I'm interested in speaking with an experienced Recruiting Manager who is experienced in technology recruiting and considering a change for an outstanding opportunity. I have that opportunity in upstate NY for someone a with a passion for HR and proven strategic recruiting process improvement experience.
Email me for more information.
Jim Sullivan
Added by Jim Sullivan on January 31, 2009 at 11:28am —
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As a recruiter, you sometimes may need to coach candidates on how to present themselves in the best possible light to a prospective employer. You know that this candidate is highly qualified for the position you are seeking to fill, but their resume and interviewing skills don’t show their full potential. Here’s a simple tool you can use to coach the candidate to shine.
In a recent post we discussed the difference between the old resume style and…
Added by Sean Harry on January 31, 2009 at 10:09am —
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Recruitfest is on and it's going down in Vegas this year! I haven't been to one yet but I know Jason Davis and the first thing that comes to mind is Burning Man meets recruiting.
I do know that the seed of Recruitfest was born from Jeff Hunters Talentunconference. This was a grassroots gathering of recruiting professionals and leaders. Instead of traditional presentations the focus was on learning organically from one…
Added by Steve Fogarty on January 31, 2009 at 1:57am —
1 Comment
TGIS [Thank Goodness, It's Sumser!]
Today John posts a flattering portrait of an obsessive compulsive.
Oh, it's me.
Digging Into RecruitingBlogs.com v2.05
Added by Amitai Givertz on January 30, 2009 at 11:30pm —
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I wanted to ask this to the recruitingblogs audience in order to see if I get the same sort of answers I got on Linkedin. Please answer with your initial reaction here before looking at the answers I am getting there. That way we can all test to see if the answers are different since they would be unprejudiced by the previous answers.
So, Should Junior Level professionals blog?
Assuming that one was beginning in a new profession and either knew quite a bit about one thing, or a…
Added by Chad Pursley on January 30, 2009 at 4:30pm —
1 Comment
Why is it that the most recruiters focus most of their attention on the need of their clients and give little time to the desires of the candidate? I know that the majority are taught how to take a detailed job order which will enable them to match a candidate’s skills to a vacancy and the better recruiters are competent in understanding the potential career opportunity available. Then, in my opinion, many recruiters lose the plot…. they go out of their way to sell the job vacancy to potential…
Added by Gavin Chase on January 30, 2009 at 4:05pm —
This blog post is for members of RecruitingBlogs.com that run recruiting related Ning sites.
I have been thinking about this for a long time and I am in the process of some major "housecleaning"
1. If you are the administrator of a Ning network and you come to
RecruitingBlogs.com in order to build your "friend connections" so that you can then invite them to join your own network, I will ask that you put a RecruitingBlogs.com…
Added by Slouch on January 30, 2009 at 3:30pm —
I'm not exactly one to break my arm patting myself on the back too much, but strive to work smarter all the time. The following are some of the reasons why I feel I am a smart recruiter.
Keeping my ATS up to date keeps track of candidates, interviews, etc. This is not the area in which I work hard to be organized. I strive to make sure I have control over the flow of my day as much as possible. I keep track of when I know I am most productive. During those times I…
Added by Gino Conti on January 30, 2009 at 2:27pm —
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I have grown weary of people writing or saying this...
...it is not a word!!!
Added by Steve Levy on January 30, 2009 at 2:02pm —
Lost in the overwhelming passing of the new
BARF (Bovinated Asset Relief Program) bill - there's more pork in this bill than on a pig farm - was
President Obama's signing of the
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. While I believe this bill is more fluff than substance - it promotes
voluntary compliance with anti-discrimination laws by employers -…
Added by Steve Levy on January 30, 2009 at 11:44am —
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I love the Super Bowl. I love it for the party with friends, the buffalo wings, the beer, the fact that the best in their profession get the spotlight, and I even love the game. The whole event is an American Institution. But the workaholic in me loves it as well. Our industry has a real history with the Super Bowl. Monster.com was launched into the national spotlight with Super Bowl ads. One of the great business risks and successes in history in any industry. Careerbuilder had some fantastic…
Added by Todd Kmiec on January 30, 2009 at 11:19am —
1 Comment
Some folks enjoy Gregg Easterbrook's writing and some don't. His lens is often the contrary view, which can be tiresome (like anything) if thats his only approach. OTH its a pretty good way of looking at things (per Socrates).
