continue

Added by Suzanne M King on September 21, 2009 at 3:52pm — 3 Comments

The Breakfast Club for Job Seekers

The Breakfast Club

The New York Times recently covered a story on a “new species” of social clubs that have been popping up throughout the country. In light of high unemployment rates, job seekers everywhere have been forming clubs to cope, vent, and attempt to network their way back into the work force.

Job clubs, or what might be more appropriately deemed “jobless” clubs, are not an entirely new phenomenon, but their popularity has grown tremendously in 2009.… Continue

Added by The Execu-Search Group on September 21, 2009 at 3:28pm — No Comments

Keep your best employees as the economy recovers!

As I referenced in my free September newsletter (contact me if you are not already on the e-mailing list)...surveys of top level executives show that one of the biggest fears with the "down" economy is......what impact the recovery will have on their own staff!

It only makes sense that since many employees go into lock-down mode during a tough economy, as the market recovers and companies begin to hire again, employees become curious about checking out other options for career advancement.… Continue

Added by Trevor Smith on September 21, 2009 at 1:50pm — 1 Comment

The Nice Guy

"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice" was a sign a colleague of mine used to keep on his desk.

What a crock!

I should know... I've been labeled as this. Nice! It's horrible, and normally comes with the word "too" in front of it!

Being known as "nice" doesn't do ANYTHING for you in your career. Apart from give… Continue

Added by Dan Nuroo on September 21, 2009 at 10:30am — 9 Comments

Social Media Job Searching (Part 1)

Amongst constant media attention and countless blog posts, Social media is here to stay. And you better get used to it. I here a great deal of job seekers still asking “WHY DO I NEED TO DO THAT?” If that is a question on your mind or if you simply do not know how to get involved, this series is for you. The focus will be to understand the importance of social media in the job search and workplace environments, plus how to leverage that to achieve your next job or enhance your current… Continue

Added by Jason Monastra on September 21, 2009 at 9:46am — No Comments

Creative ways to pimp your job description

If you write a lousy job description, chances are you'll get a lousy response rate. Having run my own local job boards for the past 10 years I cant tell you how many times I've seen bad job descriptions.

Job postings should inspire people to apply, not the opposite. The branding you place on these 'mini-stories' should mirror your corporate culture and promote your company as a great place to… Continue

Added by Chris Russell on September 21, 2009 at 7:00am — 10 Comments

Are You A Jobaholic?

Find yourself drunk with envy at your highly successful working friends? Having trouble saying “No” to every network invite you receive? Tired of the rejection, invitation, rejection? Too busy counting the increase in the number of unemployed this week? Well, I’m sorry to say the diagnosis is in, you are a jobaholic! Obsessed, worrying about the job you have or the one you are about to lose. Don’t worry, there is a guaranteed 3 step program that will help you combat your addiction no matter… Continue

Added by Lisa Kaye on September 20, 2009 at 11:16pm — No Comments

Excerpts From Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich

The Power of Thought

Desire:The Starting Point of All Achievement

Faith: Visualizing and Believing In the Attainment of Desire

Autosuggestion: The Medium for Influencing The Subconscious Mind

Specialized Knowledge: Personal Experiences or Observations

Organized Planning: The Crystallization of Desire into Action

Decision: The Mastery of Procrastination

Persistence: The Sustained Effort… Continue

Added by Margaret Graziano on September 20, 2009 at 5:19pm — No Comments

This is your brain on HR

A human brain.

Image via Wikipedia

Bi-polar Functionality

Recently I have been working on an idea inspired by my attendance at the… Continue

Added by Michael VanDervort on September 20, 2009 at 9:40am — 4 Comments

Venues into the future; the future of Contact Information

The definition and very nature of contact information is changing.

Why is this important? If you are not able to connect with people, you cannot sell to them, you cannot recruit them, you cannot market to them. As I talked about in the video intro, things are changing. If there was a contact information historian, it would be me.

What gets me irritated is when something gets reported as the "next best thing", when in reality, it is simply, the… Continue

Added by Donato Diorio on September 19, 2009 at 11:57pm — No Comments

I’m sorry; you’re just interviewing me wrong

Years ago I had an interesting interview experience. It was very early in my career and the guy who was going to hire me asked, "What's two plus two?"

I hesitated, but only for a millisecond trying in that brief moment to figure out why he had asked. Then, almost in a 'what kind of idiot do you think I am' tone I replied "Four". Since he did not respond or nod right away I added, "Unless this is the kind of place where if you say it's five, then it's five. Or if the customer says… Continue

Added by Randy Levinson on September 19, 2009 at 11:41am — 9 Comments

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