It’s Friday. A day that many of us look forward to. A chance for people to wind down the week and prepare for the weekend. A time to ENJOY. But not for everyone…
8.5 Million Jobs have been LOST since the start of the economic downturn…
Added by Benjamin McCall on March 12, 2010 at 11:44am —
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A re-occurring topic of discussion in my world these days is how to attract good applicants as well as traditional application methods.
Surprisingly there are a lot of people in my industry as well as hiring managers out there who still believe in the old resume, cover letter, follow up call and interview for everyone, the same process for every applicant and for every position. They also believe that it is the candidate’s responsibility to know the accepted process and system and…
Added by Corey Harlock on March 12, 2010 at 11:03am —
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Given the current state of the economy, jobs are hard to keep and even harder to get. This is a time when a company's training department can come to the rescue. Often times, when layoffs are prevalent, there are fewer employees to do the same amount of work. When these situations occur, the training department must step up and organize frequent training seminars. This is a great way to train a large group of people in a more effective way.
However, some organizations feel that…
Added by Karen Bucks on March 12, 2010 at 10:00am —
In the past few weeks, the famous 1995 Newsweek article by Clifford Stoll entitled, “
The Internet? Bah!” has again made an electronic loop around the Internet. In this popular article, Stoll discussed all the reasons why the Internet would FAIL to reach its overhyped potential. Many of the key examples used in the article have not only proven to be feasible online, but are thriving examples of the…
Added by Omowale Casselle on March 12, 2010 at 9:34am —
1 Comment
The Jobs Bill won’t create many jobs. And you know what? It sucks. We’ve lost millions of jobs and this bill is not enough. Let me say it
again. Jobs-Bill-sucks-huge-big-time.
We have a solution that is so easy and so plain as day that it’s right front of your face. But we’ve become a bunch of corporate zombies
dragging our half-alive-half-dead-ass-carcasses to work we don’t even
see it. In our lives we have become quietly discontent. Focused…
Added by Michael Glenn on March 12, 2010 at 8:54am —
1 Comment
Little bit of psychology with this post. I’m a fan of this technique-affirmations and visualizations. This technique can be used by absolutely anyone!! There are many tools and techniques to create positive change and manifest the outcome of your desire. A large portion of the how we think is attributed to how one views situations and what one says to themselves.
Example- Which would you prefer to say to yourself? ‘I am going to ace this interview. I am confident and prepared’. OR ‘How…
Added by Lindsay Browning on March 12, 2010 at 5:31am —
Blimey, recruitment can be a tough business can't it! The last year or so has been a real challenge and having seen the use of recruitment agencies decline over the last 10 years (proportionately) - despite the overall growth in the market up to 2008 - its been on our minds that their must be a better way.
Given our business model hasn't changed since I popped out of the womb 40+ years ago I'm convinced it is time for change. For sure, continuing to try and compete in our existing…
Added by Gareth Jones on March 12, 2010 at 4:01am —
The Google Buzz is yet another innovative creation of Google in response to Twitter and Facebook. How is it better?
Well, firstly it has the convenience of, quite literally, being right there in your Gmail Inbox. Secondly, conversations are threaded and can also be made in private but most importantly, it doesn’t have a word limit like Twitter does. You own your content, choose and filter how you want to see your messages and it doesn’t crowd your inbox with notifications.…
Added by Hassan Rizwan on March 12, 2010 at 3:01am —
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I was asked just today to participate in a survey about HR as Leadership. The BIG question the surveying company is trying to drive at here is found as question number nine “Why do so few HR professionals attain the position of CEO?”…
Added by Randy Levinson on March 11, 2010 at 6:17pm —
International Recruiting/Sourcing…
Added by Dean Da Costa on March 11, 2010 at 1:30pm —
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A recurrent theme in blog posts and Tweets is that job boards are dying. Usually this is coupled with a prediction that they’ll be replaced by social media or Google. The popularity of this subject, in turn, spawns two questions:
- Why is this such a popular topic?
- Are job boards really dying?
Why is this such a popular topic?… Continue
Added by Eric Shannon on March 11, 2010 at 12:30pm —
As more and more traditional, full-time jobs disappear, more and more people will find work as soloists (freelancers, independent contractors, etc.). As a result, a funny thing happens to companies: they become much more dynamic and fluid. Instead of spending a large amount of time and resources finding people with a perfect set of skills, contacts, and experience, companies can solve their immediate needs by contracting with individuals, small firms, and boutiques.
Consider the…
Added by Jay Fenello on March 11, 2010 at 11:33am —
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I've been busy lately. As a result, the paying gig (workin' for the man) takes top priority. But that doesn't mean that I still don't get to do some cool things from time to time. Recently in…
Added by RecruiterGuy on March 11, 2010 at 10:00am —
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As our technologically-advanced recruiting world continues to progress, top talent is more easily accessible than ever before. With the click of a button you can find your next marketing specialist or c-level advisor. Well, that is, if you know where to look.
In recent news, social media sites, in particular social networking sites have seen extraordinary surges in usage levels. According to
Added by Karen Bucks on March 11, 2010 at 9:35am —
Following on from our last blog, we are looking at what makes you more employable in 2010!! Last time I talked about Self Awareness, today I am looking at #2 ADAPTABILITY!!
Our ideas at are from our experience, but in case you missed the last blog, the topic came up from an article written by Stuart Parkin1 and some further research: The University of Central England’s Employer Satisfaction survey2 and The…
Added by Stephanie Bressan on March 11, 2010 at 8:09am —
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Highly influential Boards such as those at GE and Google have always kept talent development in mind when looking at long-term strategy. The Boards of these companies have relevant expertise, but most importantly they have access to several key line managers (the succession pipeline) who provide the raw data needed to construct a long-term strategy. HireLabs study of a recent McKinsey survey has revealed a few very interesting facts about how more and more Boards are actively… Continue
Added by Saleem Qureshi on March 11, 2010 at 6:50am —
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After reading a few articles on the online branding , social media aspects of recruitment it seems to be candidates with either good marketing skills ( of themselves) or good software / design skills are starting to produce different types of CV's to stand out in the crowd.
For example CV Trumpet have produced CV Kit to enable a more consistent and logical format for applicants
with a money back guarantee which is interesting (
see… Continue
Added by tom on March 11, 2010 at 4:54am —
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This thing is just plain awesome, for us Federal Contracts Recruiters. Checkit...
guy said, "You'll be the talk of the audit with this fittingly
appropriate coffee mug." Ha!!!!!!!!! I'm probably going to score 3 of
Added by Christopher Weber on March 10, 2010 at 10:08pm —
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No get No getting away from it, your CV is a sales document. Instead of typing the words ‘Curriculum Vitae’ or ‘CV’ at the top, put in ‘Why You Should Hire Me...’ and see how you write it. There’s little point just creating a list of duties or responsibilities; you will not get hired solely because of what you have done, but more because of what you have achieved within those…
Added by Mervyn Dinnen on March 10, 2010 at 7:02pm —