In part 2 of my Sourcecon posts we will discuss the things that came from the Anonymous Track.
From Jim Schnyder’s Leveraging Linked Recruiter we gain the following tips, tricks or tools: Knowledge of the LIR premium insights, Search insights, Visual Capture ability, Competitive intel, and more. We learned about the LIR CRM capabilities, notes,…
ContinueAdded by Dean Da Costa on October 9, 2017 at 12:22pm — No Comments
There are some out there who think that recruiting is all about sorting through the incredible number of resumes, submissions, and contacts available.
Sorting is a minor first step. The real key is attention. Everybody is reachable in some way, but they aren’t all necessarily interested in engaging with you. You have to sort to find those with qualifications that may work, but you must gain attention to engage and have a potential candidate. Attention is the hard part and that is…
ContinueAdded by Todd Kmiec on October 9, 2017 at 9:40am — No Comments
What is passion? No, there is no need to search for a definition. I guess you know the meaning and importance of passion in your life. The word itself is efficacious enough to make you feel how precious your happiness in life is.
It's your fallacy that having a well-paid job is a key to happiness. Aphra Behn has wonderfully shown the picture of the society by saying “Money Speaks Sense In A Language All Nations Understand.” Here she has tried to tell that money is the only thing…
ContinueAdded by Sandy Dsouza on October 9, 2017 at 1:00am — 1 Comment
Times change and the old way doesn’t work any more, except when it does. Every industry benefits from modern advances, new tools, more efficient work, more focused work, etc…
A lot of the new is tweaking the old. Pitchers still pitch the way Sandy Koufax did. They may be stronger, better conditioned, and have tweaked and advanced some pitches but the motion and most of what they do is the same. You have to go really far back to see a significantly different basketball jump shot. …
ContinueAdded by Todd Kmiec on October 6, 2017 at 9:28am — No Comments
Are you one of the 61% of CEO’s that doesn’t have a social media presence? Hard to believe that many CEO’s don’t understand the importance of a social media presence for their personal brand and credibility.
It amazes me how many CEO’s, directors and business owners have little or a very poor presence on their digital channels, particularly LinkedIn…
ContinueAdded by Tanya Williams on October 6, 2017 at 2:56am — 1 Comment
Added by Shae Holland on October 5, 2017 at 5:22pm — 3 Comments
With possible tax reform looming, hopes are growing for real economic growth. It has happened before. Lower taxes pumping money through the system and driving growth.
The popular example is the Reagan Tax Reform in the 1980’s. There’s a real good case for something similar working, but we have to keep in mind that the baby boomers were hitting their peak spending years then and that played a big role in the growth that we saw. We may have some similar forces impacting things now…
ContinueAdded by Todd Kmiec on October 5, 2017 at 11:18am — 1 Comment
As we near the end of Septemeber we bring you some of the top upcoming HR eventsaround Ireland & The UK for the month of October. You might want to circle these ones on your calendar.
Added by Joanne McDonagh on October 4, 2017 at 11:48am — No Comments
According to some studies there is no difference in the results for students going to top 50 colleges versus those going to top 500 colleges. But the cost difference is enormous.
They don’t end up with better jobs, wealthier, happier, or healthier.
What about elite candidates? Will one of the most elite candidates far outperform those not considered to be at that elite level? Watch your wallet.
ContinueAdded by Todd Kmiec on October 4, 2017 at 10:01am — 1 Comment
What makes up the tech stack of the experienced IT recruiter? In this article, we’ve put together a list of tools from real practitioners and industry experts, namely:…
Added by Andrew Stetsenko on October 4, 2017 at 5:46am — 3 Comments
It’s popular in baseball these days to look for players that are like a Swiss Army Knife. They can do a bunch of things well.
On a baseball team that brings a lot of extra value to the table. You can play them in different positions so you can rest different players at different times. You can tinker more with lineups to find combinations that are more effective. You can plug them in to do little things in certain situations that have a big impact.
Like anything team…
ContinueAdded by Todd Kmiec on October 3, 2017 at 9:45am — 1 Comment
You can make writing your career. But the question is how you get started. If you ask professional writers,
they’ll tell you that you need to start somewhere. It can be anywhere. You can try reviewing books and submit your reviews to a local newspaper or a magazine. Better yet, you can start a blog. Although these methods won’t pay well, they can get your name in print. They can be a great step to something bigger and better. If your pieces aren’t published in a local newspaper or a…
Added by Julia Baron on October 3, 2017 at 6:38am — No Comments
Post Sourcecon Fall 2017 PT1
So Fall Sourcecon 2017 has come and gone and as you might expect it was awesome. Lots of great presentations which I will go over sin the coming weeks. The Location was great, we pretty much had the hotel to our selves. There were 5 tracks and the General sessions this year as they added a track for…
ContinueAdded by Dean Da Costa on October 2, 2017 at 12:35pm — 2 Comments
“Job Hopper” simply stated means a person who changes jobs frequently (typically every 2 – 3 years). Millennials in particular have been pegged as the noncommittal, wandering job-hoppers but a study by the Washington Post determined that millennials are changing jobs slightly less often than their boomer parents did at their age. Regardless of which generation is…
Added by Angie Barnes on October 2, 2017 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments
We haven’t seen significant economic growth for some time, but at some point we’ll see it. Hopefully soon. Whenever it comes, all boats will rise.
Strong growth brings more business to just about everyone. You can enjoy it and coast or use it to build. Going through a period of significant growth and not building the base, going deeper, generating growth in your business that will sustain, is wasting a great opportunity. One of the best opportunities that you’ll get for a long…
ContinueAdded by Todd Kmiec on October 2, 2017 at 9:52am — 1 Comment
Added by Alok Jain on October 2, 2017 at 3:30am — 2 Comments
Target is raising the minimum wage that it pays employees. Is the labor market finally getting tighter?
We know that unemployment is down, but with so many underemployed we haven’t seen any pressure to grow wages for a very long time. While minimum wage jobs are far different than the mid to high level salaries that really drive business conditions and prosperity, it has to start somewhere.
Watch for further wage growth creeping up the salary ladder to indicate some real…
ContinueAdded by Todd Kmiec on October 1, 2017 at 5:21pm — 1 Comment
You understand that the best resource your business has is your employees. When you find people who can work with your business culture and can contribute to the success of the organization, you have found a great thing. Recruiting good talent is a challenge. Keeping these individuals once you found them is even harder. The following are four tips that can help you when recruiting for a new business.…
ContinueAdded by Emma Sturgis on October 1, 2017 at 7:00am — 1 Comment
Recent SUV manufacturing plant closings have some people talking about a slowdown in auto manufacturing overall, a real bad sign for business conditions.
Or is it a shift? SUV’s are still popular, but maybe not as popular as we tend to think. If small SUV’s and other choices are becoming more popular, we may see plenty of business from auto manufacturing that is just shifting away from the bigger SUV’s.
We want the employment and business impact, so I’m hoping for shift…
ContinueAdded by Todd Kmiec on September 30, 2017 at 7:17am — 1 Comment
Recruiters are very hard to impress. They see thousands of CVs and talk with so many people that in most cases the candidates are simply seen as numbers. If you are interested in getting a job, there is a pretty good possibility you will need to impress a recruiter or at least the interviewer. How do you do this? Obviously, there is no recipe for success since different supply chain recruiters are going to look for…
ContinueAdded by Laura O. Tolentino on September 29, 2017 at 9:23pm — 1 Comment
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