I am reminded by TMQ of my
never ending battle with Wendell Williams (and other Assessment mavens) that circles around the idea that individual…
Added by Martin H.Snyder on January 30, 2009 at 11:00am —
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Some quick thoughts on the really quite good -
Enhance Media's Online Recruitment - 2009 - The Year Ahead Conference.
Great turnout. With bad news aplenty in the industry, it's nice to be reminded that online recruitment advertising remains a massive opportunity (we still think at least £200+mm in the UK) with many smart people involved. Companies are still recruiting, but to a lesser degree, and there is greater pressure on them to be…
Added by william fischer on January 30, 2009 at 9:49am —
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Let's get straight to the point: Action is the only precursor to success!
So, here is a pithy way for you to get focus on your customer - and thereby be focussed on improving your business.
Take a leaf out of the book from Marriott: Imagine there is no desk. That's right, imagine, you no longer have a desk. What do you do? Well, how about understanding that in nearly all businesses, you do not meet new prospective buyers from behind your desk? You must get out and market,…
Added by Ric Willmot on January 30, 2009 at 5:30am —
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What was the story behind Jobs.com, prior to getting purchased by Monster. Anyone got some scoop, public or private?
Added by Jim Durbin on January 29, 2009 at 4:47pm —
I can't take it anymore! What the heck are all these candidates doing? In their desperation to find the next great opportunity, they are casting their net too far, too wide. I am becoming inundated with candidates unqualified for positions I've posted. And I only have a couple of posts out there, thank goodness!
One example is "mba requirement" and tons of bachelor's candidates flood in, a software sales opportunity and suddenly retail sales candidates are applying. I do not reply if…
Added by Annie Daub on January 29, 2009 at 4:46pm —
Wow - lots of action over the last day or so for Rick P. (Jack Roth?)'s new service to sell job leads to folks. The response hasn't been good for the most part and although he did open the can of worms, it still seems like a lot of negativity for one post.
Enough of the bad.
I have a new position to work on! Everybody knows that automotive companies have been slow lately so once I filled the last of my previously approved positions I thought it would be months until I got…
Added by Gino Conti on January 29, 2009 at 4:40pm —
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Hi Partners,
We have an urgent requirement to be filled out for the following position. Kindly forward any of your consultants who fit the bill.
Position: Hogan BA
Location: San Francisco, CA
•Heavy experience and exposure with Hogan (banking applications). (Minimum 3 to 4 years of Hogan experience client is looking for)
•Client is currently searching for Hogan Business Analyst/Consultants that have experience working…
Added by RT on January 29, 2009 at 4:37pm —
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On November 16, 2004, I wrote ERE's first blog post. I remember Manaster calling and asking me if I wanted to have a blog on ERE. I had been a rabid discussionnaire since the beginning and was never at a loss for words so I agreed.
Just so you can see how far I've come - or possibly regressed - here's my virginal post...
The Case for Character
Sometimes I think there are really only two questions that recruiters need to ask - sorry…
Added by Steve Levy on January 29, 2009 at 4:20pm —
Post Jobs to the New & Improved Wharton, Kellogg, Chicago, Stanford, Michigan and Columbia Job Boards at Once
Wharton, Kellogg, Chicago, Stanford, Michigan, Columbia and 50+ other schools have just unveiled a new feature for their MBA job boards called
MultiPost, powered by MBA Focus™, that will immediately advance the way recruiters find candidates and fill jobs.
What is MultiPost?
This new service…
Added by Ryan Pratt on January 29, 2009 at 3:41pm —
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